It's literally beat-for-beat the same sequence as Luke surrendering to Palps in ROTJ - even some of the dialog is the same.
Firstly, it's visually exactly the same as the battle of Hoth - visually "snow" planet, Imperials arrive after discovering where the rebels are hiding, trenches with rebels, wall of walkers, large rebel base with huge door, rebels take on walkers in small converted speeders, super-energy weapon (just swapped from rebel ion cannon to Imperials "door-buster") snowtroopers follow black-clad helmeted villain in to search the base after the battle..... etc
Second, there is no battle on Crait.

Neither the brief/abandoned "attack" on the walkers using the speeders, nor Kylo dancing around Luke's apparition even come close to qualifying as an actual "battle."
As stated above, there was no fight. Luke creates a holographic ruse - so it's a fake-out the entire time. Maybe he humiliates Kylo with a clever trick, but it's not a "fight."
Seriously - if I challenge you to a fight, and you show up and take swings at what you think is me until you are exhausted and slip onto the floor - then it becomes clear I was using mirrors to create a 3D image of myself and was never really there, did we "fight" in your mind?
Maybe I outsmarted you, or made fun of you, but we didn't "fight." Right?
But it's a force power that's dogged by so many questions that nobody officially or even on here can adequately explain it: the need for silly mental gymnastics and Leland Chee-isms to explain why no one ever used the power before, or even the BASICS of the rules; like what actually kills Luke (too much time spent doing it, or just doing it at all.)
It's that incredible murkiness that totally unravels any coolness this "new force power" might have generated, and yes, it could have been cool.
You can see that even the LFL "gurus" like Pablo Hidlago and Chee have been unable to come up with a scenario of what actually killed Luke (hint: the "too much time he spent doing it" makes no sense at all because of what Luke does in the sequence, even though that's what LFL seems to have settled on)
Because it's the only way to make the "fights" have some feeling of drama or importance - what's actually going on lacks all of that. They are both "fanboy" types (Rey for OT heroes, Kylo for OT villians) and there is never a shred of doubt that Rey won't even be injured and will prevail - because she can do anything. So you have to place these "duels" in a visually arresting context.