Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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Young fans were after Luke as well. My son and daughter, both under 10, were more concerned about what Luke and Leia were up to than anything the younger characters were doing.
Re: Star Wars Episode VIII (TBA)

Saw this on a 15/70 IMAX screen projected in 3D yesterday afternoon with the kids after only ever watching the one single teaser trailer from last April. I don't think I've been that unspoiled heading into a new SW flick since the original in 1977! And what a movie to see cold, WOW!

An indescribable experience and an instant masterpiece IMO. Totally on par with the OT and LOTR. It was everything I hoped for and more and contained nothing that I feared. Bravo Disney, LFL, and Johnson. The thrills, drama, surprises, visuals, music and even comedy were a home runs across the board.

BR 2049 and TLJ make for a one-two cinematic punch not rivaled by many a calendar season.

The sarcasm is strong with this one.

Yeah, that's my pre gripe as well, based on how he dies. Like he's there, and then just suddenly, gone. Just like that. If I didn't know he was going to die before seeing the movie and was surprised by it, I think I would probably be sitting there like, "wait, so Luke is gone? That's it for Luke?"

I edited the post of mine you quoted though and included a quote of what I felt was a pretty good post from a member made in TLJ Luke thread, that kind of helps take the sting off of his death. So going into the film, I'll keep that in mind as well.

Comments below.

I was leaning against getting any of the older versions of OT characters as they appear in the ST, but this Luke figure just got a lot more tempting after seeing TLJ. I know most around here are upset at how Luke was portrayed, but I don't think it was defecating on the character the way everyone seems to think. This older version of Luke reminds me more of old Kenobi and older Yoda.
All three of them were disappointed in themselves for "failing" in one way or another and fled to a life as a hermit. Both Kenobi and Luke were persuaded to get back in the fight by a hologram of Leia. And both were tempted to kill their apprentice of Skywalker bloodline after realizing the Dark Side had gotten hold of them. I don't think it was crappy storytelling to have Kenobi exile himself and never help the Rebellion for twenty years despite the struggle and sacrifice that was still going on (not even so much as training Luke a little, or teaching him about the Jedi while living nearby). I don't think Yoda hiding out and not wanting to train Luke because of what happened with Anakin was bad storytelling. I can understand it. So, when Luke goes into exile, and resists training Rey because of what happened to Ben, it's not that objectionable to me. In the end, Luke helped the heroes. It cost him his life to buy them time (same as Kenobi).
I kinda dig the parallels. This figure is on my radar now, where it wasn't before. It's a different Luke than OT Luke, and I'm not angry at that. OT Luke was awesome, and this Luke is cool to me in his own way too. I can totally understand why so many are angry, though. Just different opinions and viewpoints.

But Ben and Yoda were never main characters. They were from day one specifically DESIGNED as the "mentor figure." Mentor figures by design almost always DIE. Luke was from day one designed as the HERO.

The idea that just because he's now older (Hamill is the same age as Liam Neeson, who headlines action/thrillers) and has been handed the prefunctory "mentor beard" :)lol) that it's time for him to turn mentor and die is AGEISM at its worst. We hear so much about "inclusion" and discrimination, but ageism seems to be way, way down that list.

And OMG shocker... Luke is now a hermit hiding out in a remote location because his star pupil went bad - c'mon, people... groan... we're all supposed to be saying how "new" in terms of casting and POV the new Star Wars movies are. Yet we're supposed to applaud that Luke ends up (bearded and dishevelled of course) hiding out in a hovel now that he's been demoted to "mentor" status?

It gets back to my core problem with the ST - is that a "new Luke" story (even with his gender flipped to female) is simply not as interesting as actually seeing onscreen Han and Leia's child (male or female) show force abilities, Luke attempting to train them, and it going wrong due to an old Sith master's influence. Even if yes, the main players might have included young newcomers. THAT is the movie I want to see, but... OMGGG! It would involve some lead characters being OLDER.:horror:lol

Given the fact that the majority of the ST audience is repeat-viewing over 30's (RO average age was 35) I guess we just couldn't have older people in lead roles, right? Gotta give 'em beards (Luke's look reminds me of Ben's look - duh, I never got the connection until now!:slap:lol) and kill them off. I mean they're OLD, right?
Re: Star Wars Episode VIII (TBA)

Saw this on a 15/70 IMAX screen projected in 3D yesterday afternoon.
An indescribable experience and an instant masterpiece IMO.
Totally on par with the OT and LOTR.


