It's made me wonder why they don't have missles don't shoot at light speed, just seems logical considering the damage it could do.TLJ hasn't ruined the OT for me in any way. But it has made me no longer care about what happens in the universe going forward. That does kind of suck.
Who's writing Episode IX? .
Chris Terrio.![]()
The writer of Justice League?!?
It's ****ig real.![]()
So, because of one film, you have no further desire to see a Star Wars tale unfold a hundred or even two-hundred years after the fall of the Empire? A tale that finally, hopefully, no longer involves the Chosen One and his descendants? Okay. If you say so.
TLJ hasn't ruined the OT for me in any way. But it has made me no longer care about what happens in the universe going forward. That does kind of suck.
Eh, I loved TLJ and also feel that SW is kind of over now that Luke is gone. I think it's actually kind of liberating to have this as a jumping off point of sorts. Will I still watch the upcoming movies? Of course, but it's all gravy from here on out and no big if anything misses the mark.
Thankfully the PT hit the mark perfectly.
Yeah they did, lol.
You know the THREE SW movies directed by LUCAS and NOT RIAN!
But death to Rian and Kennedy!
Revenge of the Sith > TLJ
Phantom Menace > TLJ
I don't think I can put Attack of the Clones over TLJ though. I tried watching that **** the other day and the Padme and Anakin stuff is pretty bad. It's a really ugly, cheap looking movie too. All the vistas suck and it looks cheaper than Return of the Jedi. Also, TFA may be pretty meh and forgettable, but I have a new appreciation for it after how bad TLJ ended up being. Too bad it set up so many things only for all of it to fall on it's face in the sequel.
I loath both AOTC and TLJ equally but for different reasons. Meanwhile PM is actually my most hated movie of all time.
I do much I prefer ROTS over TLJ though. At least ROTS had an interesting narrative - I can't really say that about TFA or TLJ.![]()
ROTS does have a nice aesthetic. General Grievous, those guards he has, Palpatine, Mustafar, volcanoes, Commander Cody, blue on blue lightsabers, youngling murders.
ROTS does have a nice aesthetic. General Grievous, those guards he has, Palpatine, Mustafar, volcanoes, Commander Cody, blue on blue lightsabers, jedi murders.
Do you think Skywalker beheaded any of them like he did to the Sandpeople and Dooku? I wonder how many limbs the "wot r we going to dew" youngling lost.