Star Wars: The Acolyte

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It is now :oops:
So was technology in the SW universe ever at a more primitive level? Because so far every time period we've been back to still has the same spaceships, hyperdrive, holograms, droids, etc everywhere you look. And it makes me wonder why they even bothered setting this show in the past, if it's going to have all the same stuff in it as every other series.


Haven't even seen it, but the trailers (and that it's supposed to be 100 years earlier) have been baffling to me for this exact reason. Does nothing evolve and change - ever?

Ignore the basement brigade!

Off To a Great Start

REAL Star Wars has returned! George Lucas would be proud

The most Star Wars feeling content since...

So far so good. Don't listen to the starwars trolls

Real Star Wars for real fans


They might be written by Disney staff, but either way there's an Imperial transport on its way to take them to the spice mines of Kessel.

I'd rate it no higher than 5/5 so far, mainly because it's so bland.

Even Dafne Keen, who showed her worth as X23, Lyra and Ana, comes across lacklustre, as though she doesn't really want to be there.

Haven't even seen it, but the trailers (and that it's supposed to be 100 years earlier) have been baffling to me for this exact reason. Does nothing evolve and change - ever?
Not really. Their society has basically peaked. You go back to the Old Republic about 3,000 years ago and it’s all basically the same technology, although the style and design of things is a bit less sleek and refined but still more or less the same.

100 years in a society that’s already advanced to this level of technology is basically nothing.

James Mangold movie might be a bit different as this deals with the dawn of the Jedi.
Not really. Their society has basically peaked. You go back to the Old Republic about 3,000 years ago and it’s all basically the same technology, although the style and design of things is a bit less sleek and refined but still more or less the same.

100 years in a society that’s already advanced to this level of technology is basically nothing.

James Mangold movie might be a bit different as this deals with the dawn of the Jedi.


They lack imagination to create new things.


Not really. Their society has basically peaked. You go back to the Old Republic about 3,000 years ago and it’s all basically the same technology, although the style and design of things is a bit less sleek and refined but still more or less the same.

100 years in a society that’s already advanced to this level of technology is basically nothing.

James Mangold movie might be a bit different as this deals with the dawn of the Jedi.

I know that's how a lot of the SW stuff over the years (books, etc) has been, but I'm just saying it's been a minor bugbear for me. Not a biggy, but it would be more interesting if there were variances throughout "their history" rather than having huge spans of time with (seemingly) no technological changes.

The hard part though is if you stray too far from the "familiar" people will say it doesn't feel like SW. Catch 22.

But what Dave said struck a cord because it's something that's played on my mind about SW over the years.

(just like: "there goes another one." to "AN escape pod was jettisoned..." even as a kid that annoyed me :ROFLMAO: OCD ridden mongrel!)
a good way to explain would be for galactic cataclysms/wars/AI uprisings to sort of reset the galaxy every now and then, with the survivors having to start again. characters fighting to reclaim lost tech and rebuild Fallout style.

that way, you can have hyper advanced star wars, primitive star wars and familliar star wars without the development of tech being entirely linear
I know that's how a lot of the SW stuff over the years (books, etc) has been, but I'm just saying it's been a minor bugbear for me. Not a biggy, but it would be more interesting if there were variances throughout "their history" rather than having huge spans of time with (seemingly) no technological changes.
Suppose that's the problem with having a fictional universe with such a recgonisable and iconic identity, how do you change it without straying too far from what makes Star Wars... Star Wars?

Not really a Disney problem though, it's been that way forever even when George was in charge.
a good way to explain would be for galactic cataclysms/wars/AI uprisings to sort of reset the galaxy every now and then, with the survivors having to start again. characters fighting to reclaim lost tech and rebuild Fallout style.

that way, you can have hyper advanced star wars, primitive star wars and familliar star wars without the development of tech being entirely linear

This is what they did in Futurama, set in the year 3000 after civilization had been destroyed and rebuilt so many times that any technology (futuristic or primative) could be justified.
After watching the reviews and breakdowns of Ep's 1-4, George Lucas must be ecstatic about this show. He must've cheered when he watched his special preview and reached Ep3. Finally, someone figured out how to make the fans understand the Force. His explanation in ESB and introducing the midichlorains in TPM was just too difficult for people to understand.

