Thanks for ruining that scene for me a-dev, thanks a lot. Never noticed that before now that's all I'll see.
First time I've ever seen it myself. A little easter egg for you there!
Thanks for ruining that scene for me a-dev, thanks a lot. Never noticed that before now that's all I'll see.
Yep, thanks for that^ and the link you provided. I'm almost tempted to post it to certain folk on facebook but things simmered down and I don't want to publicly come across as being quite as bothered as I internally was on the night of the 'almost' argument.
Anyway, there it is. That article - and your post - illustrates the point I might have made if I hadn't been immediately silenced by the more rabid aspect of SJWism in society today. If they had let me finish they might have realised that ultimately
on a different subject look at John McClane's ankle in the above shot!
Yeah, one could argue that Luke's progression and evolution to become a Jedi was too quick and poorly done considering the amount of time he was training, but at least they tried and gave us some kind of explanation for his skills and abilities, such as the jedi mind tricks in ROTJ. Still, even in ROTJ he was far from competent as fighter or as a hero trying to rescue his friend in the beginning of the film.
I don't have a problem with a female character being "perfect" or unstoppable, even if it's the first film in a trilogy, as long as there is an explanation for it, a history or a back story than can easily be shown or mentioned by other characters like in many films that have a one man army type hero or anti hero. In the case of Connor and Ripley, they didn't start out as soldiers or warriors, but there was an explanation for their skills and mental toughness in the sequels. Rey, she mind blocked and mentally dominated Kylo, then easily walked out using a Jedi mind trick out of nowhere without any reason or explanation. Imagine Leia just walking out with a Jedi mind trick and escaping by the time Luke arrives to rescue her, it would almost invalidate Luke's rescue too wouldn't?
Now, if they retroactively explain that in the sequels, fine, but it's lazy writing, imo. This is not a tv show, it's a film and certain basic questions should be answered without the need of sequels.
look at Anakin, he could fly pod racers better than anyone at 9 years old and also flew a star fighter by the end on PM. No one says anything that he shouldn't be able to do that..
Rey, she mind blocked and mentally dominated Kylo, then easily walked out using a Jedi mind trick out of nowhere without any reason or explanation.
Just about everyone I've ever seen this movie with mentions that.
crap, now you guys will dig articles out from 1999/2000...![]()
ill just say you can hate on the movies all you want. I just don't get how you can enjoy anything when your analyzing things to death like this. if you can't wrap your head around the story by now, i dont know what to tell you other than just try and enjoy something. anything. Ive been on this site for many years and the same people say the same exact things about every movie. you pick apart details so much you loose every sense of enjoyment. Im not saying you have to love every movie made, but your reactions are always the same for everything. Now after all these years your questioning the SW Saga? man, i hate to be that miserable. Its not that difficult to understand. I understood the story when i was like 4. You all seem like you have completely lost what the story is about because your over analyzing it. If you have to question why Rey is perfect and a Mary Sue , man, i kind of feel sorry for you because you just can't enjoy things.
good morning and good luck
I am of the opinion that Abrams simply botched the execution of Rey's mind trick on the Stormtrooper. To hear his explanation on the 3D blu-ray commentary she was naturally strong in the Force and had simply used the momentum of overpowering Kylo's mind trick to do the same to the Trooper. If you can allow for someone to have latent raw power in the Force then his explanation makes perfect sense.
The problem with the scene as is IMO is that she doesn't come across as this raw talent stumbling through the process of overpowering a simple Stormtrooper with the Force because Abrams allows Ridley to deliver her "you will loosen these restraints" line in pretty much the EXACT same cadence as Old Ben on Tatooine when he mind tricked the Troopers about the droids. In doing that Rey becomes disconnected from her surprise victory over Kylo and suddenly seems to behave not as a raw power but as a decades trained Jedi using a very precise and specific skill.
Her scene with the Trooper should have been a natural extension of ONLY her encounter with Kylo, not a reference to veteran Jedi like Old Ben and Qui Gon Jinn saying things to people's faces and then making them repeat them back as they comply with instructions. Kylo didn't use the Force that way, and it was a confusing moment for many in the audience, including myself, as to why Rey made that leap. Abrams just took the OT parroting one step too far in that moment.
If Rey heard the Trooper's comlink, closed her eyes, and then said, "Trooper, you are afraid of disobeying your Master. Your master will be angry unless you loosen these restraints..." then we'd go "oh, that's an extension of her 'you are afraid you'll never be as strong as Darth Vader' revelation." But instead our initial thought was, "wait, she resisted Ren and is an expert on techniques perfected by Old Ben and Qui Gon Jinn now??" And it was all because Abrams allowed her to be too specific in how she manipulated the Trooper. So I just take the moment as a little bit of misplaced fan service and assume that the fact that she gives the Trooper instructions that he happens to repeat as pure coincidence.
I am of the opinion that Abrams simply botched the execution of Rey's mind trick on the Stormtrooper. To hear his explanation on the 3D blu-ray commentary she was naturally strong in the Force and had simply used the momentum of overpowering Kylo's mind trick to do the same to the Trooper. If you can allow for someone to have latent raw power in the Force then his explanation makes perfect sense.
The problem with the scene as is IMO is that she doesn't come across as this raw talent stumbling through the process of overpowering a simple Stormtrooper with the Force because Abrams allows Ridley to deliver her "you will loosen these restraints" line in pretty much the EXACT same cadence as Old Ben on Tatooine when he mind tricked the Troopers about the droids. In doing that Rey becomes disconnected from her surprise victory over Kylo and suddenly seems to behave not as a raw power but as a decades trained Jedi using a very precise and specific skill.
Her scene with the Trooper should have been a natural extension of ONLY her encounter with Kylo, not a reference to veteran Jedi like Old Ben and Qui Gon Jinn saying things to people's faces and then making them repeat them back as they comply with instructions. Kylo didn't use the Force that way, and it was a confusing moment for many in the audience, including myself, as to why Rey made that leap. Abrams just took the OT parroting one step too far in that moment.
If Rey heard the Trooper's comlink, closed her eyes, and then said, "Trooper, you are afraid of disobeying your Master. Your master will be angry unless you loosen these restraints..." then we'd go "oh, that's an extension of her 'you are afraid you'll never be as strong as Darth Vader' revelation." But instead our initial thought was, "wait, she resisted Ren and is an expert on techniques perfected by Old Ben and Qui Gon Jinn now??" And it was all because Abrams allowed her to be too specific in how she manipulated the Trooper. So I just take the moment as a little bit of misplaced fan service and assume that the fact that she gives the Trooper instructions that he happens to repeat as pure coincidence.
Yeah I guess i never felt that way. For me once Kylo went into her mind and then she was able to withstand him because he isn't a full fledged Jedi, she realized she could probe into minds too. Her first attempt at JB-007 she failed, then she reset herself and was able to get into his mind. And stormtroopers are weak minded. We just need to wait and see what the rest of her story is to truly understand how strong the Force is with her.
Morphosis you did make a few good points I must admit, particularly concerning Luke's entire background compared to Rey's.
Luke better be careful.