Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

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:rock:rock:rock:rock Thank you! and why the **** is a terminator looking to get Plastic Surgery!??? Just go kill the ****ing kid!!!! Jesus!!! what is this Nip/Tuck The Terminator Edition!

Wow. When people hate something, they really start to reach for complaints. Terminators were designed as tactical units, not blunt assault weapons. How much real world access would that Terminator have to hunt John in his homeless outfit - smelling of rotting Chet flesh? It makes sense that the robot would seek to replace that disguise if it was possible. If Sarah had gotten away in the first film after the tanker explosion, how long would the Endoskeleton have made it before we called in the Army and National Guard to blow him away? Arnie-Terminator would have tried the same thing in that situation. Hell, why did the Chet Endo bother to dress in the homless outfit to begin with ... oh yeah, because robots roaming the streets tend to draw attention.

My only problem with the whole sub-plot was the scientist going along with it, without questioning/ realizing he was going to die afterwards. But, I can write that off as him getting caught up in the revelation the endoskeleton had brought him about his life's work.
I believe Douglas owns some stock in this show:lol

You have definitely taken up the role of SCC superfan:lol

Oh and just an update, I still think the show is weak and suffers from really poor writing.

Will be back with an update in a few days :wave
Wow. When people hate something, they really start to reach for complaints. Terminators were designed as tactical units, not blunt assault weapons. How much real world access would that Terminator have to hunt John in his homeless outfit - smelling of rotting Chet flesh? It makes sense that the robot would seek to replace that disguise if it was possible. If Sarah had gotten away in the first film after the tanker explosion, how long would the Endoskeleton have made it before we called in the Army and National Guard to blow him away? Arnie-Terminator would have tried the same thing in that situation. Hell, why did the Chet Endo bother to dress in the homless outfit to begin with ... oh yeah, because robots roaming the streets tend to draw attention.

My only problem with the whole sub-plot was the scientist going along with it, without questioning/ realizing he was going to die afterwards. But, I can write that off as him getting caught up in the revelation the endoskeleton had brought him about his life's work.

Well i just think its a really gay tactic. He is wasting a lot of freaking time with is Nip/Tuck crap. Just find them and kill them. Oh but then we already know John is not going to die. So whats the point of the show....$$$$$
I think it would be interesting if Cameron knows that Sarah Connor was the one to cause Judgment Day and she was sent by Cyberdyne to make sure it happens. She was ordered to take them to 2007 and plant the seeds for what needs to happen. Basically, Cameron is the prototype to what the Terminatrix model is (hence the blue eyes flashing instead of the red). Why else send a girl? Easy: to make it easier for both John and Sarah to trust her.

Her whole story about John Connor sending her from the future is bull*****. That's the only thing that can make this show interesting later on because, as is, it really is reaching into our Terminator nostalgia to make us like it. So once that is revealed you introduce a new "hero" Terminator protector that geeks can identify more with. Most likely a male and no-nonsense kinda guy full of one liners.

Thats a very interesting idea. I could see something like that being the case.
Thats a very interesting idea. I could see something like that being the case.

Another hint: why would she not take orders from John Connor? In T2 we establish that John Connor is John Connor no matter what timeline he is from. The command would be to "obey John Connor". That should be consistent in all the movies.

Also, why would the resistance have an "unknown" terminator? I can accept them reprograming existing terminators, but actually redesigning terminator or improving them?
I'm still trying to decide if I'm going to continue with this show. The whole bathtub re-skin thing was a little over the top, even for a sci-fi show.
Another hint: why would she not take orders from John Connor? In T2 we establish that John Connor is John Connor no matter what timeline he is from. The command would be to "obey John Connor". That should be consistent in all the movies.

Also, why would the resistance have an "unknown" terminator? I can accept them reprograming existing terminators, but actually redesigning terminator or improving them?

Yeah I agree. The part that got it for me is when the other Terminator didn't recognize her and then ran away... Terminators don't run away. Then when she threw in the "I don't take orders from THIS John" I knew something was fishy about her.
I haven't gotten a chance to watch the third episode yet, and I haven't kept up with this whole thread so forgive me if I repeat something that's already a dead issue:

- what the Hell was up with the Terminator head coming through the time jump with them? That can't happen. Didn't make sense. And you're telling me that the Terminator's body, which I suspect would have raised a few eyebrows, just ended up in a garbage dump?

