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Since when is this show about the guest stars? I think they did a decent job of doing exactly what they were supposed to do, and I think that, overall, it's a great episode with a great story, and I can't wait to see where things go from here.
Since when is this show about the guest stars? I think they did a decent job of doing exactly what they were supposed to do, and I think that, overall, it's a great episode with a great story, and I can't wait to see where things go from here.

I see both sides of the coin. In one respect, if you build an episode around diverse cast you expect them to 'deliver' (and for Matt, they didn't.) By the same token, they were merely 'stepping stones' for the overall story, a 'one and done' kind of thing.

For me, they probably could have shown 45 minutes of a black screen, combined with the last 10 minutes of the episode we did see and I would have applauded. :lol I just loved it. I like the backstories. Granted, some are easier to forget than most, but I get a kick out of them. And I'm a sucker for those hellhounds, so it worked out great! :hi5:

I'll admit that I'm more of a Dean fan than one of Sam's, but man, I'm pumped to see where Sam takes this. It seems like we get more of Dean taking trips, whether it be to Hell or Purgatory, so I'm excited to see where this takes Sam.
Anyone else think that this season is going by quick? Just realized we're already heading into Episode 15 (of 23.)
Since when is this show about the guest stars? I think they did a decent job of doing exactly what they were supposed to do, and I think that, overall, it's a great episode with a great story, and I can't wait to see where things go from here.

Go back and look at the scene where the dad sees his dead daughter for the first time; I just cringed at that moment...and the overacting of 'famous' dtr, and 'comatose' dtr didn't help
Go back and look at the scene where the dad sees his dead daughter for the first time; I just cringed at that moment...and the overacting of 'famous' dtr, and 'comatose' dtr didn't help

They were just supposed to be an annoying bunch of dopes. I think they served that role well enough.

I think we're just spoiled by the prior couple episodes.
I can't believe the show was renewed again. It really sucks now. I only watched the first few episodes of this season. Plus, the Felicia Day episode. It's so off the feel of the original seasons since the creator left.
I can't believe the show was renewed again. It really sucks now. I only watched the first few episodes of this season. Plus, the Felicia Day episode. It's so off the feel of the original seasons since the creator left.

100% disagree! This show far from sucks! Is it as good as earlier seasons, no. It's still a great show though IMO.
I think that all the show needs is a strong main arc and we are good - season 7's Richard (cause **** gets censored) arch was weak, and this season's arc is almost nonexistant - sure, they talk about it every episode and again, but once you battle Satan, yellow eyes, etc, its not gonna be the same

Anyone else hope they introduce God into the series? Every other main player has been involved aside from the main man himself

To myself, it seems like the writers are throwing ideas out there, and seeing what sticks to the wall....look at the Sam/girlfriend arc - so far, she was introduced, part of his year, they broke up, almost got back together, but that's it...she has almost been like character filler than a true tangible concept this season.

Also, at the SDCC. the writer's indicated the boys go up against Crowley, and end up on the wrong side of him...they made it sound pretty dramatic and got me excited, but Crowley has barely been in the show, and when he has, it certainty hasn't been in any really different capacity...maybe the get on the wrong side of him in second half? i dunno -
I can't believe the show was renewed again. It really sucks now. I only watched the first few episodes of this season. Plus, the Felicia Day episode. It's so off the feel of the original seasons since the creator left.
Yep. Surprised that it's lasted this long. There are some entertaining episodes every now and then though.

I wish they'd leave the whole god/devil/angels crap alone now. It was fun for the first season or two, now it's annoying. Idunno where else they could take the series though.

I feel like there's just been so much wasted potential.
100% disagree! This show far from sucks! Is it as good as earlier seasons, no. It's still a great show though IMO.

Agreed. It's the only show I really care to catch on a weekly basis.

I think that all the show needs is a strong main arc and we are good - season 7's Richard (cause **** gets censored) arch was weak, and this season's arc is almost nonexistant - sure, they talk about it every episode and again, but once you battle Satan, yellow eyes, etc, its not gonna be the same

Anyone else hope they introduce God into the series? Every other main player has been involved aside from the main man himself

To myself, it seems like the writers are throwing ideas out there, and seeing what sticks to the wall....look at the Sam/girlfriend arc - so far, she was introduced, part of his year, they broke up, almost got back together, but that's it...she has almost been like character filler than a true tangible concept this season.

Also, at the SDCC. the writer's indicated the boys go up against Crowley, and end up on the wrong side of him...they made it sound pretty dramatic and got me excited, but Crowley has barely been in the show, and when he has, it certainty hasn't been in any really different capacity...maybe the get on the wrong side of him in second half? i dunno -

I'm definitely hoping they introduce God by the end of it, and a part of me hopes that it's Chuck. And speaking of Chuck, if they don't find a way to make him relevant again, I'm going to be a little disappointed. He was such a well written character (and well acted.)

I didn't care for what they did, by just not talking about him again. And Castiel's blurb, this season, about Chuck probably being dead was a 'WTF' moment for me. The character deserves more than that, IMO.
Dammit, bring back John Winchester! He was awesome, and he's not doing as many roles lately, and it'd be an interesting dynamic. Maybe if, someday, one of the brothers decides to pull a Tom Welling because he doesn't want to be on the show anymore, they can write John back in and have a father/son hunting trip. Speaking of John, has anyone seen that Magic City show that JDM is currently starring in?
Jeffrey Dean Morgan has a busy lineup for this year via IMDB.

Rob Benedict aka Chuck seems to be free but I guess it's up to scheduling?

I still say (sorry to repeat myself) bring back the hybrid teenager Jesse Turner from season 5 if not next season then maybe in the series finale?
Eh, those movies are probably already in post production if they're due out this year. That being said, I just thought he hadn't done anything in a while.
I, for one, would far rather see John Winchester stay dead. Not that I didn't thoroughly enjoy Jeffrey Dean Morgan's portrayal, it's just that Winchesters making the "ultimate sacrifice" for family or the world, then popping back from "the other side" ready for another go has already reached ridiculous levels over the years of the show's run.

Also, one of the major themes of the show was the brothers learning to carry on and work together without their dad to depend on, first when he was missing, and then after his death. Bringing John back in any sort of long term manner puts all that character development straight out the window.
I, for one, would far rather see John Winchester stay dead. Not that I didn't thoroughly enjoy Jeffrey Dean Morgan's portrayal, it's just that Winchesters making the "ultimate sacrifice" for family or the world, then popping back from "the other side" ready for another go has already reached ridiculous levels over the years of the show's run.

Also, one of the major themes of the show was the brothers learning to carry on and work together without their dad to depend on, first when he was missing, and then after his death. Bringing John back in any sort of long term manner puts all that character development straight out the window.

I agree that I want him to stay dead, BUT I would like him to somehow/someway make an appearance in the last episode of the show's run. The show started with him and it should end with him, IMO.
Maybe the 3 of them riding through heaven in a pick-up truck with Cas and Bobby in the back!:yess:

That actually sounds kinda cool! :lol

I can definitely see the show ending with the death of the Bros. and them rejoining the fallen (eg. John and Bobby.)