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I do share people's disdain for a lot of the decisions in The Last Jedi but, like you, i always gave the movies a fair shake.
I can see where people are coming from with problems concerning Rey(I have to admit that before TFA was released, i didn't even know the term "Mary-Sue"), but in my mind, if Luke can go from being a moisture farmer one day, to flying an X-wing the next, then I was able to believe that Rey could do the things she did in TFA. Luke was just as much a Mary-Sue as Rey was.
People forget that Luke had NO IDEA what the force was in ANH. He had to be told everything. And most of his problems during training were centred around his belief that these powers were unbelievable. Yet by the end of ANH he realises it's a power he holds.
Rey knew about the force(Maybe not much, but she knew of it), and the Jedi. I just liken it to someone coming along and telling you that you have inherited superpowers that you were previously unwaware of. Once you know, you'd be open to doing all kinds of crazy things. If anything, Rey, having heard the "myths" about Luke, has a step up on what the Jedi might be capable of. You can only imagine the "cantina stories" floating about on Jakku about the feats Luke accomplished(Real or imagined).
I just think that in a galaxy where people can move rocks with their minds, the term mary-sue doesn't apply, simply because of the phenomenal powers people can have.
And i love the character of Rey, regardless of the haters.
Star Wars is so cool. Even Rian Johnson can't ruin that for me, lol.

But Luke had an honest to God Jedi master teaching him... Actually two including Empire. He started off with baby steps.. It was mentioned that he was already a good pilot and it took Ben Kanobi to tell him to use the force... Not too mention that Luke's aunt and uncle got killed, Ben Kanobi had to save him in the bar, he got R2 shot, losgt his best friend, and had to be rescued by Wedge.

In empire he could barley get his saber out of the ice, had trouble lifting a rock and R2 while doing a handstand, could not lift the falcon, failed to save his best friend, and got his ass kicked by Vader.

Rey just not only good at all things... She was really good. Talking to droids, Using Jedi Mind tricks, flying the Falcon (she had no idea how she did it remember), understanding Wookie (apparently everyone can now though), and kicking the ass of a Jedi who had been trained since being a kid.

In TLJ she was at least Kylo's equal, out smarted Luke in a fight, lifted a ton of rocks easily, and was great in a flying fire fight also.

Before we found out that she was a relative of possibly the greatest user of the force in the galaxy we thought that maybe was a nobody... No training, no mentor... Thus a Mary Sue.

TROS saved her character and the series for me because of this revelation.
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Not all of it apparently.

Pieces got blasted all over the system I guess. :dunno

Like most I naturally assumed that they were back on the same Endor moon as ROTJ and honestly since the film doesn't openly state otherwise if you think the idea of pieces being on an ocean moon are stupid you can just as easily assume that the film (which is the only canon that really counts) simply implies that the Forest Moon has an ocean somewhere.

Now that I think of it they probably created a new moon since Ackbar's Endor hologram in ROTJ did show it at length from multiple angles with no appearance of any oceans. Since the ocean would have to be facing the DS it also should have been visible in planetary shots like when the Shuttle Tydirium was approaching.

I always assumed it was the Endor planet itself. I didn?t see anything there to make me think it was a forest moon.

Also apparently endor had nine moons with the forest moon becoming the most famous due to the events in ROTJ

According to wookiepedia anyways
Not all of it apparently.

Pieces got blasted all over the system I guess. :dunno

Like most I naturally assumed that they were back on the same Endor moon as ROTJ and honestly since the film doesn't openly state otherwise if you think the idea of pieces being on an ocean moon are stupid you can just as easily assume that the film (which is the only canon that really counts) simply implies that the Forest Moon has an ocean somewhere.

Now that I think of it they probably created a new moon since Ackbar's Endor hologram in ROTJ did show it at length from multiple angles with no appearance of any oceans. Since the ocean would have to be facing the DS it also should have been visible in planetary shots like when the Shuttle Tydirium was approaching.