Praise to Disney, KK & LH for fixing it, exactly what SW needed. A new perspective through the eyes of 2 strong women, one straight one gay. Balance and harmony, 2 sides of the same coin. Together, they fixed his incompetent writing and goofs. If only he had a strong women beside him when he wrote, filmed and edited the OT, none of this would've happened.

It's a proud time to be a SW fan. Especially those that have been faithful and supported the franchise for 47 years. Our dedication has finally paid off. Star Wars is saved.... Proper writing, casting, acting, directing, creativity, visualization.... The whole package :yess:

The hard part though is if you stray too far from the "familiar" people will say it doesn't feel like SW. Catch 22.

But what Dave said struck a cord because it's something that's played on my mind about SW over the years.

(just like: "there goes another one." to "AN escape pod was jettisoned..." even as a kid that annoyed me :ROFLMAO: OCD ridden mongrel!)
The rest of that dialogue from "there goes another one" went "hold your fire, there's no life forms". I took that to mean, there was probably at least one other pod, but they destroyed it when they detected life forms. The commanding officer elected to not fire on it, because they assumed it was empty. That's why when it was reported to Vader, they included that detail, that "an escape pod was jettisoned during the fighting, but no life forms were aboard". Vader then realized that "she must've hidden the plans in the escape pod".

Or maybe that's just my head canon.:huh
First episode was fine. Nothing to write home about but certainly nowhere as terrible as it’s being made out to be imo.

Squid Game guy is good, I like him.

Give it a 7 so far.
The rest of that dialogue from "there goes another one" went "hold your fire, there's no life forms". I took that to mean, there was probably at least one other pod, but they destroyed it when they detected life forms. The commanding officer elected to not fire on it, because they assumed it was empty. That's why when it was reported to Vader, they included that detail, that "an escape pod was jettisoned during the fighting, but no life forms were aboard". Vader then realized that "she must've hidden the plans in the escape pod".

Or maybe that's just my head canon.:huh

Holy crap! After all these years I never saw it like that, and now that your say it, it seems so obvious. :duff

"there's no lifeforms." that's the implication that they'd already blown tons of them to bits before. I always thought I was an oversight in the writing.

Man, oh, man... how did I never read it that way. :slap
The rest of that dialogue from "there goes another one" went "hold your fire, there's no life forms". I took that to mean, there was probably at least one other pod, but they destroyed it when they detected life forms. The commanding officer elected to not fire on it, because they assumed it was empty. That's why when it was reported to Vader, they included that detail, that "an escape pod was jettisoned during the fighting, but no life forms were aboard". Vader then realized that "she must've hidden the plans in the escape pod".

Or maybe that's just my head canon.:huh
Of course, as I think Family Guy drew attention to, why wouldn't they fire on that escape pod regardless that no lifeforms were detected? How much does a Lazerblast cost? :lol
I do wonder what will happen to Star Wars in the next few years.
They're gonna try and make the Mando & Grogu movie as similar to the first two seasons of the Disney+ show as possible. When everything else fails, quickly re-group and get back to what's already been proven successful
Guys, this thread is about the new Star Wars show, not "wokeness" and diversity in entertainment.

We don't have a political forum for a reason. If something is relevant to the story, or property then by all means discuss it, but this overall race, DEI, conversation is not it.
If Ahsoka was their lowest rated series with tons of fan favorite characters and a few genuinely decent episodes then I can't even imagine how poorly this show will do.
Not so sure about that. It will likely not be very good, but successful?... Casual viewers and kids swallow all kinds of crap so who knows. Maybe Gen Z and their younger siblings will like it?...