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Right now the list looks like this...

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....But in a few weeks, it's gonna look like this :D

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Nah my brother is getting the normal set so i'll probably just watch his and save the money towards a new statue. :lol :hi5:

Nah my brother is getting the normal set so i'll probably just watch his and save the money towards a new statue. :lol :hi5:

I don't know where to ask this, but here goes. Why hasn't Aladdin been allowed to become a Diamond Edition, like Snow White and Beauty and The Beast. Or at least see the light of day as a Blu-Ray.

Aladdin is my favorite Disney movie and I've been clamoring for a Blu release since I first got a blu-ray player.

I think the reason is that these blu restorations take a lot of time and Disney has a *ton* of classics to sort through. The need to prioritize somehow and can't please everybody. At least I hope that's the reason. We live in stupid times and I wouldn't be surprised if it was being held up for other reasons.
Aladdin is my favorite Disney movie and I've been clamoring for a Blu release since I first got a blu-ray player.

I think the reason is that these blu restorations take a lot of time and Disney has a *ton* of classics to sort through. The need to prioritize somehow and can't please everybody. At least I hope that's the reason. We live in stupid times and I wouldn't be surprised if it was being held up for other reasons.

Disney always releases 2, maybe 3, classics a year so it's gonna take awhile just to get through the importent one's. Sucks as a Disney :( But i guess it's no different from other catalog titles your waiting for from other studios. You just have to be patient and hope they get to them quicky.
Nah, with all the movies coming in Oct. i'd rather just get the regular release. It looks too plastic-y and cheap considering the price.

:horror I can't believe you're not getting it!

I still like the Alien head from the dvd set much better.

:horror I can't believe you're not getting it!

I still like the Alien head from the dvd set much better.


I know! It was the plan until i saw it. It just doesnt do anything for me, too cheap looking.

The DVD version is awesome! :rock I wish i had gotten it.

Yes I am, as well as the Back to the future Tin Box set.

It's made by Sideshow, and I think it looks great

Ignore these pictures if you have seen them as it looks miles better in the video


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