Superman vs Hulk

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Who would win in a fight?

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Ok guys, its official. They are friends.
But Superman squashing Hulk's hand?

Lol this is thread is hilarious.....
My only reasoning that Hulk would win the fight against Superman is merely that Hulk's strength in theory is infinite, while Superman has finite limits to his power basis, very high limits, but he still has em. That's just my take though, I could also see Superman besting Hulk. But I honestly don't remember the last time Hulk died so......
Lol this is thread is hilarious.....
My only reasoning that Hulk would win the fight against Superman is merely that Hulk's strength in theory is infinite, while Superman has finite limits to his power basis, very high limits, but he still has em. That's just my take though, I could also see Superman besting Hulk. But I honestly don't remember the last time Hulk died so......


OMG what is wrong with people...!? :gah:

OMG what is wrong with people...!? :gah:

Lol....just my take. I acknowledge both are capable of defeating each other. I've read alot of hulk, and I've researched alot of Superman and read some stuff. Enlighten me, give me a compelling argument to convince me, totally open minded to other side, but you gotta convince me first lol.
]Lol "With all due respect to the Distinguished Competition, I don't think even Superman would stand a chance. In the end, only the Hulk himself could provide the opening that Iron Man needed to end the madness." -Greg Pak, writer of Hulk, pulled from interview at link:

Greg Pak purposely wrote Hulk to be more powerful than Superman during the WWH event, thats why he had Sentry of all superheroes to step in to demonstrate just how powerful Hulk got. And Sentry got smashed in the face while Hulk was still standing, able to generate gamma waves so strong, he would have destroyed the world if he took more than a few steps. At least thats what I take from this quote
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isculpt, your avatar looks like slimer-hulk. I like it!
I have only posted a few times on this site but I am an avid comic collector and love both hulk and superman.

Having this thread in the DC comics section is just unfair and very funny to say the least.

Today's superman is not even close to the powerhouse that he was in the pre-crisis era. The Hulk of today has saved the world from inevitable death countless times.

This is how the fight would go:

Hulk is 10x Doomsday and superman lost to him. Superman's ice breath, heat-vision, super speed and strength did very little to Doomsday.

A pissed off superman is stronger compared to the BASE level Hulk. There is no way superman could pick up hulk and throw him into the sun. hulk could easily match supermans strength and fall back to earth. Again Ice breath, heat vision would only aggravate hulk, making him more pissed off and stronger. Yes superman can just fly and stay away from hulk but the moment he was near hulk it would be a very quick fight. Hulk has fought people with super speed and was able to land punches on them. World breaker hulk is without a doubt on another level compared to superman. As the previous poster had mentioned, with each step hulk created earthquakes and would of destroyed the world by walking. WALKING.

Superman would have to fight hulk on a physical level and he just has no chance.

Pre-crisis superman vs world breaker hulk would just be way to hard to predict. The only difference is that hulk has very little weaknesses.

Can hold his breath underwater for endless amounts of time, can breath in any atmosphere and could fight with the same strength on any planet. cold and heat mean nothing to him and magic does very little to him. Magic users like to transport hulk away from the situation, instead of fighting him.

Superman has weaknesses and we all no them.

Hulk's strength is LIMITLESS and world breaker hulk is the proof. I would love to see a planet that could withstand wb hulks power levels and the funny thing is that he would only get stronger.
Lol....just my take. I acknowledge both are capable of defeating each other. I've read alot of hulk, and I've researched alot of Superman and read some stuff. Enlighten me, give me a compelling argument to convince me, totally open minded to other side, but you gotta convince me first lol.

