Superman (July 11th, 2025)

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I dig it. I don't hate it as much as everyone on social media seems to be hating on it seems to be. Most still complaining that it isn't Cavill's suit.
Love how the colors pop and I'm not opposed to seeing creases and folds either, although I have no doubt some of that will be cleaned up during post production.

One of my biggest pet peeves with Hollands Spider-Man has been them CGing the hell out of his suit to the point where there's not a single fold or crease on him. When he raises his arms or bends forward, there should be folds and creases. Not buttery smooth fake CG. I like costumes looking like they're tangible.

Overall though, still reserving full judgement until we get a proper trailer. On set photos always look worse than what ends up on screen.


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So maybe someone can answer for me but what’s up with panel lines on superhero suits? I remember bavk in the day when each superhero suit had an identity and feel now they all have freakin panel lines
So maybe someone can answer for me but what’s up with panel lines on superhero suits? I remember bavk in the day when each superhero suit had an identity and feel now they all have freakin panel lines
The panels are on this suit to shrink his radar profile. That way when an enemy military tracks him the radar tech will say "Look, entering our air space! It's a bird! No, a plane!" but his commander will see it and go "You were right the first time - it's just a bird."

The suit is not flattering, but it's colorful, the "S" shield looks nice and big, the cape looks great, and he's got the classic red trunks. That's good enough if the action is good and the film is light and fun. Besides, he'll be CGI in most action scenes, so the suit will look fine.
Jesus that looks horrendous with those lines and panels worse than even twink looking Routh yikes.

Like a bad cosplay.

Angie GriffinGHdDWPOakAAc_Hy.jpg

Do you like this cosplay better @jye4ever ?

Because it's touched up. This Superman will also be touched up in post.

From a production standpoint, you need a suit that allows the actor to be functional and to make it somewhat bearable to endure. A lot of actors on the rise, and those with options, will turn down roles based on the level of potential attrition involved. Dave Bautista, as of today, with more cache behind his name and brand, wouldn't take the GOTG1 role. Not a chance. If Karen Gillan had a larger footprint in the US when she entered the MCU, she might not have signed up to be Nebula.

Let's see how the new guy does. He might just surprise everyone.

This might sound like heresy to lots of hard core comic fans here, but Superman in film has always been a placeholder character. He's there to react to the more charismatic super villain and mentor characters. I enjoyed Henry Cavill as Clark Kent, I did, and I enjoyed Man Of Steel a ton. But the emotional weight of the film was carried by Kevin Costner, Michael Shannon and Russell Crowe. Christopher Reeve was replaceable. Maybe no one wants to hear that, but he was. What you couldn't replace was Marlon Brando and Gene Hackman.

What's been up with you of late? You've gotten super salty about everything. Then again, you did mention you were married. So I can't judge a drowning man too much....
It looks like an unfinished early draft or something. There are aspects I like about it, and then there are parts that make me scratch my head.

It is what it is..
I think it depends on your view on how the films should be. Knowing this is a superhero film I could let it pass. I do think since they were going a mix between New 52 and classic they should have kept it just New 52. But I don't hate it the look. Though I won't be made if the trunks make it to the new Batman I'll still be ok with him not having it also.
Just doesn’t work in live action for me. Can’t take it seriously at all. Even with the Reeve movies.

When you take something into live action sometimes certain aspects don’t translate well, this is one of them.
Forget what? The suit looks great there. Just an unflattering cowl image.

The backlash to these images was notoriously negative, regardless of personal opinion, yet on film it is many individual’s favourite batsuit.

Let’s all wait to see how this looks on film.

Agree it’s far from perfect however.
Forget what? The suit looks great there. Just an unflattering cowl image.
You might think so but when those images first came out people hated them and the ears and it laughed at. We could dig up the old thread and see but I’m sure it got the same reactions as the Superman suit.

Also the cowl looks terrible here but that’s only cause the guy wearing it is a stunt double lol