- I really like Cameron, and I think she's the most interesting aspect of the show. I like that she told Sarah that she only takes orders from future John, and I do think she was sent back by John, not Cyberdyne. While it's an interesting idea tha Cyberdyne sent her, clearly the other Terminator was there to wipe out the resistance fighters. I'm assuming that not keeping Sarah alive (her dying from cancer) is part of why Cyberdyne ends up still coming into existence, and why Cameron said the answer to stopping them required them jumping to 2007. It also appears as though Cameron is very capable of creative lying, and I'd bet she was lying about the CAT scan ability.

- BTW, the Terminator 'running' makes complete sense. He's not there to destroy Cameron, he's there to kill John. It's key that he did NOT know what she was. We're assuming that Cameron is like T2 Arnie - a Cyberdyne Terminator adjusted by John. What if the resistance has survived long enough in the future to do more than that...what if Cameron is their own creation, built from Cyberdyne technology but with their own new parts, programming and developments? Like I said, who, what and how Cameron fits in to all this is the most interesting aspect of the show.

- The action is great. We haven't had a good ass kicking action show on TV for quite some time now, and this one has some great stuff.

- I'm not loving Sarah at this point. She's way too whiney, still way too 'why me?'. When she kicked the cops ass in the police car in the first episode, that was the T2 Sarah. When she waivered on killing the guy and Cameron had to do it for her, that was T1 Sarah. Bring back T2 Sarah please.

- Some of the plot stuff is ridiculous. John going back to Sarah's ex's house was stupid and useless. It's a heavy handed plot device to keep the guy in the show, but it made no sense.

- I'm hoping they go somewhere useful with the FBI agent.

So yea, I have some serious groans when watching, but I'm interested enough to keep it up for a few more weeks. Besides, what am I going to watch - Moment of Truth?
I haven't gotten a chance to watch the third episode yet, and I haven't kept up with this whole thread so forgive me if I repeat something that's already a dead issue:

- what the Hell was up with the Terminator head coming through the time jump with them? That can't happen. Didn't make sense. And you're telling me that the Terminator's body, which I suspect would have raised a few eyebrows, just ended up in a garbage dump?

I discussed this with a friend also. Here's my theory. The Terminator was still covered in flesh when the time jump started. Sarah fired the gun right as they were jumping. So, it's technically possible that the head was still cover in flesh as they jumped and the time shift was already over by the time the flesh was singed away. The better way to have shown that would have been a severed head coming through, but I doubt that would have gotten past the censors. As for the body lying in a dump, how is that so hard to believe? It's implied the jump caused an explosion/ structural damage to the bank. So, if the endoskeleton was just lying there among a huge heap of twisted metal, it's possible it would get bulldozered out and dropped into a landfill. Maybe not as probable, but since when have movies or TV been bastions of probability? :google
- I really like Cameron, and I think she's the most interesting aspect of the show. I like that she told Sarah that she only takes orders from future John, and I do think she was sent back by John, not Cyberdyne. While it's an interesting idea tha Cyberdyne sent her, clearly the other Terminator was there to wipe out the resistance fighters. I'm assuming that not keeping Sarah alive (her dying from cancer) is part of why Cyberdyne ends up still coming into existence, and why Cameron said the answer to stopping them required them jumping to 2007. It also appears as though Cameron is very capable of creative lying, and I'd bet she was lying about the CAT scan ability.

I agree with this 100%. And, I am willing to accept that my opinion may be clouded by "Tam Vision". But, I enjoy it and that's all that matters.

- BTW, the Terminator 'running' makes complete sense. He's not there to destroy Cameron, he's there to kill John. It's key that he did NOT know what she was. We're assuming that Cameron is like T2 Arnie - a Cyberdyne Terminator adjusted by John. What if the resistance has survived long enough in the future to do more than that...what if Cameron is their own creation, built from Cyberdyne technology but with their own new parts, programming and developments? Like I said, who, what and how Cameron fits in to all this is the most interesting aspect of the show.

- The action is great. We haven't had a good ass kicking action show on TV for quite some time now, and this one has some great stuff.