Superman is like a thousand times faster and he can fly. He is strong and so is the Hulk, but the Hulk isn't stronger. Superman would just fly super fast and grab the hulk and toss him into space, without the Hulk even noticing what the f happened, there the Hulk would die of suffocation. It's so easy. But Superman could just beat the crap out of the Hulk, again, speed would help to finish off the Hulk much easier. Also, Supermans speed combined with his strength, he could just fly right through the Hulk and crush his body into pieces. Not to mention that Hulks powers will go away within hours... :slap
Superman is like a thousand times faster and he can fly. He is strong and so is the Hulk, but the Hulk isn't stronger. Superman would just fly super fast and grab the hulk and toss him into space, without the Hulk even noticing what the f happened, there the Hulk would die of suffocation. It's so easy. But Superman could just beat the crap out of the Hulk, again, speed would help to finish off the Hulk much easier. Also, Supermans speed combined with his strength, he could just fly right through the Hulk and crush his body into pieces. Not to mention that Hulks powers will go away within hours... :slap


1. You need to read hulk/superman comics
2. Hulk is stronger compared to superman
3. Hulk can breath in space.
4. Hulk has fought very fast characters and speed made little difference.
5. Doomsday?!?
6. Hulk has been able to stay in his form at any point and for however long he wants. Today's Hulk doesn't even have banner as a part of him anymore.
7. You are a funny guy haha

1. You need to read hulk/superman comics
2. Hulk is stronger compared to superman
3. Hulk can breath in space.
4. Hulk has fought very fast characters and speed made little difference.
5. Doomsday?!?
6. Hulk has been able to stay in his form at any point and for however long he wants. Today's Hulk doesn't even have banner as a part of him anymore.
7. You are a funny guy haha

1. Nah, lost interest as all of the different writers just changed the stories around all of the time. There are so many versions of Superman and the Hulk that I just got tired of reading the comics.

2. No and it doesn't even matter because of how fast Superman is. As I've said, Superman's incredible speed mixed with his super strength, he would be stronger than the Hulk. It's logical, if you didn't miss physics in school that is.

3. Yeah, the writers had to find a solution to that so they fixed it eventually. I think it was something with his body adapting/evolution stuff or something like that, can't remember.

4. Hulk can't possibly fight something that is so fast you can't even notice it was ever there.

5. You mean, Doomsday killed Superman? That's a fricking joke created by the person who wrote that comic, read point 6.

6. Yeah, there are so many different versions of the Hulk. I'm talking about the real Hulk, that changes into Banner, he would not be Hulk for ever. Or, you want me to use the argument that Superman would win because Superman is a million times stronger than Batman, and Batman could kick the Hulk off his feet? Seriously..? That's not the real Hulk, the real Hulk would crush batman like a fly, and I say that as a big Batman fan..

7. Good argument.

Again, Hulk would not be able to lay a single finger on Superman because of Superman's speed. Superman can win the Hulk, but the Hulk can NEVER win Superman, unless the writers of a new Hulk comic book decides that Hulk should be just as fast as Superman.
1. Nah, lost interest as all of the different writers just changed the stories around all of the time. There are so many versions of Superman and the Hulk that I just got tired of reading the comics.

2. No and it doesn't even matter because of how fast Superman is. As I've said, Superman's incredible speed mixed with his super strength, he would be stronger than the Hulk. It's logical, if you didn't miss physics in school that is.

3. Yeah, the writers had to find a solution to that so they fixed it eventually. I think it was something with his body adapting/evolution stuff or something like that, can't remember.

4. Hulk can't possibly fight something that is so fast you can't even notice it was ever there.

5. You mean, Doomsday killed Superman? That's a fricking joke created by the person who wrote that comic, read point 6.

6. Yeah, there are so many different versions of the Hulk. I'm talking about the real Hulk, that changes into Banner, he would not be Hulk for ever. Or, you want me to use the argument that Superman would win because Superman is a million times stronger than Batman, and Batman could kick the Hulk off his feet? Seriously..? That's not the real Hulk, the real Hulk would crush batman like a fly, and I say that as a big Batman fan.. I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHERE TO START WITH THIS....

