Craig Walker
Super Freak
you understand me so well, it is delicious
I had blocked you previously thinking you were just an A-hole (which is probably still true

you understand me so well, it is delicious
the movie being bad made this worth it
just so that all his speculation would fall on his face
With that though also comes people reffering to those who have issues with the film "haters and vitriolic" when they could simply be venting about something theyre passionate about, lines on both sides
And yet your hate for the haters is just as paradoxically prominent.
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Do you even understand what speculation is, jagoff?
You know my biggest issue with this. They completely downplayed/ignored Luke's reaction to han's death. Shameful.
All this hate (I'm not generalizing negative critisism as hate, people are constantly using the word hate to describe their feelings in this film) and yet I promise you every single one of them will be back for the next film. And the one after that and so and so on. I guess we all share that in common. We love wallowing in misery.
I saw ESB in the theater. I was born in 1977. I enjoy the OT, but they are not the final word. This is cheesy pop entertainment. Not high art. People take this way too seriously. I'm not trying to lump all the negativity toward TLJ as a monolith, but when people say that it's the worst movie they've ever seen, it's really hard to take them seriously. I somehow believe that they wanted to hate it before it ever came out.
You really don't understand middle ground at all do you?
What part of wanting Luke to have a satisfying lightsaber fight demands that he "jump around like a monkey"?
Not sure why everyone thinks Luke nearly killing his nephew was out of character. His dad turned to the dark side, and so does his nephew, so it's in his blood. Also, I think he's the only Jedi that force-chokes people (he force-chokes the Gammorean Guards in ROTJ). And he nearly turned to the dark side in the confrontation with the Emperor ("strike me down!"). I think it makes sense that for a moment at least, he almost turned by killing Kylo. My $0.02.
Do you even understand what speculation is, jagoff?