This is my 7th year teaching and I still get a cold every year, so obviously I have not built up any immunity despite the fact that I take vitamins and am in relatively good health. My doctor told me that he wants to remove my tonsils since I have had tonsilitis and, I guess, removing tonsils can reduce your chances of strep.
That piss story is disgusting; I guess 5th graders play with piss by flooding toilets and playing in the waste water and 8th graders just go straight for pissing on each other.

I have had several girls start their period in class and bolt out of the classroom crying and too many students to count puke on their desk (or their neighbor). About once a year or so, a student urinates on themselves by accident, but my first year teaching I had an RSP student (she was also being referred for SDC) who would have accidents on a weekly basis. The school janitor actually kept a bag of the woodchip things and the nurse had several outfits for her. She was a very sweet kid, but I remember being so grossed and sad for the students surrounding her who would have to sit and...smell that while they waited for the janitor to come and clean.