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I thought Luke had a more bad ass showdown than Logan.
Jesus . . .
It boggles my mind that there are people out there that actually loved a Just For Men dye wearing, Chuck Norris/Billy Mays looking Jake Skywalker doing those anime tier dodges, while in reality, he wasn't even there. Instead, he was crying and having a heart attack on a ****ing rock. Boggles the mind that people would consider this good or even epic.
It's got to be an IQ thing, that's the only explanation. I just dropped a good friend because he decided to go on a rant about how great TLJ and how I'm missing out by not liking it. All I did was wish him a happy holiday and ask how he was doing and he decided to go full shill about what a masterpiece it is and how I'm "missing it". Mind you, this guy hated TLJ opening day. He saw it 6 more times to convince himself and took to Twitter and snapchat to express his undying love for it. I thought he was ****ing with me until he just kept going on and on about it. It's just bizarre. It's funny, I didn't mind all the 2016 election BS where both sides were at each other's throats 24/7 when it came to their political ideologies. I kept to myself and didn't lose any family or friends. But this movie, holy hell, it feels like I'm about to be surrounded and swarmed by mouthbreathing cretins!

The people that I find most hilarious are those that hate the prequels with a passion and can't find any good in them, and yet, they somehow love TLJ. It's just completely absurd to me. Luke and Leia acting like literal superheroes are cool, but Palpatine and Yoda spinning around like idiots is a travesty! Last Jedi is filled with so many kidified, cringey moments (most of which are done with bad jokes and awful looking CGI characters) that it reminded me of everything I hated about the Special Editions and Prequels. I just don't get it.
I don't even think I can be considered a "Star Wars fan" anymore. Out of like 9 movies, I only really love 2 to 3 of them. The fans irritate me, their theories between every release irritate me, the cosplayer s annoy me, the crappy merchandise irritates me, all these articles and YouTube videos about it irritate me. I just don't get it. I'll always have my love for it from the classic things that resonated with me when I was a kid, but a part of me wishes this whole "Star Wars phenomenon" died by the end of the 80s. It's an awful franchise.
But the people like me who don't care and will see the movie again, and buy it. Because, hey, it's Star Wars.
And that's the problem.