Watched T2 for the first time in quite a while. Man, it's amazing how good a job Cameron and Arnold did at retaining the "machine" aspect of the T-800 even with some of the more light-hearted aspects. Right off the bat in the biker bar when he demands the guy's boots and clothes and the dude says, "You forgot to say please." Well we already know that the idiot from T3 and probably Genisys would have awkwardly said "Please." You know, talk to the hand, okay, and all that. But the Terminator just stands there, not seeing any reason to follow up with a response. The guy damages his skin, he breaks his hand, mayhem ensues. The whole fight (while sanitized compared to the thugs in T1) is sitll pretty brutal and far from "comedic."
And just ignoring the aspects of how they changed the tone of the T1 story and so forth I really found Arnold's "Uncle Bob" to be quite likable throughout the movie. He REALLY does act like a machine for so much of the movie that when he does pause and play high five or make some comment it really is a genuinely amusing change of pace. Even his "Stay here, I'll be back" is quite a low key delivery. Not "Stay here, I'll BE BACK HAR HAR HAR wink wink!"
At the end of the movie it really starts to feel like Arnold is coming "alive" and emoting and caring for John ("John, you've got to go NOW,") but at the end they really convey that tragically it was all just his programming, that he never felt anything at all. When he hugs John he is clearly going through the motions, when Sarah shakes his hand and nods at him he responds to the gesture but turns his head and steps onto the hook as if her sentiment didn't register at all.
I had to chuckle watching the final brawl between Arnold and the T-1000 remembering that someone who's a part of Genysis recently said "The opening fight between the two T-800's is going to be so much better than when Arnold fought Robert Patrick." Yeah, never the best idea to say, "our action is gong to be so much better than when James Cameron did it."