Star Wars: The Acolyte

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I like how this dude is patting himself on the back for predicting this back on June 6th. Well I predicted way back on June 5th (see post #996), so

Yeah, but in the end, it's all so revolting:yuck

'Coz the leak locks in, from a narrative standpoint, a boringly fan fiction ending. It doesn't matter how the twins end up, whether they both sacrifice themselves, one of 'em dies (like Kylo keeling over for no reason, really, my theater actually laughed at that), or they become a "powerful diad" even tho one of them is a psycho murderer.

~ 200 million dollars down the drain.

Jennifer Lopez Money GIF by Hustlers
~ 200 million dollars down the drain.

According to this Forbes article it should've cost even more.

As Mr H Reviews put it in his video covering this, "For all the virtue signalling..."

Disney Forced To Reveal Unequal Pay On Star Wars Show ‘The Acolyte’​

Caroline Reid
Senior Contributor
I cover the entertainment industry focusing on movies and theme parks.

Documents filed by Disney have revealed that its latest Star Wars spinoff series The Acolyte isn't a force for equality despite famously featuring a female-centric cast.

According to the filings, in early April last year, when production of the streaming series was still in full swing, just 30% of the 695 employees are women. Across the entire workforce, women's average hourly pay was 19.4% lower than men’s.


The Acolyte - a 💩 show that keeps on giving.
Disney attacking the fans is a very bad mistake on their part and its just escalading the feud. They just underestimate the level of austism the pissed off nerd community can be. Finding that they pay the female actors less is just the beginning. Its a war they can't win.
Even if you hate this show, try not to get spoiled....there were some fun surprises. seeing obnoxious characters I didn't like get brutally murdered!! Neat! I honestly didn't see it coming. Three episodes to go and they actually went and killed Shirtless Jedi! And they even killed little sassy Girl Boss Jedi.....MAYBE. Yes, she was stabbed three times by a lightsaber, but we all know that means nothing in Disney SW land.

Man, it would be so nice to see the green lady get it next.

Ice cold how Sol just left their mangled bodies all splayed all over. Yeah, maybe he didn't have time to get their bodies off world or anything, but you think he'd at least take a moment to straighten them out.

The first half of this episode was as slow as molasses. Even with all the fighting, NOTHING happens, nothing is said. It's pure filler. I think the TPM saber fight can rest easy that's it's still the best.

Second half was better. Still dog ****, but better.
The episode was amazing.
I’ll give LH credit, she
staged some excellent lightsaber action, but the lightsaber as a hair styling wand was laugh out loud ridiculous and the deaths of all the redshirt Jedis carried no impact as none were afforded any character development. The deaths of shirtless Jedi and Replacement Palawan had only slightly more emotional weight. Also, there’s no way that Jedi Master Sol shouldn’t sense that Mae is not his former padawan. That hasn’t played out yet so perhaps he does know but it seems we’re to believe that the Sith Master can’t sense the twin switch either.
Speaking of the Sith, I will say that Manny Jacinto was superb and he was the best part of this episode, with the Mae/Osha actress being the weak link. So while easily the best episode so far, it doesn’t move the needle enough to get one’s hopes up
Not to mention Shirtless Jedi using the lightsaber as a flashlight in the woods...come on man...that's not what it's for! Someone's gonna get hurt!

(I still hate yellow lightsaber blades. It's so wrong.)

All the sabers look really off-model too...big giant hilts and the blades are all thick like those dumb foam swords you get cheap at Wal-Mart.

I was eye-rolling pretty hard when the little tiny girl in the horrible mullet wig goes all Girl Boss by swinging around the Wookiee's discarded saber.....I mean...come on.....the hilt alone was probably the size of her leg!

I mean, what are we to believe, that this is a magic lightsaber, or something? Ha ha, boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.

But then
she immediately gets triple-stabbed so I was like "Damn! Girl Boss no more!" I swear....if she just shrugs it off like every other female lightsaber stab victim and shows up in the next episode NOT dead....nah....I think they really killed her.
WTF did I just watch.

Am I finally dead?

Am I in a purgatory torture of endless nonsensical dialogue that goes nowhere and says nothing.

Did Osha trip on a dead body and act surprised when she saw it but then the camera cuts to a far shot from above and this dead body was on a clear path right in front of her! :slap

Does Osha and Mae keep tripping and falling on a flower that puffs out a mist over and over and over again with no significance whatsoever.

Did I just witness editing that is more clunky than a Ford transmission.

Was that the same forest from the set of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood?

Did we just learn that the Sith guy main gripe is that he just wants to live his life his way and be left alone so that he can find a loyal pupil.

Did he really just say “I’m what you might call…a sith!”

Didn’t Mae just proclaim in the previous episode that she was now going to help the Jedi! Not what she did at all lol

Is the heart and soul of the entire series resting on the shoulders of Mae just wanting her sister back?

Excuse me but I have to go watch horses on star destroyers to feel better.
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Prequels: "Siths are extinct. No Sith around for about 1000 years. Yep, I'm sure".

Acolyte: "... oh, except that one who a not that long time ago slaughtered dozen of masters and a bunch of padawans. Yeah, but that's really it, I promise.".

BTW isn't Sol supposed to be able to read the mind, got jedi sense or whatever so it shouldn't be possible to trick him into "I'm my sister, I even got lightsaber haircut"?
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