I took it as they consider themselves neither good nor bad... so force neutral, I guess?
Yeah I took it as they are neutral.
Used the force to "create" life. That got split into twins- one dark one light.
Spliting the force into two sides, which if it's what I'm understanding actually isn't a bad concept, and plays into the birth off the Sith, and Palpatine later being able to exploit this "unnatural" ability to "create" life".
So eventually someone has to come and bring balance again, was supposed to be Anakin at first, he fails but then with Luke he succeeds (bringing about the ROTJ).
Yet Disney Luke goes on to become a complete piece of crap coward and failure, and Palpatine returns, so I guess its really now Rey who does it, and WhateverTF the Dyad is?
So besides portraying the Jedi completely out of character, Disney have also pretty much now bridged their stories, the beginning Priestesses to the end Rey, rending the OT characters and story arc, meaningless.