So I caught TLJ last night with great expectations and anticipation. It felt like I was driving down the highway with random e-brakes here and there to whip my head back sprinkled with a little mind **** moments. It's a mixed bag of beans. I liked and dislike it at the same time.
Luke Skywalker: He was a really broken old man who had given up on everything and lost all hope. He never recovered from his tragedy until that very last moment where he astral projected himself to distract Kylo Ren and give the rebels a chance to escape. In a way that to me was his last act of heroism. Was I hoping he would appear and save the day with a grand lightsaber duel? Definitely! However the way he did it showcased his mastery of the force. I would assume it takes a lot of energy and effort to do so and it showed at the end of it with his exhaustion. Liked how he dusted his shoulder off after the bombardment. That was a cool moment which could have again showcased his prowess as a Skywalker had he actually been there to fend the lasers off. Wasted potential. Really don't like the way he exited as a force ghost like he was at peace with it. They crapped on Han Solo in TFA and they crap on Luke in this.
Leia: The space walk moment was kinda cringe worthy. I had to keep myself from screaming out wtf at that scene. Nothing noteworthy about her in this movie. I'm just glad there was no awkward farewell tribute scenes like her looking towards the screen with a semi-forlorn gaze. Given Carrie Fisher's departure, I'm not sure how they will develop Leia in the next episode. Especially when 2 of the 3 og characters are dead and dusted.
Rey: All those theories about her parentage and lineage and in the end we were all crapped on with her nobody status. I'm not totally turned off by that result but it could have been more, I feel. And now she's like some genius force wielder, from someone with absolute no knowledge of the force to advanced handling of the lightsaber in a matter of weeks(?) They practically shoehorned it down our throats. At least Luke had some cursory lessons from Yoda.
Finn: Into the second movie and I still have no idea of his purpose in this trilogy except to sprinkle some technical knowledge of FO's ship when the script needed, like how else would they know how and where to turn off lightspeed tracking right *eyes roll*, a lame excuse of a weak antagonistic relationship with an underused Phasma, a weird seemingly romance(?) with Rey and Rose(???) and a very anti-climatic ending for his heroic attempt to "let's save the day by blowing up the battering ram cannon".
Poe: Hello, poor attempt to replicate Han Solo for this generation. At least Han was a rebel with flair and charisma. Poe is but a poor rip off. He has guts with little brains and he's supposedly amongst the top leadership of the rebel alliance now? Good luck to them.
Kylo: He probably has the most character development in this episode. From his hesitance towards pulling the trigger to blow up Leia at the start of the movie to his resolve "to take no prisoners" at the end. Still has some traces of his sulking cause "Uncle Luke wanted to kill me so I want to conquer the galaxy" feel. Probably the only character whose development I look forward to seeing in the next one.
Snoke: Don't even want to go there. They could have replaced him with a talking Snickers bar and I wouldn't bat an eyelid.
Rose: I'm an Asian myself but they can pretty much write her out of this and I would probably feel much happier than what we get now. Cursory Asian shoehorned into a script so it would be politically correct or perhaps to roll in more dough from the asian market if that was even the intention at all. And that kiss at the end was so mind boggling.. Like what..? They had an excursion to a casino for a few hours and she's likes/love(?) Finn already? And of course they had to put her in a freaking coma just to add in any semblance of gravitas to the situation. That and Rey becoming an expert Jedi in a few weeks can probably fight top spot for "The most unbelievability storyline".
Phasma: They could have replaced her with any random commander trooper and it wouldn't make a difference. A very weak attempt to provide an antagonistic target for Finn. All tall and big with an outstanding armor and we got this crap character.
Can't believe they killed off Ackbar so unceremoniously.
I think that last scene with the kid was supposed to signify hope after the previous scene of dispair by the decimated rebels in the falcon but poor execution.
A few scenes I liked, the opening dreadnought destruction scene, the brief moment when Kylo and Ren came together back to back to face off the red guards, the lightspeed battering ram rescue was awesome which had the audience in my screening gasping and the chills I got as Luke walked out to face Kylo to "save the day".
Not sure if subsequent viewings, if any, can placate the mixed feeling I had from watching some of my favorite classic movie characters being crapped on for the sake of progression or passing the torch.