The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread- Open SPOILERS -enter at own risk!

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Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

I'd really like to know what you thought during the

"I'm always angry." until the 360 of the team.

Come to think of it: I just HATE when people talk in the theatre, but this movie is so much more with the reactions of the other viewers. I enjoyed the movie a whole lot less with a near silent audience then I did at the fan screening and midnight premiere where people cheered, laughed and didn't hold back on their comments during the screening.

That scene is one of the best I have seen in the cinema. Truly amazing!

Agreed, the audience really made this film great to watch. Everyone was brought together.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Probably my favorite part in the whole movie is when
Banner turns to Cap and says, "That's my secret, captain. I'm always angry" and instantly turns into Hulk and proceeds to take down the serpent ship.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

I really think it was a BIG mistake to show Hulk catching Iron Man in the trailer. Just think how amazing that moment would have been in the film if you didn't know it was coming.

I completely forgot that scene in the trailer where he catches Iron Man so I was still amazed.:D
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Just got back from this and I was completely blown away....amazing movie, everything was just unreal and perfect. Couldn't ask for anything better, 10/10 :clap :D
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

This movie was perfect. Met and even exceeded my monstrous expectations. Major props to Marvel. They had a plan and saw it finished to perfection. Iron Man and Hulk were the standouts, easily. But Loki and the rest of the team were great, and Black Widow was a nice surprise. She wasn't just eye candy.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

I cannot stop thinking about all the little moments throughout this film. Has it been said yet, will Joss be involved with Avengers 2? I hope so.

Another to note:
The true feelings that Tony was feeling after Coulson died. I think it was incredibly important to showcase that.

Probably my favorite part in the whole movie is when
Banner turns to Cap and says, "That's my secret, captain. I'm always angry" and instantly turns into Hulk and proceeds to take down the serpent ship.

Man, that part gave me such huge goosebumps. I wanted to jump out of my seat in excitement but knew I better leave that for when I see it at home.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Is it just me or does anyone else want a HT figure of the Chitari (spelling) leader? Thought he looked creepy as hell.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

There is a lot being credited to Whedon in the reviews and the glee that really isn't all him but that you can't deny, he knows how to write humorous scenes with big groups, personalities and tough situations. I haven't even seen the film yet and am expecting that in spades.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

It was near 4 am when I got home so I wasn't even gonna try to think that hard to write something out, but now that I've had some sleep here are my thoughts:

Just some general thoughts on the movie first. This IMO is the best super hero/comic book movie ever. The way you get to know and see how everyone acts together in the first part of the movie is great. You get to spend a little bit of time with every character. Once you get into the heart of the movie things pick up and just take you for a real ride. For me I had fears for my favorite hero's that something might happen though I knew it wouldn't. The end of the movie and how that played out was just off the charts. There is so much going on that you have to be in the moment to pick as much of it up as you can.

Loki- IMO he is now the greatest movie comic-book villain ever! Tom Hiddleston does such a superb job of playing Loki it might be hard to see him in any other roll. You truly believe watching his performance between this and Thor that he is truly Loki. Also, when watching him you believe the pain, sarcasm, sick delight in killing, etc that Loki wants to do and does. His armor and such in this movie are excellent and his ability to play everyone shows how awesome a character Loki is.

Thor - Hemsworth is Thor for sure. I feel like with this character Hemsworth has made Thor his as much as Downey has made Stark his if that makes sense. From the start of Thor to this movie this character has made a great arc and I love that. The fight scene with Iron Man in this movie was just damn good fun to watch add that to the awesome fight scene with the Hulk he had two awesome fight moments in the film. Outside of that just him showing his human side caring for this world and that he would again sacrafise his life for it makes this a great character and job by Hemsworth/Whedon. His look in this movie while similar overall was awesome and I didn't end up minding the sleeveless look much. I still wouldn't want to buy a figure of it. lol

Cap- Evans was such a great choice for Cap. I thought he did an awesome job in TFA and really stepped it up in this movie. He really shows great leadership in the film and you can see why he really is the heart and soul of the Avengers. The fight sequence with Iron Man, Thor and Cap is great and I loved seeing the trees cleared out by the the sound wave coming off the sheild. The costume looked great on screen both with helm and without the helm. I just might display the HT figure without the helm just because I ended up liking that look quite a bit.

Banner/Hulk - Just so well done all the way around both as Ruffalo playing Banner (which was super well done) to how the Hulk looked. This was by far the best version of this character we've seen on both ends and I'm glad we may get a stand alone movie as I think it just might be the Hulk we're looking for.

Fury - Jackson is so perfect for this role. He gets to play himself basically and that's something he does well obviously. You can see that Fury does care about what happens to everyone and will do what it takes to make sure everyone is ok basically. Its a character we finally get to see more of and I like more now than I did before.

Black Widow/Hawkeye - Both characters going into the movie I didn't feel strongly about one way or the other, but Joss did a great job of making you care for these two. There was depth to what they do and how they work within the group. Black Widow was the most impressive of the two with her fight scene early and how she pulled it together after the Hulk went after her.

Coulson/Hill - I love Coulson. Such a fun character and perfect to mix into this group of super hero's as he has been doing. I knew going in he would die but it still sucked to see it but he did go out with a bang. I was hoping what I had was true and they would be able to put him into something and he'd become a character but to no avail that didn't happen. I will miss his character in the future. Hill was pretty cool as well. You can tell she is going to be a pain in the ass to these guys going forward kind of like she is in the comics but I am curious to see how they use her in the future

Stark - Downey Jr is just off the charts in this role. He's perfect for it IMO. I love the arc the character has taken and where he is now at in this movie. You can see he now thinks and cares for others outside of himself where that wasn't the case for when things started. I love the change you see when Coulson dies and he realizes that he cared for Coulson. Outside of that watching him go toe to toe with Thor was great and how he ____s with Loki was equally as great to honest. Of course you have him killing a leviathan from the inside which was pretty impressive. While not the total front man of the movie Stark stole some moments.

Overall, this movie was just awesome. I loved the Hulk vs Thor fight (and punch that happens later), all the smart ass comments that happen Fury v Loki, Stark V Loki, Cap v Stark, etc. The bad guys are awesome looking and reminded me of zombie ancient Egyptians for some reason which I thought was cool. It all woks so well and Whedon gets a tip of the cap from me for pulling this off.

Side note that extra scene with Thanos was sweet and I can't wait to see him do things in what I would assume is Thor 2.

Excellent review Josh,you nailed it 100%.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

I'm really glad I paid a bit extra to see it in Imax 3D. I'm usually not impressed with 3D conversions but I was really blown away by the presentation with this one. I went to the midnight show and the whole building had a fun party atmosphere. Some of the scenes discussed already really brought the house down. I really felt like I was watching this generations "Star Wars."
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread


I liked Loki up until he killed Coulson. After that? I wanted to see him get ripped to shreds, and exploded into a thousand pieces. When Hulk smashed the ____ out of him, that was the greatest thing I've ever seen.

Good. Deserves it. It's a superhero flick that delivers.

Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

I'm really glad I paid a bit extra to see it in Imax 3D. I'm usually not impressed with 3D conversions but I was really blown away by the presentation with this one. I went to the midnight show and the whole building had a fun party atmosphere. Some of the scenes discussed already really brought the house down. I really felt like I was watching this generations "Star Wars."

Well said. :exactly::lecture:exactly:
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

I'm hoping that the character makes an appearance in either IM3 or more likely Thor which will lead to Avengers 2 and that epic episode.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Hey, has anyone wondered if the appearance of
has much to do with the rumored Guardians of the Galaxy project.