The whole thing is confused because "forest moon" and "ocean moon" infer very little ocean and very little land, yet in checking the FX model of the Endor moon they used in 1982, it clearly shows maybe 1/3 of the Ewok-inhabited moon being ocean, and the TROS heroes clearly are on land - ie they aren't on barges/ships on some kind of ocean-only surface as they view the DS wreckage.

And both the ROTJ FX shots and Ackbar's 3D computer model show the DS in very close orbit to the Ewok moon, and nothing else - even the planet Endor itself - visible at all. So the idea that the majority of the DS wreckage would somehow end up some other distant moon and not on the moon its shown so close to is incrtedibly silly.

My guess is they didn't want to deal with the TROS leads encountering/interacting with Ewoks, so they twisted the logic matrix to place the wreckage on some other moon, even though it makes no sense at all.

But hey - Palps' chair survived, so we are in a different logic universe here.:lol
But Luke had an honest to God Jedi master teaching him... Actually two including Empire. He started off with baby steps.. It was mentioned that he was already a good pilot and it took Ben Kanobi to tell him to use the force... Not too mention that Luke's aunt and uncle got killed, Ben Kanobi had to save him in the bar, he got R2 shot, losgt his best friend, and had to be rescued by Wedge.

In empire he could barley get his saber out of the ice, had trouble lifting a rock and R2 while doing a handstand, could not lift the falcon, failed to save his best friend, and got his ass kicked by Vader.

Rey just not only good at all things... She was really good. Talking to droids, Using Jedi Mind tricks, flying the Falcon (she had no idea how she did it remember), understanding Wookie (apparently everyone can now though), and kicking the ass of a Jedi who had been trained since being a kid.

In TLJ she was at least Kylo's equal, out smarted Luke in a fight, lifted a ton of rocks easily, and was great in a flying fire fight also.

Before we found out that she was a relative of possibly the greatest user of the force in the galaxy we thought that maybe was a nobody... No training, no mentor... Thus a Mary Sue.

TROS saved her character and the series for me because of this revelation.

The thing that bothered me about all the criticism of her abilities in TFA was that people made it sound like she lived under a rock all of her life on Jakku. It was evident from the start that (a) she was a clever & diligent scavenger, (b) she was quite capable of defending herself with her staff (which would translate to fighting with a lightsaber), and (c) she could speak to BB-8, so junk boss Unkar Plutt must have provided her with some opportunity to educate herself vis-a-vis droids in and around Niima Outpost. Furthermore, she wasn't doing all that well against an injured Kylo at the end until she opened herself up to the Force - and that only occurred because Kylo seemingly paused his attack in the hopes she'd accept his offer to teach her. If not for that, he likely would have pushed her into that newly formed chasm.

As for her Jedi mind trick I agree that was a bit much, but I suppose her success fending off Kylo's attempt to probe her mind for the map opened her up to the possibility of it working.

But yes, I can see how her being a Palpatine would retroactively make a lot of these things easier to swallow.
The whole thing is confused because "forest moon" and "ocean moon" infer very little ocean and very little land, yet in checking the FX model of the Endor moon they used in 1982, it clearly shows maybe 1/3 of the Ewok-inhabited moon being ocean, and the TROS heroes clearly are on land - ie they aren't on barges/ships on some kind of ocean-only surface as they view the DS wreckage.

And both the ROTJ FX shots and Ackbar's 3D computer model show the DS in very close orbit to the Ewok moon, and nothing else - even the planet Endor itself - visible at all. So the idea that the majority of the DS wreckage would somehow end up some other distant moon and not on the moon its shown so close to is incrtedibly silly.

My guess is they didn't want to deal with the TROS leads encountering/interacting with Ewoks, so they twisted the logic matrix to place the wreckage on some other moon, even though it makes no sense at all.

But hey - Palps' chair survived, so we are in a different logic universe here.:lol

I think you suffer more than C3PO lol

Ok my show is about to start after the 9 trailers and commercials.


