Star Wars: The Acolyte

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*When the show was first announced and the High Republic era was stated to be when it was set

Us: That sounds like a bad idea, the high republic stuff ain't very good, old republic is what folk want

Them: The show has only just been announced, give it a chance! When the first trailer drops you will change your tune!

*When Lesbi Headband revealed as show runner

Us: Ohhhhh, bad choice, she hasn't worked on such genres and comes with 'personal assistant to Harvey W' baggage, not a good look. surely someone else would be better suited to the role.

Them: You just hate women! She hasn't even made the show yet and you are complaining!

*When stories about the show-runner intentionally hiring people who don't know or care about Star Wars come out

Us: Oh boy, this won't go well. There will be lore breaking, retcons and plot holes galore.

Them: You don't need to know anything about Star Wars to write for it, Pablo Hidalgo and the story group are there to ensure everything fits perfectly.

*When set photos leaked

Us: looks kinda cheap and generic, like Rings of Power. Costumes look naff

Them: Gah! You complain about everything! It will look far better in the final product, give it a chance FFS. The Star Wars fan base is so toxic!

*When the trailer went live

Us: This looks naff. The dialogue seems bad, cast looks uninspiring apart from Carrie Anne Moss, I bet she is barely in it

Them: It is all out of context, wait until you watch the freaking show to judge!

*When the promotion tour interviews and various articles go online

Us: Uhhhh.... These people are all talking about the diversity etc and almost nothing about the actual story. Bad sign.

Them: What, do you hate women? Star Wars fans are so toxic!!

*When articles state that Kathy Kennedy loved the scripts

Us: Uh-oh.......

Them: You just hate Kathy.

*When the first couple episodes aired

Us: That was bad. Dialogue just as bad as we assumed, so many scenes make no sense. Crackling fire in space? What?? Why do they only use the new mind reading abilities when it is convenient for the plot but not for when it would make logical sense... wWhere is the logic in the writing????

Them: Gah! The show just started! Give it a chance to start getting good! Seriously, you complain about campfire in space? Star Wars has brief explosions and flames sustained by escaping gas from ships, this is hardly different, such nitpicking! Anyone who dislikes it must be review bombing. No one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans.

*When episode 3 aired

Us: *laugh uncontrollably

Them: OK, not the best episode but overall the show is still good. The next episode will really improve things.

*When episode 4 aired

Us: They broke lore. Ki Adi wasn't even born yet but is somehow middle aged in the show and is aware of the dark-siders killing Jedi. They are not only including an established character who shouldn't exist yet in the timeline but making him either incompetent or crooked. Pablo Hidalgo and the story group did as good a job here as they did with the sequel trilogy, Ahsoka etc. More retcons and plot holes. They are useless.

Them: Uhhh.... well, if they retcon a thing here or there in service of the story its... uh... ok. This show will probably get better soon. I mean, it has to. It is the most diverse Star Wars so far, how can it fail?

How will this story end??? And how is it that all the toxic haters can somehow predict the future so well, are they masters of the dark arts? Are they.... Sith????
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Can it be that when Vernestra had Sol return to Coruscant instead of going to go help Kelnacca make her out to be the real Sith master and Qimeer be the sith apprentice?

Qimeer the Queer

Can it be that when Vernestra had Sol return to Coruscant instead of going to go help Kelnacca make her out to be the real Sith master and Qimeer be the sith apprentice?

Qimeer the Queer

View attachment 709086
There does seem to be speculation that Qimir is a red herring and he's merely the Sith Lord's (Lady's?) apprentice and that Headland probably gave her girlfriend/lover the plum role of Sith Master. Yawn. Whatever....

1/4 scale when!

View attachment 709088

Sorry Inart, no hair!
How about never? Never works for me...
There does seem to be speculation that Qimir is a red herring and he's merely the Sith Lord's (Lady's?) apprentice and that Headland probably gave her girlfriend/lover the plum role of Sith Master. Yawn. Whatever....

How about never? Never works for me...
Or one of the 2 mothers :horror

So the list of suspects are:

Qimeer for Sith apprentice

Then for Sith Master:


Who can it be!
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I think all this speculation about who Smilo Ren is kinda missing the true genius of the writing here. You see, this whole time you thought you watching a show about twins, but really, it is about triplets! Take that force dyad! It is a force triad! And their 3 way ability is so strong that it defeats the corrupt patriarchal jedi order (represented by phallic Key Caddy Monday) generating a brand new Disney timeline where the Aniseya duo combine with the 3rd (Doe Kinkywalk) to create Anakina Skywalker, who will now be the face of Disney Wars going forward.
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This is how fast Mae turned around her life choice…

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I know something faster. The downward trajectory of Amanda's career, with her newly released clap back rap song for all us 'cists, along with some shots at a fairly large demographic. (As rap goes, it sux tho and she can't sing or dance; people should know their limits).

Just when I'd have thought when LH & co. would be clinging to whatever shredded threads:monkey3 of viewers that may be left, Missy seems kinda huffy. Or maybe she's figured out the only one getting a job after this series is Lee Jung-jae.