Actually, that Terminator had no idea that John was in the future. Cameron tells them that that unit was sent to track and kill the rebel soldiers who were sent to 2007 by John. But, I also agree that it made sense to run. If he was one of a 100 units on a battlefield, running wouldn't make sense. But, he wasn't. We know of 2, but I don't think the 2007 Terminator realizes that "Chet" is there with him. So, it would make more sense to retreat and reassess the situation rather than taking a chance being defeated by an opponent it knew was capable of winning - i.e. another cyborg.

- I'm not loving Sarah at this point. She's way too whiney, still way too 'why me?'. When she kicked the cops ass in the police car in the first episode, that was the T2 Sarah. When she waivered on killing the guy and Cameron had to do it for her, that was T1 Sarah. Bring back T2 Sarah please.

- Some of the plot stuff is ridiculous. John going back to Sarah's ex's house was stupid and useless. It's a heavy handed plot device to keep the guy in the show, but it made no sense.

- I'm hoping they go somewhere useful with the FBI agent.

So yea, I have some serious groans when watching, but I'm interested enough to keep it up for a few more weeks. Besides, what am I going to watch - Moment of Truth?

I actually like some of the nuances they have introduced with this Sarah - i.e. the fact that she is willing to kill the makers of the atomic bomb in her dreams, but struggles with killing in real life. Sure, she was a soldier in T2, but she had been kept inside an asylum and separated from John for most of his life. Something tells me that the time they spent together between T2 and the series helped bring her back from the edge. Hell, we saw that in T2 when she couldn't bring herself to kill Dyson. Just because she's willing to do anything to save John, doesn't mean she has to become some kind of heartless killing machine - i.e. she doesn't have to become like her enemy to defeat it. As for John going back to the ex's house, I didn't find that ridiculous. Sure, it was a bad strategical move. He put himself in danger. But, it was implied in the pilot that John was starting to look to him as a father figure - he picked out the engagement ring himself. Why is it so hard to believe that a teenager, who tend to be ruled more by emotion than logic, would seek out a loved one after a life altering moment like the time jump.
I have to admit that I like the show more than most of you. There are some holes, but things that are SO glaring, such as the metal head being able to come through time, that they just have to explain them eventually.

I also like Cameron a lot - although she was human enough to fool John at first and now she's all robogirl. But I guess she doesn't have to act in front of John and Sarah, so that could be explained. I think that they'll reveal that she's from a further point in the future than the other terminators and that's why they don't recognize her model. That could explain how she can act more human too.

But no matter how many wrong turns they take - this show will still be better than the Bionic Woman. :cool:
I think it would be interesting if Cameron knows that Sarah Connor was the one to cause Judgment Day and she was sent by Cyberdyne to make sure it happens. She was ordered to take them to 2007 and plant the seeds for what needs to happen. Basically, Cameron is the prototype to what the Terminatrix model is (hence the blue eyes flashing instead of the red). Why else send a girl? Easy: to make it easier for both John and Sarah to trust her.

Her whole story about John Connor sending her from the future is bull*****. That's the only thing that can make this show interesting later on because, as is, it really is reaching into our Terminator nostalgia to make us like it. So once that is revealed you introduce a new "hero" Terminator protector that geeks can identify more with. Most likely a male and no-nonsense kinda guy full of one liners.
however, she seems to know things about john like when she told Sarah that John said she was the best fighter he knew. the best. and that thing about reading the wizard of oz in spanish. those dont seem like things she'd be programmed with, they seem like something she was told. almost like she was a battle companion with the john of the future for a long time.
I believe Douglas owns some stock in this show:lol

You have definitely taken up the role of SCC superfan:lol

Oh and just an update, I still think the show is weak and suffers from really poor writing.

Will be back with an update in a few days :wave

For someone who has so draped themselves in The Highlander, you sure seem surprisingly critical of weak storytelling and poor writing. :monkey3
I'm a fan of the show too - yea - there is a bit of cheese and story problems, but its entertainment! :) And its Terminator!
I hadn't even thought about the metal head time travelling. Guess that shows how much I have my brain turned off during the show.
I hadn't even thought about the metal head time travelling. Guess that shows how much I have my brain turned off during the show.
i try not to think too hard about stuff like that. my head hurts.:lol you cant have fool proof time traveling in any movie or show so i just try to take what they give me.
I think Terminator 2 and 3 showed that all metal terminators can time travel so I don't think the flesh rule is as hard and fast as it was in the first movie.