7. Good argument.

Again, Hulk would not be able to lay a single finger on Superman because of Superman's speed. Superman can win the Hulk, but the Hulk can NEVER win Superman, unless the writers of a new Hulk comic book decides that Hulk should be just as fast as Superman.

All of your comments you speak of is as if the FICTIONAL characters were real people. Everything you just said goes against comics itself!! Superman man is soooo fast he can sleep while defeating brainiac and finish the comic in one panel. he can eat a banana and take a _____ on the toilet while a second later can fly around the world 15 times and defeat the entire justice league. give me a break.

Superman fights and struggles with far weaker characters in comics. He has never come against anyone of hulks ruthlessness and strength other than doomsday. The Doomsday fight was basically the only credible and decent fight superman has ever had!

If you had any knowledge on these characters I would respect what you are saying but everything you mentioned does not exist.

Please read a few hulk comics to argue against this topic.

I think you are referring to savage (bronze age comics) hulk and that is one of hulks weaker incarnations.

I gave my opinion and I can't rationalize yours sorry.
Superman is like a thousand times faster and he can fly. He is strong and so is the Hulk, but the Hulk isn't stronger. Superman would just fly super fast and grab the hulk and toss him into space, without the Hulk even noticing what the f happened, there the Hulk would die of suffocation. It's so easy. But Superman could just beat the crap out of the Hulk, again, speed would help to finish off the Hulk much easier. Also, Supermans speed combined with his strength, he could just fly right through the Hulk and crush his body into pieces. Not to mention that Hulks powers will go away within hours... :slap

Uhm...the Hulk doesn't need to breathe in space anymore(Planet Hulk), The Hulk regenerates, and Superman IS not stronger than the Hulk, at least not confirmed anyway.....
1. Nah, lost interest as all of the different writers just changed the stories around all of the time. There are so many versions of Superman and the Hulk that I just got tired of reading the comics.

2. No and it doesn't even matter because of how fast Superman is. As I've said, Superman's incredible speed mixed with his super strength, he would be stronger than the Hulk. It's logical, if you didn't miss physics in school that is.

3. Yeah, the writers had to find a solution to that so they fixed it eventually. I think it was something with his body adapting/evolution stuff or something like that, can't remember.

4. Hulk can't possibly fight something that is so fast you can't even notice it was ever there.

5. You mean, Doomsday killed Superman? That's a fricking joke created by the person who wrote that comic, read point 6.

6. Yeah, there are so many different versions of the Hulk. I'm talking about the real Hulk, that changes into Banner, he would not be Hulk for ever. Or, you want me to use the argument that Superman would win because Superman is a million times stronger than Batman, and Batman could kick the Hulk off his feet? Seriously..? That's not the real Hulk, the real Hulk would crush batman like a fly, and I say that as a big Batman fan..

7. Good argument.

Again, Hulk would not be able to lay a single finger on Superman because of Superman's speed. Superman can win the Hulk, but the Hulk can NEVER win Superman, unless the writers of a new Hulk comic book decides that Hulk should be just as fast as Superman.

I'm sorry but you really need to read the newer Hulk comics, your info seems dated. Also in Planet Hulk, Hulk stayed in form for almost the whole time he was there, only transforming to Banner twice because he had to. You have yet to convince me otherwise why Superman should win. I get that he's fast, but you're only convincing me it would be a difficult fight for the Hulk, not that he would actually win. Which I already knew. I would gladly acknowledge Superman would win, if someone more knowledgeable in comic lore were to gimme more evidence other than the usual "Superman's Speed, and then oh let me reference a comic crossover that was dated in the time where Superman's power levels were far more powerful than what he is now.":slap
And you really shouldn't bring physics into a discussion like this one lol. Were talkin about an alien and a big green monster.
I love how EVERY person who's claiming Hulk would win right now has a Hulk avatar.

the doomsday fight can not be used as an example of hulk beating superman cause if I remeber it correctly superman wlon
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