The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread- Open SPOILERS -enter at own risk!

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Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

I'm glad he did this as well. It will help show the difference of him being in his own time and how he reacts to being frozen for 70 years. Thats a pretty damn smart play by his part to allow 40's Cap to stand in a different light than Avengers Cap. :rock

Man, this movie can't get out on Blu soon enough.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

I like that Johnston paid no attention to story plans for The Avengers and gave Cap his own movie.

It sounds like he didn't see X:FC since we all know that was also a superhero period movie released this summer.

I was thinking that too as it was my favorite of the summer. So Johnston squished 3 years of Cap fighting into the montages in the first film and if there's a sequel, he may expand those montages into full on battles. The only problem is while the implication that time passed for Cap is there, I didn't get the feeling time (not 3 years) passed for Red Skull. His story was fairly linear and didn't give the idea it happened over three years while Cap had other fighting and missions. I guess you could argue this movie could have taken place at the end of the 3 years, but then the movie showed Cap meeting Red Skull very early on and then again at the end of the film...
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

I'm glad he did this as well. It will help show the difference of him being in his own time and how he reacts to being frozen for 70 years. Thats a pretty damn smart play by his part to allow 40's Cap to stand in a different light than Avengers Cap. :rock

Man, this movie can't get out on Blu soon enough.


I can't wait for the blu-ray either! :impatient:
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Cap has maybe the worst looking Superhero costume of recent memory.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Yeah the set pics are making it a tough sell for me. I'm hoping it looks better in film.

So far him and Thor look worse than they did in their solo films, imo. Which kinda sucks. :(
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread



Cap vs a Skrull or a Kree?
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

That appears to be a Skrull more likely, alot of mo-cap stuff on him.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

But Tony Stark looks great. :lol

Probably only because Favreau has been on set! :lol

I kind of feel like I did when I first saw designs of Batman Returns. I was still really excited to see the movie but Penguin wasn't as cool as the Joker, the Bat skiboat wasn't as cool as the Bat Plane, and Batman's angular plate armor wasn't as cool as his sculpted rubber suit.

So far The Avengers has seen a number of downgrades in styles and designs, hopefully the banter between Stark and Cap and Thor and the over-the-top mayhem makes up for it.

Indeed. At least Avengers Cap still looks decent enough when he's not wearing the Blue Beetle cowl (as seen above.) The new Spidey looks like an idiot regardless of whether or not the mask is on or off.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Probably only because Favreau has been on set! :lol

I kind of feel like I did when I first saw designs of Batman Returns. I was still really excited to see the movie but Penguin wasn't as cool as the Joker, the Bat skiboat wasn't as cool as the Bat Plane, and Batman's angular plate armor wasn't as cool as his sculpted rubber suit.

So far The Avengers has seen a number of downgrades in styles and designs, hopefully the banter between Stark and Cap and Thor and the over-the-top mayhem makes up for it.

Indeed. At least Avengers Cap still looks decent enough when he's not wearing the Blue Beetle cowl (as seen above.) The new Spidey looks like an idiot regardless of whether or not the mask is on or off.

Yeah I agree about BR. It was a bit underwhelming. I have a fear of how all these characters will mesh, particularly throwing in first time Hulk. Also, after seeing CA, I am concerned about how believable he will be as a leader since he's just recently been thawed out and also we saw little of him leading. He was more solo...guns blazing, except for some scenes of teamwork but it wasn't like he was leading much. He has to lead the whole team and also can Evans stand toe to toe with Downey, Jr.?
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

He has to lead the whole team and also can Evans stand toe to toe with Downey, Jr.?

Yeah, the Howling Commandos were a bunch of cocky guys like Tony Stark but Cap was much more powerful than they were. It'll be interesting to see if/how Stark and Thor defer to Cap in The Avengers.

Maybe Cap will be the one to coordinate military strikes and lead the soldiers into battle like he did in WWII and Iron Man, Thor, and the Hulk will just kind of show up and do their own thing.

The trailers seem to indicate Fury as being the true "leader" of the team anyway.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Yeah, the Howling Commandos were a bunch of cocky guys like Tony Stark but Cap was much more powerful than they were. It'll be interesting to see if/how Stark and Thor defer to Cap in The Avengers.

Maybe Cap will be the one to coordinate military strikes and lead the soldiers into battle like he did in WWII and Iron Man, Thor, and the Hulk will just kind of show up and do their own thing.

The trailers seem to indicate Fury as being the true "leader" of the team anyway.

No offense to Jackson as I always like him, but I wish, in part, Marvel had kept the original Nick Fury, so there could be the Nick Fury and the Howling Commandos. I don't recall Cap directly being involved with them, maybe I am wrong. Also, Fury has no backstory in the Marvel movies as he always just comes in, usually after credits, and is like "wanna enlist m____r f_____r?" lol Had to do the Sam Jackson r rated version.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Thor doesn't look as good sleeveless but everyone else looks as good if not better IMO. Hell, I even like the new Spidey outfit and the trailer makes me quite interested in this movie.