"The Dark Knight" 2008 !!!!!!!!!

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Saw this today, I thought it was a great movie and is much better than Begins. But, like everyone here I just wasn't blown away. Don't get me wrong, I liked it a lot, but for all the hype that was brewing for it I kinda felt let down. Ledger was FANTASTIC as the Joker and it makes me sad that we'll never see him reprise the role again, he owned the role and became the Joker and for that I applaud him. :clap Maybe I need to see it again to appreciate it more, but this is the first time I've fallen victim for the 'hype machine'.
I don't know, I think the film exceeded all the hype and my imagination. It had everything in it
Spoiler Spoiler:
Maybe I need to see it again to appreciate it more, but this is the first time I've fallen victim for the 'hype machine'.
I think I may have to see it again also. I was pretty numbed by the hype and walked out of the film exhausted and a little let down. I am a big Batman fan and a Nolan fan, so maybe I should give it another try.
I have to say again, though. Aaron Eckhart blew me away. Ledger was great, but the stuff that worked the best for me was the Harvey Dent story.
Aaron Eckhart blew me away. Ledger was great, but the stuff that worked the best for was the Harvey Dent story.

"Carbon-fiber. Made in China. If you're going to kill a public servant, Mr. Maroni... I suggest you buy American."

:rock :rock :rock :rock
Saw this today, I thought it was a great movie and is much better than Begins. But, like everyone here I just wasn't blown away. Don't get me wrong, I liked it a lot, but for all the hype that was brewing for it I kinda felt let down. Ledger was FANTASTIC as the Joker and it makes me sad that we'll never see him reprise the role again, he owned the role and became the Joker and for that I applaud him. :clap Maybe I need to see it again to appreciate it more, but this is the first time I've fallen victim for the 'hype machine'.

*claps* Well said. I am sorry, but just because an actor dies, doesn't mean we have to be brainwashed to believe it was the best acting performance we seen in years. He did well at portraying a crazy villain. However, like Bale, he was one dimensional. With Ledger, it was that one aspect we saw, the crazy side. With Bale, it was the dark brooding good guy. It was a good movie. It entertained, but it wasn't anything that the critics and marketing monster made it out to be.

Edited: This review is closest to what I think about this movie.

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*claps* Well said. I am sorry, but just because an actor dies, doesn't mean we have to be brainwashed to believe it was the best acting performance we seen in years. He did well at portraying a crazy villain. However, like Bale, he was one dimensional. With Ledger, it was that one aspect we saw, the crazy side. With Bale, it was the dark brooding good guy. It was a good movie. It entertained, but it wasn't anything that the critics and marketing monster made it out to be.

Edited: This review is the closest one to what I think about this movie.


Ledger played more than just the crazy side. Did you not catch how he played getting everyone to really do the things he wanted. The way he talked and showed he wasn't that crazy but very smart. Heath did a fine job in this role and it was much more than 1 dimensional.
Ledger played more than just the crazy side. Did you not catch how he played getting everyone to really do the things he wanted. The way he talked and showed he wasn't that crazy but very smart. Heath did a fine job in this role and it was much more than 1 dimensional.

Says the guy with 34,000 posts... that's just crazy, and I refuse to accept what a crazy person says. But man, what was with Bale's Batman voice? Does he have laryngitis?
Says the guy with 34,000 posts... that's just crazy, and I refuse to accept what a crazy person says. But man, what was with Bale's Batman voice? Does he have laryngitis?

Its a growl. I mean he has to try and conseal his identity as best as possible and altering his voice to that growl works. I mean in reality, putting on glasses isn't going to throw off the girl you are constantly saving who you really are :rolleyes:
Its a growl. I mean he has to try and conseal his identity as best as possible and altering his voice to that growl works. I mean in reality, putting on glasses isn't going to throw off the girl you are constantly saving who you really are :rolleyes:

Still sounded repulsive. Either way, it was forced. But you can defend it all you want. I sincerely don't give a damn. Remember, just an opinion on a part of the movie, so don't get cranky. It's not like I am knocking you Mr. Rolls his Eyes Icon posting dude. :D
I completey understand what you are saying. IT IS FORCED! I think that is obvious. Its just to intimidate and/or conceal his identity nothing more. It can be annoying at times.

But I do like this icon: :rolleyes:

Says the guy with 34,000 posts... that's just crazy, and I refuse to accept what a crazy person says. But man, what was with Bale's Batman voice? Does he have laryngitis?

Exactly what does my post count have to do with this? :confused:

Gonna be pointless to try and make any kind of discussion out of this.
Exactly what does my post count have to do with this? :confused:

Gonna be pointless to try and make any kind of discussion out of this.

I am bugging you Josh. Relax. This is your thing. You enjoy it. If we can't tease those we like and enjoy, then that's no fun. hehe
I am bugging you Josh. Relax. This is your thing. You enjoy it. If we can't tease those we like and enjoy, then that's no fun. hehe

Its cool. I was just like WTF is this discussion going. You had me confused which isn't hard this late. :lol
Its cool. I was just like WTF is this discussion going. You had me confused which isn't hard this late. :lol

Confusing people is what I do best! I have no direction. I just post what comes out of my head. It doesn't have to relate or make sense. It's so much easier I find to attack things that way. Make sense?
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