The Clown Prince of Crime
Super Freak
Han gave them both guns.
Well that fixes everything....same way Rey fixed the Falcon

Han gave them both guns.
She already has his lightsaber and friends, that look at the end is probably him thinking that she's there to kill him.
"Say, those are nice Jedi robes."
Well that fixes everything....same way Rey fixed the Falcon![]()
Morphosis you did make a few good points I must admit, particularly concerning Luke's entire background compared to Rey's.
My favorite part was when Han Solo gave her a gun...even though Finn is supposedly the one who's a "great" shooterRey took BB-8, took the iconic Lightsaber, Chewie, and the god dammed Falcon in her first film. She even stole Leia's hug from Chewie, who was friends with her dead ex husband. Luke better be careful.
She looks kind of cute there
I'm actually excited to see what Luke Skywalker can do in episode 8, assuming he's "grandmaster" level. I don't want to see him just as a mentor a la Yoda in ESB and ROTJ. They also have to find a way to explain his exile instead of fighting Kylo Ren and the new empire.
Fixed.I think I might have just found the biggest plot hole of "The Forced Awakening"...
The Force ghost of old Anakin is not Darth Vader. It'd actually make for a better narrative where Kylo struggles between Soap-creame leader Spook (Demon) and Anakin's ghost (Angel)....And because the movie would've ended a lot quicker if Darth Vader, his hero, told him to stop what he was doing.
It's not a good comparison because ANH was a ground-breaking film, made during a completely different era of film-making. The implausibility of Luke being able to fly an X-Wing, much less be victorious under the circumstances, would definitely get called out today by critics. Luke gets a pass due to nostalgia.
Rey is getting judged by the standards of 2015. It's a broad change in narrative expectations among audiences, not an issue of gender.
Making us ignore the issues with Luke is also ANH overall being a well-crafted film, including giving Luke an identifiable personality. Rey being overpowered is just one aspect of her being poorly characterized in general, which is in turn just one facet of a film that has an incoherent plot, poor dialogue, weak inter-personal development, etc.
Rey is now a pop-culture icon as well as a feminist icon, people have really connected with Rey.
She isn't a fully realized character, which is what that earlier essay I posted articulated in detail. She's this stone-face woman refusing to be the polar-opposite trope: the damsel-in-distress. She's so powerful because to concede any weakness is ideologically intolerable, even if it harms the story.
Here's a question....
Vader at the end of Jedi found his humanity and he became "Good again" by saving his son.
Then at the end he shows up as a good jedi Force Ghost . with the other ones. right?
How come then he doesnt try to speak with Kylo Ren and try to tell him that what he is doing is bad? Why cant he contact Kylo the same way Obi contacted Luke and Yoda in the other movies?
Shouldnt Anakin's ghost try to save his Grandson?
I think I might have just found the biggest plot hole in Star wars history...![]()
How to communicate post mortem is something that has to be learned. At least, this is how I understood it. It's not something Jedi's are able to do automatically.
Maybe Snookie is blocking Kylo's vibe.
Maybe Grandpa will 'awaken' too and throw Snookie into a pit at the end again.
Another essay that is positive about her, but honest about the stock character she represents is:
She isn't a fully realized character, which is what that earlier essay I posted articulated in detail. She's this stone-face woman refusing to be the polar-opposite trope: the damsel-in-distress. She's so powerful because to concede any weakness is ideologically intolerable, even if it harms the story.
Abrams made it even worse by botching her basic personality sketch as well, which is just one part of the train-wreck of character development that is the film. That is she could have been overpowered but at the same time have a well-developed personality.
So if you are open to liking Star Wars, but don't find Rey a compelling lead, then it sort of kills the new trilogy, right?