Star Wars: The Acolyte

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You just know the backlash is only justifying their fragile persecution complex. This is the kind of reaction that self perceived 'victims' thrive on.

They're fighting the good fight in their eyes.
I have met a few people like this. Spot on.

My mother used to say of one "she is only happy when she is miserable".
Acolyte fans: "To arms! We must flood Rottentomatoes with positive reviews of our own!! We will--"

I was reading through reviews of both Acolyte and the Boys s4 and most of the 10 star reviews were stating as much.
Acolyte fans: "To arms! We must flood Rottentomatoes with positive reviews of our own!! We will--"
:devil Deep down, LH and Mz. Jiggle-jiggle are awake at night, realizing (search your feelings, you know it to be true:monkey2) that the "communities" haven't turned out to support this &^%$:poop:.

Death What GIF
It's kinda sad.

SW is such a huge sandbox to play in, there is room for a LGBTQ+ story, a spy thriller, another swashbuckling space opera or just about anything in between. It just needs to be well written. Andor proved that, R1 proved that, Mandalorian (at least the two seasons I watched) proved that. All slightly different genres within the SW universe, all well written, all successful.
But every time the inclusion/diversity/gender topic is the focus, they lose sight of the actual quality of the writing, apparently paying more attention to including the "message" they want to communicate rather than having it live within a good piece of entertainment.

It makes me think about Don't Look Up, which wasn't bad, but it was just too in your face with its message. I remember a headline that said it was this generation's Dr. Strangelove, completely missing the point of just how superbly written Dr. Strangelove is.
I read this somewhere (might have been on here), but since 77 what are the first words that introduce SW -

"A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away."

Since reading that, all it's done is made me realize how ******* stupid KK and all the dumbasses at Lucasfilm are... A long time ago, in a galaxy, far far, away, has nothing to do with "modern audiences" and their hangups.

It's basically the perfect introduction line into a fairy tale. Not a documentary about a bunch of real-world numpties with endless issues that need to see themselves on screen to feel whole.

It's supposed to take you another place that isn't related to our idiotic world and make you escape the mundane of day to day life... and hopefully... maybe... even make you feel happy watching it.

Clueless ***** :slap
Yeah, I saw the leak too. So original..... :ohbfrank:

At least it's better than all the other "Shock" reveals KK tried in when the helmet came off and it was a, :horror.... female.

Now the next laughable part will be his back story..... Can't wait to see how inventively creative that story goes... :lol
Yeah, I saw the leak too. So original..... :ohbfrank:

At least it's better than all the other "Shock" reveals KK tried in when the helmet came off and it was a, :horror.... female.

Now the next laughable part will be his back story..... Can't wait to see how inventively creative that story goes... :lol
Well, obviously he was a member of an all male wizard Sith coven but then the Jedi turned up and killed everyone when master Yoda accidentally started a fire with a cigarette butt. He vowed revenge after seeing his 2 dads and twin brother were dead.
Nasty internet trolls spoiling Headland's work of art. :(:angryfist:


I don't care tho. :toilet_cl

At least it's better than all the other "Shock" reveals KK tried in when the helmet came off and it was a, :horror.... female.

Now the next laughable part will be his back story..... Can't wait to see how inventively creative that story goes... :lol

What back story...unless it's part of a "community" all the "outsiders/others" are inherently evil, 'coz of their parts. :monkey3
manly GIF

My feelings are that Skeleton Crew will be the 1 that brings your Country together again.

Well, yeah. It's supposed to be a sort of 80s throwback nod to the Goonies or something feel-good coming-of-age story.
Which, after a SW debacle that's been like being digested in a Sarlacc pit, could be welcome relief.
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