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The thing that bothered me about all the criticism of her abilities in TFA was that people made it sound like she lived under a rock all of her life on Jakku. It was evident from the start that (a) she was a clever & diligent scavenger, (b) she was quite capable of defending herself with her staff (which would translate to fighting with a lightsaber), and (c) she could speak to BB-8, so junk boss Unkar Plutt must have provided her with some opportunity to educate herself vis-a-vis droids in and around Niima Outpost. Furthermore, she wasn't doing all that well against an injured Kylo at the end until she opened herself up to the Force - and that only occurred because Kylo seemingly paused his attack in the hopes she'd accept his offer to teach her. If not for that, he likely would have pushed her into that newly formed chasm.

As for her Jedi mind trick I agree that was a bit much, but I suppose her success fending off Kylo's attempt to probe her mind for the map opened her up to the possibility of it working.

But yes, I can see how her being a Palpatine would retroactively make a lot of these things easier to swallow.

I dunno - a lot of that has to do with a product aimed at a different generation (even if that generation isn't the actual paying audience.)

Because of the internet in their pockets, and no need for teachers or any real wisdom to be the next global phenom, young people today expect heroes to be Mary Sues (though they'd never use that term.) They don't see it in that "she does all this without instruction at all?!" way - she just "is" this mega gifted/chosen entity, just like the way that the taregt audience member sees themselves.

Luke may have had lineage and natural aptitude, but he was pretty much a normal guy. He seemed to know and be able to do not much more than an average farm boy from Iowa. And that was his appeal - but times have changed a lot.

Personally, I didn't even really understand who Kylo really was - a pouting Emo who had some force abilities (and had been given this black suit by someone) or this trained, massively powerful force user. The whole thing was sort of unclear for me from the start so I really didn't dwell on the Rey Mary Sue thing that everyone latched onto. The whole storyline was so muddled and uninvolving to me - at best, directly derivative of the OT, but beyond those elements (which yes, were fuin to see reused) really nothing in the way of a mythic, deeply involving journey like the OT was.

But I'm not of that target generation - I like to see someone as normal and relatable as possible for me to engage, but young people today think differently.

I think you suffer more than C3PO lol

Ok my show is about to start after the 9 trailers and commercials.


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Yup, hoping for a ST memory wipe some day.:lol

Wait - are you on this forum on your phone as you're sitting in the theater? We're kinda there with you? You should livestream it or whatever people do and we can comment on it as it goes.:rotfl

"Not youuuu"
"Oh godddd"
"****k youuu"
Who are these people that yell at movie screens and why am I glad I don't share a theater with them?

I think it’s an American thing. In the UK, you’d get thrown out of the cinema for talking.
People here get annoyed when someone coughs.
I’m always amazed when people on here say that members of the audience cheered during a movie.
No-one would do that in the UK. Or at least I have never witnessed it.
I think Lucas should have co-directed the ST. With Abrams directing actors. We already know how much story falls apart with Abrams. We also know how horrible Lucas is at directing actors - in the PT they came across as cardboard stand-ins (they had moments in 2, and 3 they were significantly loosened up - probably didn't care by then). Lucas and Abrams together could have made a passable ST, and it probably wouldn't have had quite as many inconsistencies. Or maybe get some directors from the current Star Trek series. Star Trek has its consistency issues, but at least THEY still try... even if they did create a new timeline.
Looks like the official comics teased that Snoke was Palpatine back in September:


It just hit me that I'll always partially have RJ to thank for Palpatine's return and us getting the "proper" end to the Saga (IMO.)
I think it?s an American thing. In the UK, you?d get thrown out of the cinema for talking.
People here get annoyed when someone coughs.
I?m always amazed when people on here say that members of the audience cheered during a movie.
No-one would do that in the UK. Or at least I have never witnessed it.

Yes. It is an American thing. Almost every Star Wars movie I?ve been to in the theatre has inspired clapping, laughter, and cheering. From the originals to the special editions to the prequels there has always been cheers during the 20th century fanfare through the opening crawl. But not with the sequel trilogy.

There were no cheers when the Lucasfilm logo came on screen and no cheers when the Star Wars logo blasted in your face with John Williams score. I did not hear any laughing at the jokes nor did I hear any clapping during the movie or after the credits rolled. It was an eerie feeling indeed to NOT hear those audience participation check points.

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