Darthrazz said:SuperShadow is still around???
There will always be a "SuperShadow" in the world.
dekadentdave said:Supershadow may be full of it but he's still entitled to free speech.
The very unfortunate flipside of our freedom.
Darthrazz said:SuperShadow is still around???
dekadentdave said:Supershadow may be full of it but he's still entitled to free speech.
dekadentdave said:Supershadow may be full of it but he's still entitled to free speech. It just breaks my heart when I see people actually believing in his BS.
congerking said:Read this and you'll have your answers about supershadow.
LOTRFan said:DD showing his sensitive side.
Memnoch21 said:come now, i think we all know Lucas is an outright liar when it comes to what he plans to do next. He said he would NEVER release any version of the unaltered movies again. What do we have on DVD (quality issues aside)? Werent there magazine interviews at one point where he said 9 movies, then denied he ever said it? With Lucas you never know.
dekadentdave said:My inner-Kurgan was sleeping. I remember Mr. T's. They tasted like Cap'N Crunch! Mmmmm.
KitFisto said:True, you never know, but at Lucas' age I don't think you'll ever see more SW movies. Especially 7,8 & 9. That would be another 9 years from start to finish.
I also don't see him ever turning it over to someone else to make more movies.
Outlander said:"I think the secret to the future is quantity."