Broke and happy
So according to the leaks JJ turned in a 3 hr 2 min cut and then Disney said make it shorter. So then his "final" cut was 2 hrs 37 minutes and then Disney surprised him by premiering the 2 hr 22 minute cut that he didn't approve or apparently have any part in. While both the longer versions sound like they had some truly awful scenes I've got to wonder how much of the space battle got the axe as well when Disney was trimming that run time.
Also if it is indeed true that even the mighty JJ Abrams had the film taken away from him at the end I absolutely can't imagine any top tier directors ever saying yes to a SW film from here on out ever again.

And it needs answering, because right now I'm thinking you're simply a mean drunk, and that....does not.....compute....
I needed a drink after TROS lol
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