The Ringer
Super Freak
155.34 Million- Best opening weekend ever. Its set the IMAX weekend record at 6 million!
Cool!! Both previous records were held by Spiderman 3. Crushed the bug!

Totally expected
155.34 Million- Best opening weekend ever. Its set the IMAX weekend record at 6 million!
Cool!! Both previous records were held by Spiderman 3. Crushed the bug!
They certainly prevent an unnecessary argument with an embittered Burton fan, who can't get over the fact that the Nolan movies are superior in every way.
Watching Burton's Batman right now as I type and honestly it doesn't sniff either of the new Batman films. The new films are just stronger IMO in every aspect.
Watching Burton's Batman right now as I type and honestly it doesn't sniff either of the new Batman films. The new films are just stronger IMO in every aspect.
Watching Burton's Batman right now as I type and honestly it doesn't sniff either of the new Batman films. The new films are just stronger IMO in every aspect.
You mean you didn't like Joker dancing to Prince? I thought that was phenomenally choreographed.
You mean you didn't like Joker dancing to Prince? I thought that was phenomenally choreographed.
AARRRRR!!!!! Just got back from seeing half of TDK. The IMAX showing was stopped about a hour and a half into the movie because the fire alarms were going off. They told us to evacuate out to the lobby for our safety. They let us return back in around ten minutes later, when they told us to leave the theater again. At this time the fire department shows up and after giving the OK to return, get a bigger ovation than Ledger's Joker performance. All good right, wrong, they re-start the movie what looks like 5-10 minutes after the point it was turned off. Well after people screaming REWIND for a few minutes, half the theater walked out for a refund.
All I can say is, the first hour and a half rocked. Looks like I'll have to catch it again quick.
Yes the Prince crap is one of the things i don't like but it's hardly used anyway. Only short parts of two songs are heard in the film. The studio wanted to cash in on the pop-music that sold at the time. The Joker dancing is absolutely no problem since he is the JOKER. He is a psychotic killer that talks to corpses but he has ridiculous fun doing it.
the Nolan Batman films are superior to the Burton films (in my opinion). However, the Nolan films wouldn't have felt right back then. Movies have come along way since then. And, I don't think these Batman films would of been "accepted" during that era.
I could be wrong. But, for what they are the Burton films were fine for their time. Like I said, movies have evolved quite a bit since then, heck, even Burton's films have...
Arguing which version is better is like arguing which artist is the best Batman artist... Jim Lee?, Neal Adams?, Tim Sale? I love them all... I love the Burton and the Nolan films. The Burton films are flawed, yes, but there is still a magic about them -- they are really, really fun. When I have kids they will likely see Batman 89 before they ever see Dark Knight.