Star Wars: The Acolyte

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The people writing these articles need to get a clue. High viewership numbers for a SW show like this is not an indicator of its quality, nor does it mean that we're still watching it because we like what we're seeing - i.e., it does not invalidate the abysmally low audience score or prove that score is the result of review bombing. The reviews are bad because the show is bombing, and we're still watching because we either (a) are clinging to the desperate hope that it can somehow be salvaged or (b) like a car wreck we simply can't look away. Mostly (b) lol...
In typical Hollyweird fashion way of thinking I do see a scenario where the hate this show is receiving actually benefiting the studio with the attention it has generated at least in the short term, long term results be damned.
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In typical Hollyweird way of thinking I do see a scenario where the hate this show is receiving actually benefiting the studio with the attention it has generated at least in the short term, long term results be damned.
Yes, sadly I think some of them still subscribe to the old adage "there's no such thing as bad publicity". Maybe so, but there's definitely bad content, and so far this show is the epitome of it for SW. And I've seen AOTC lol...
I never liked Ki Adi Mundi. I thought he was one of the laziest designs in TPM. I've never looked at him and NOT immediately thought of the guys from The Never-Ending Story that had the same head. A lot of the Jedi in TPM were dumb looking....Q-Tip "Pirate" Yoda....Snake legs guys.

So even though I didn't like him, I did feel a little bad for him in ROTS, during Order 66. He's like "come on guys let's go.....guys?" and he gives this little look to the Clones right before they murder him, and it's not unlike Joe Pesci's millisecond of realization before he gets whacked in Goodfellas.

As for them "bungling the lore" in this show, I couldn't possibly care less. Same as the "campfire in space" argument. There's so much to detest in this show, there are so many moments that make you roll your eyes so hard they detach from your skull, that I can't even be bothered to pretend I care about Ki Adi Mundi.
I don't care all that much about Ki Adi but he has his fans and is an established character, a good guy. This show just insulted his fans (and the established lore) by retconning him not just in terms of age (having him be a midfle aged dude long before he was even born) but making him either super incompetent or evil for covering up the whole dark sider killing jedi thing and later stating Sith extinct and not mentioning any other type of darksider when Maul showed up.

Fans of the character and the established canon are right to be pi**ed off, because the show runners actively inserted a character who shouldn't be there just so they could character assassinate him like they did Han, Luke, Leia, Kenobi, Boba etc etc etc before. All Lucas era characters seem to be on the chopping block in service of artificially making Disney's creations look better.

I see it not as a tiny problem in a show full of problems but more as the 3rd straw in a row that broke the camels back. The show is full of issues and crackling campfires and retcon Ki Adi are emblematic of just how little care went into this show and its writing. They are like memes in that way, no text needed, just an image of the campfire or an image of young Ki Adi in high republic robes looking all shifty tell you everything you need to know about the people writing this mess.
Coming your nightmares....

I don't care all that much about Ki Adi but he has his fans and is an established character, a good guy. This show just insulted his fans (and the established lore) by retconning him not just in terms of age (having him be a midfle aged dude long before he was even born) but making him either super incompetent or evil for covering up the whole dark sider killing jedi thing and later stating Sith extinct and not mentioning any other type of darksider when Maul showed up.

Fans of the character and the established canon are right to be pi**ed off, because the show runners actively inserted a character who shouldn't be there just so they could character assassinate him like they did Han, Luke, Leia, Kenobi, Boba etc etc etc before. All Lucas era characters seem to be on the chopping block in service of artificially making Disney's creations look better.

I see it not as a tiny problem in a show full of problems but more as the 3rd straw in a row that broke the camels back. The show is full of issues and crackling campfires and retcon Ki Adi are emblematic of just how little care went into this show and its writing. They are like memes in that way, no text needed, just an image of the campfire or an image of young Ki Adi in high republic robes looking all shifty tell you everything you need to know about the people writing this mess.

Could you explain the difference in opinion I'm seeing now between Ki-Adi being retconned, and back when Rebels essentially wiped away Nik Sant and said that was Captain Rex? People seemed genuinely excited that that character was actually Rex. I thought it was weird, because Nik Sant had existed for 20+ years. Even now, nobody seems that upset with it. But with this Ki-Adi thing, people think it's really bad.
Could you explain the difference in opinion I'm seeing now between Ki-Adi being retconned, and back when Rebels essentially wiped away Nik Sant and said that was Captain Rex? People seemed genuinely excited that that character was actually Rex. I thought it was weird, because Nik Sant had existed for 20+ years. Even now, nobody seems that upset with it. But with this Ki-Adi thing, people think it's really bad.
Nik was not officially retconned, Filoni said if fans want Nik to be Rex he is, if not, he is not. so basically wanted him to be Rex but knew it would peeve people off if he made it official.

In any case though, Nik Sant was an extra in one part of one movie while Ki Adi was a speaking part, someone important no less as he was a council member, who spanned a trilogy of movies, cartoons, books etc. So on a hypothetical scale of fan rage inducing , Nik Sant retcon is at a 2 while Ki Adi is at a 5 (Luke, Leia etc would be 9's).
I had to look up what that was from and holy, this new acolyte-adjacent diss track just dropped from someone tryin really hard to be the next Rachel Ziegler (she does get a couple things right about context etc but then resorts to the usual insults)

Viewer advisory: the content you are about to watch is extremely cringe and you most assuredly will lose brain cells

At this point, I can't believe we got not one, not two, but three! (is this The Power of Many...?) terrible 'musical' pieces out of this show.... thus far

Also close to the beginning she mentions the Twitter interview video got 20million views, which if true, means that it had more views than all four of the acolyte episodes released so far combined lol

It's like buffinator said, we're all just watching a car wreck at this point, and we cant look away... Because more cars just keep coming and crashing into the flaming pile-up that's already there lol
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