I guess it never dawned on some of the ageist tools out there that Ford is playing an older network anchor who dyes his hair ridiculously dark out of vanity, which (shock and surprise!) isn't an uncommon occurrence. If Ford were running around like that in his daily life, snarky remarks about an old man with dyed hair might be warranted. But that's obviously not the case.
Apparently, everyone over 50 years of age should now stay hidden from our sight, shrivel up and die(regardless of what talents and gifts they may still have to offer), lest they be subjected to the slings and arrows of the oh-so superior modern youthful sensibilities.
It's a good thing Ford isn't an Eskimo. He'd be floating out in the ocean on a slab of ice by now, if some people had their druthers.
The Jack Skellington comment, however, was friggin' GOLD!
