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Basket Case Cinematic Universe now with more 16mm image lol

Dude my special effects make up school was down the street from that seedy ass building he filmed in although I was there 5 years after he made the original BC.

My school building wasn’t much better they used to make porn movies below our floor lol
Expanded 16mm aspect ratio I'm dying, lol.

The female basket cases are always eating the men maybe we should call it basket women.

Ah the stories your makeup building could tell, lol.
Such an adorable question, lol.



I meant with regard to public "consumption" of a format higher than 8K. Physical media is dying and for me personally, I don't want to spend money on formats that will become obsolete.
We'll see how the end of iTunes fares with its audience. I know they say they'll make it seamless... but you just know thousands of people will find themselves without their digital library during the change. It is inevitable. And this won't be the last. Some day in the future, a massive service will simply go under and people will lose everything. Only then will things change.

Don't be so quick to give up your stuff. If you can't hold it, you don't own it.
That is definitely true but when DVD's came out, I naively thought it would be the end-all-be-all format and so I began a DVD collection of all sorts of movies from favorites to "eh" movies. With Blu-Ray, I only bought my favorites and up until this point, I have not purchased a 4K movie yet despite having a 4K TV.
I began a DVD collection of all sorts of movies from favorites to "eh" movies. With Blu-Ray, I only bought my favorites ...

I did the same but with VHS. I had a huge collection. Never again in DVD or Blu ray or 4K... or...

But there's still like 30-40 movies that I continually buy in the new format. Most of the same ones we all covet here.
I don't expect 4K to be replaced but with the popularity dropping I'd be concerned about a movie coming out eventually without a physical release at all

Well, movies are already coming out without a theatrical release so it is inevitable that there will be movies that you can only dvr or stream, etc, that will never justify the cost of physical release. Besides, the industry would love to NOT make discs and packaging and still charge you $20+ for their movie. It will happen.
It's already happening with the gaming industry. It boggles the mind that people are OK paying the same price for a digital download as a physical copy. And in a lot of cases the prices of the digital copies are on average higher than the physical copies.
Well everything goes up pricewise, so of course one day people will be paying $45 for a download of a movie that used to be $25 for a physical 4K.

Weren't VHS movies like $39.99 when they first started mass marketing them before they settled on $29.99? How much were blu rays when they first came out?
We'll see how the end of iTunes fares with its audience. I know they say they'll make it seamless... but you just know thousands of people will find themselves without their digital library during the change. It is inevitable. And this won't be the last. Some day in the future, a massive service will simply go under and people will lose everything. Only then will things change.

Don't be so quick to give up your stuff. If you can't hold it, you don't own it.

I don’t see how splitting it all up will end well
The whole "end of iTunes" has been overblown. It's only going away on Mac. Windows and iOS users (who are the vast majority) will be unaffected and continue as normal.

I'm actually buying more iTunes content than ever because they've been upgrading it to the next generation for free. But I still intend making DRM-free backups as insurance.
Sad but true.

Forum member Gates be like “did someone say cropped, hold my beer!” :lol

Hold my beer Jye! :D For the record, I don't like my movies cropped in general. It's just that on a 2:35 screen, I don't really have a choice. For the few movies that actually do have an IMAX aspect ratio, I'll do it. Just bought myself a spanking brand new projector too :D
Oh, and I doubt we will see an actual 8k format on disc. 4K has a hard enough time getting off the ground as it is. I'm a die hard Home Theatre person that spends a huge amount on gear and movies, and I can't even see myself changing anytime soon if it does happen.
Well now that the big push has started to break up Apple, Amazon and Google with government monopoly laws i’ll just put my feet up and appreciate my steelbooks as the digital only purchases get mired in licensing lawsuits.

Yikes feel sorry for anyone buying stuff off YT.
OMG I just can’t....

Lionsgate is pleased to announce that the 2019 Hellboy has been given the full native real 4KDI treatment for its home release!!!

I’m watching a fake 4K IW while HB was born in a native 4K environment :rotfl

What’s next a native 8K DP release. :lol

I told you this industry is messed up lol
OMG I just can’t....

Lionsgate is pleased to announce that the 2019 Hellboy has been given the full native real 4KDI treatment for its home release.

I’m watching a fake 4K IW while HB was born in a native 4K environment :rotfl

I told you this industry is messed up lol
That's like serving Gruel on fine China, while the caviar and Foie Gras is served on dirty paper plates.

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