"The Dark Knight" 2008 !!!!!!!!!

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Got back from the IMAX viewing.

AMAZING! the size and detail of the picture. :google

I was third in line behind 2 girls who had been waiting since 8pm for a 10:30 show. When they finally let us in, the usher notices that their tickets were for the NEXT WEEK! They weren't allowed in and were sent home. :google :monkey2
All Saturday and Sunday IMAX shows are sold out in San Francisco. I got another set of tickets for the 1:30PM showing at IMAX again!!! Hell, most regular shows are sold out and there are 18 showings each day!!!
Saw it twice today- back to back! AWESOME!! I was so geeked out I didn't bother eating dinner.. for me to miss a meal especially for a movie is certainly rare! I love to eat but this piece of art just kept me mesmerized for 5 hrs!
Oh... My... GOD!! It was amazing! I just got back from the IMAX experience. It was amazing. I want to see it again... as many times as I can. Did I mention it was amazing?

I think you forgot to mention how AMAZING it was. :lol

Anyway, I'm seeing TDK three times. Once with the buds, once with my dad, and the third time I'll be taking my little cousins. Helping the TDK gross grow. CITIZENS FOR BATMAN!
Wow, some of you guys have seen the movies 2 or 3 times already. I haven't even seen it yet!

I've got tickets for tonight. 8 hours to go!
Any advice on how I can convince my husband to go see it with me again.. Once is just not enough for this film :monkey2
Saw with a friend of mine at midnight. Went yesterday afternoon with my wife during a long afternoon break at work. Going again in less than six hours.

This movie was beyond better the second time around!!!
Saw it last night. AMAZING movie. Best movie i've seen in a long time. Everything was perfectly done, and better than I could imagine.

Ledger should recieve an Oscar. That's all i'm saying. He was bad ass, the best and ONLY Joker I could ever imagine.
Saw it last night. AMAZING movie. Best movie i've seen in a long time. Everything was perfectly done, and better than I could imagine.

Ledger should recieve an Oscar. That's all i'm saying. He was bad ass, the best and ONLY Joker I could ever imagine.

:lecture:lecture:lecture I remember when it wass announced years ago that Ledger would be playing the Joker and I thought he was crazy doing it...not because he isn't a good actor, but because he was taking on a role that had been played so memorably by Jack Nicholson...I just couldn't imagine anyone other than Jack playing that role.
But I have to say after seeing the movie last night Ledger is the Joker! He has stolen that mantle from Nicholson to the point where I can no longer imagine anyone but him playing that role. I will be shocked if at the very least he isn't given an Oscar nomination for his performance, and if I had any say he would win it posthumously.
Here’s my review:

The first thing that stuck out to me about the film was the pacing; this was especially noticeable during the opening hour; I found the dialogue frantic – though not without wit and substance. Ledger was great, no doubt, just great; his “magic trick” was downright golden. The strength of the film was the lack of explanation, we don’t need to get bogged down with yet another criminal’s back story – the Joker just is, he doesn’t need explaining, his motives just are. The interplay between Batman and Joker was brief (as I suspected) but impacting; and made the film. The action scenes were better than the first, but an occasional zoom out wouldn’t have hurt; Nolan did a better job this time out.

My bones are this: this movie was too long, about 20-30 minutes at that. I was not expecting to see Harvey Dent’s character arc in the latter third of the film; it felt crammed and like the Venom of Spider-man 3 should have probably been its own film. That is not to say I was bored, I wasn’t, but the film felt crammed, I didn’t personally care for the pacing of the climax. More Joker vs. Batman would have been a better resolution to this story. Oh, and YES the “Batman growl” was distracting this time – why is that? The look of Two-Face left much to be desired as well, he didn’t at all look as “realistic” as the other key players.

Still, probably neck and neck with Iron Man for my favorite summer film (I STILL haven’t seen Hellboy II).
well guys all I got to say is AMAZING !! it will be on the 10 ten movies of all time.

ledger was just unreal he will win an OSCAR for sure.
too bad he wont be arround to enjoy it. :(

I cant wait to go see it in IMAX
My thoughts last night after seeing it.

I'm not a huge Batman fan let start off by saying that.

If I had to pick one word to describe this film it would be OUTSTANDING!!

The feel of this film is far more serious and darker than the first and I liked it. The story was just really well put together and the acting was brilliant. Ledger was the best of them all and IMO deserves an Oscar Nom for his ability to take this role and twist it exactly as needed. Bale did an even better job this time around and Maggie Gyllenhaal did so much more with her role than Katie Holmes did in the previous film.

I loved how there where some serious violent moments but at the right time with the right taste. The dark moments where dark when it needed to be and lighter when it needed to be. In other words everything came together exactly as it should for a film like this.

The funny thing about the way Heath approached the Joker role and the things he says during the film is they're all true.
From Nikki Finke - DHD

SATURDAY AM: The Dark Knight's Friday opening was even bigger than first thought, according to final numbers -- $66.4M in North American gross from a record-setting wide release of 4,366 theaters. That includes the $18.5M in midnight-to-3AM shows from a smaller pool of 3,040 venues. Now Warner Bros has smashed the record for the biggest midnight show ever (better than the $16.9M set by 2005's Star Wars Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith then playing in 2,915 venues), and the biggest single day ever (better than the $59.8M set by May 4, 2007's Spider-Man 3 in 4,252 venues, including midnight shows).
TDK makes spider-man look like an episode of seasame street.

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