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Man I miss this! But why was the music changed? Licensing?? Prefer the proper song.
I think this is the original version, but it's low resolution and the sound comes and goes:
Man I miss this! But why was the music changed? Licensing?? Prefer the proper song.
The Acolyte was mostly about showing how inept the Jedi were as a galactic police force.
There are elements to the failures of the Jedi Order that IMHO line up some of the core themes of the film Child 44. When you have systemic and institutional rot that defies basic common sense. A consistent failure point that I see within Star Wars lore is that George Lucas created the Jedi as quasi fantasy representation of the Samurai culture and code, clearly without actually understanding very much of it.
Making him Plaguis the Plagiarist.Oh, Child 44 was such a bleak film that I never kept a copy of it.
Star Wars "lore" is currently in transition.
George created the Jedi initially as a simple idea of space wizards. Return of the Jedi established that the Force was gender neutral, since Yoda implied Leia was "another" (the other and otherness are very loaded terms in feminist critical theory).
In the PT he got to develop their history and indicate that as an institution they weren't perfect, and that they comprised both wizards and witches.
Since Disney took the reins the Jedi have been gradually diminished, and shown to be unfit for purpose and sometimes outright corrupt.
The Acolyte depicts an effort to supplant the wizards with witches (from another cult), which supports a narrative that certain elements of Disney have been talking about for years.
It appears that Darth Plagueis, "...a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life…" actually learnt that trick from the opposing cult of strictly female witches.
These are elements central to the plot of The Acolyte. To avoid the real world politics behind them, the elements can nevertheless be referred to in their in-universe political context.
Since Disney took the reins the Jedi have been gradually diminished, and shown to be unfit for purpose and sometimes outright corrupt.
The Acolyte depicts an effort to supplant the wizards with witches (from another cult), which supports a narrative that certain elements of Disney have been talking about for years.
It appears that Darth Plagueis, "...a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life…" actually learnt that trick from the opposing cult of strictly female witches.
There was nothing in the Acolyte that states that though. It could also be the other way around (Darth Plagueis could have taught the witches that). The true origins of the two girls were not yet revealed.
IIRC a comic implied Palpatine (Plaguis' student) pulled the strings (I mean the thread) and brought about Anakin (though stopped short of outright stating it) making him essentially Anakins father, which is fitting given that he was the father figure to Anakin. Would also be a way for Disney to claim that Rey Palpatine was actually a Skywalker all the while explaining why Plaguis didn't know how Anakin came about.It was never confirmed that Plagueis created Anakin. Even in Legends Plagueis assumed that the Force itself created Anakin in response to their experiments.
And who’s to say the witches weren’t having their strings pulled by him all along.
This is what Wookieepedia has, but who knows, the EU was a mess. I guess we'll find out if this ever actually gets a Season 2.IIRC a comic implied Palpatine (Plaguis' student) pulled the strings (I mean the thread) and brought about Anakin (though stopped short of outright stating it) making him essentially Anakins father, which is fitting given that he was the father figure to Anakin. Would also be a way for Disney to claim that Rey Palpatine was actually a Skywalker all the while explaining why Plaguis didn't know how Anakin came about.
Ah, here was the comic (via screenrant) https://screenrant.com/star-wars-an...rth,performed personally by Emperor Palpatine.This is what Wookieepedia has, but who knows, the EU was a mess. I guess we'll find out if this ever actually gets a Season 2.
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Let me correct that: canon starts from Andor s1 and ends at ROTJ.At the moment canon is defined by the whim of whoever wrote the latest series.
I doubt there's a single voice at Disney Lucasfilm, so with each series there's the chance for things to be undone and rewritten so long as they stand up to the Empress.
Just as Lucas himself never had a single internal voice or vision, and was making it up as he went. (Unless he always intended a Luke and Leia incest plot - which I wouldn't put past him having read the Raiders of the Lost Ark story conference transcript!)
Canon for me begins with Rogue One and currently ends with the series that run to around 12 ABY. Everything prior and after is open to acceptance or dismissal.
Not the case according to Lucasfilm story group apparently.Ah, here was the comic (via screenrant) https://screenrant.com/star-wars-anakin-father-emperor/#:~:text=Yes, Star Wars fans, Darth,performed personally by Emperor Palpatine.
Let me correct that: canon starts from Andor s1 and ends at ROTJ.
Mandalorian as a whole I reject due to portion of it that is nonsense (even early on the tracking fobs broke the universe with their ability to track anyone without a tracker placed on them) creating retroactive plot holes. Plus all the cringe parts and filler.I was just coming back to edit Rogue One to Andor, but I wanted to encompass The Mandalorian.
Even in The Mandalorian era there are parts I'd rather dismiss, such as most of TBOBF!
Mandalorian as a whole I reject due to portion of it that is nonsense (even early on the tracking fobs broke the universe with their ability to track anyone without a tracker placed on them) creating retroactive plot holes. Plus all the cringe parts and filler.
Still, if one were to edit each season into a coherant tightly paced movie that removes the cringe (Blue SNL alien dude, Pelli Motto etc) the filler (rando sidequests etc) and the stupid (tracking fobs for everyone except Grogu, remote control of ships etc) then you could end up with two great canon worthy movies and one not so great one (Mando s3 and BOBF have enough material to make a third movie but it wouldn't be great. If you are really good with editing it would at least be ok).
Basically I would accept Mandalorian as canon if edited down. Dunno if that is possible with Ahsoka as so much of the stupid is key to the plot. Same with Kenobi. I don't think either can be saved with editing.
Edit again: I will also consider Solo too. It is heavily flawed but just about gets a pass. It could be improved with some small edits and some AI deepfaking young Harrison onto whatshisnames face.
Ah, yes, the fobs and the blue alien.
Both in the opening scene of the pilot, but the kind of action beginning at 1:55 sold me on the series (until I lost interest in season 3):
Opening scene could be saved with edit. Remove opening tracking fob shot but include mando entry etc but cut so Blue SNL guy doesnt speak, just show his expression as he knows he is caught then hard cut to carbonite block of him frozen as Mando collects bounty. Done.