Just got back from seeing this for the second time. Loved it the first time and loved it even more after the second viewing. As a life long Star Wars fan it's great to see that the franchise still has plenty to offer me. The fact that Rian Johnson is getting his own trilogy is even better news. The movie, unsurprisingly is making a killing at the box office and is one of the best reviewed Star Wars films of all time so LFL will want repeat their success with this film. All a matter of perspective folks...very easy for a very loud minority to assume that they speak for an entire community when they don't like something.
Re: Star Wars Episode VIII (TBA)

Saw this on a 15/70 IMAX screen projected in 3D yesterday afternoon with the kids after only ever watching the one single teaser trailer from last April. I don't think I've been that unspoiled heading into a new SW flick since the original in 1977! And what a movie to see cold, WOW!

An indescribable experience and an instant masterpiece IMO. Totally on par with the OT and LOTR. It was everything I hoped for and more and contained nothing that I feared. Bravo Disney, LFL, and Johnson. The thrills, drama, surprises, visuals, music and even comedy were a home runs across the board.

BR 2049 and TLJ make for a one-two cinematic punch not rivaled by many a calendar season.


I got the impression Luke gave himself over to the force as Obi Wan did....some people think Vader killed Obi, but he disappears before the saber struck.

Same with Yoda. He gave himself to the force.

Yup....I felt the same. Gave him a few bad ass moments with Kylo for the young ins then as a nod to old timers had Luke go out like Ben and Yoda.

Just got back from seeing this for the second time. Loved it the first time and loved it even more after the second viewing. As a life long Star Wars fan it's great to see that the franchise still has plenty to offer me. The fact that Rian Johnson is getting his own trilogy is even better news. The movie, unsurprisingly is making a killing at the box office and is one of the best reviewed Star Wars films of all time so LFL will want repeat their success with this film. All a matter of perspective folks...very easy for a very loud minority to assume that they speak for an entire community when they don't like something.

Or when that loud minority are critics.
Re: Star Wars Episode VIII (TBA)

Saw this on a 15/70 IMAX screen projected in 3D yesterday afternoon with the kids after only ever watching the one single teaser trailer from last April. I don't think I've been that unspoiled heading into a new SW flick since the original in 1977! And what a movie to see cold, WOW!

An indescribable experience and an instant masterpiece IMO. Totally on par with the OT and LOTR. It was everything I hoped for and more and contained nothing that I feared. Bravo Disney, LFL, and Johnson. The thrills, drama, surprises, visuals, music and even comedy were a home runs across the board.

BR 2049 and TLJ make for a one-two cinematic punch not rivaled by many a calendar season.

Did you like it more than rogue one (he says whilst trying to work out whether there is still good in Khev or if he will have to be offed in his sleep using Jedi Master Luke's special brand of euthanasia for kids who might be suceptable to the dark side)?
Khev, if you're sarcasting, you'll have had re-earned my respect.

No, I really loved everything about it. It hit me with the thrills and feels on so many levels. My kids and I have been talking about it non-stop for the last 24 hours, I feel like I'm their age again and like they're getting as close to what I experienced as can be hoped for from a new flick.

That's fine if people aren't into this one for whatever reason though. This isn't one I plan on defending or debating. I thought I'd just throw in my two cents before
disappearing on a rock in front of the sunset.

Speaking of Daisy, I thought her performance was awful at times in TLJ especially when talking to 'master Luke' on the island. She looked like she was reading a prompt card. Maybe she didn't give a **** either.
I think Luke's true reason for going into hiding is because, after he became famous for ending the Empire, he clearly went on a sex-spree and knocked up a galaxy full of women out there... the many Broom Babies are just waking up to their powers. No wonder he killed himself.

I think Luke raped Kylo.
My kids and I have been talking about it non-stop for the last 24 hours, I feel like I'm their age again and like they're getting as close to what I experienced as can be hoped for from a new flick.
Awee, that's nice then, at least something good came out of it.

Or when that loud minority are critics.

Fair point but I guess it all comes back to the fact that opinions on movies are an individual affair and 10 people hating a movie cannot objectively cancel out any one individual's enjoyment of it. The notion that because these movies did not line up plot point to plot point to some basement dweller's Cheeto induced mental fan movie does not mean that they failed and certainly does not mean that "no one" could "possibly" like them.

Yup....I felt the same. Gave him a few bad ass moments with Kylo for the young ins then as a nod to old timers had Luke go out like Ben and Yoda.

... except that Luke was designed as the hero, and Ben and Yoda were designed as mentor characters. Totally different character types.
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