Some of my ramblings on this subject...
So Supershadow's back, eh?
I think the story's a croc o s**t...
I don't think Lucas is planning the mythical "next trilogy".. He's got two television projects to keep SW going as it is...
And with the new "Indy" finally in "go" mode...well, there's Ford revisiting an old character right there. And Lucas himself so much as admitted that the new "Indy" is going to suffer from "Phantom Menace" syndrome...say what you will about that movie (I liked it), but it had all those years of hype and expectation behind it and it wasn't what alot of longtime fans were expecting so, despite it making $400mil plus in US dom, it's still considered a bomb by some.
Sound familiar? It will...around the time "Indy IV" makes it's debut...mark my words, critics will savage it, fans will blast it and it'll make $300+ mil and still be considered a least Lucas will get his production investment back, Spielberg's studio will make a handsome profit & Ford can take his big check back to the ranch and buy Calista a tic-tac for dinner.
Sorry 'bout the ramble, but...bottom line...the only "Star Wars" sequels we're getting are the animated "Clone Wars" show and the live-action show that may start production sometime this century...
You want Han Solo...gotta stick with the (increasingly unreadable) books that keep coming out...
What figure was this thread about again?