"The Dark Knight" 2008 !!!!!!!!!

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Oh man. I remember loving the Adam West Batman reruns as a child, but were they all really that bad? That joke is so utterly crappy it almost makes it funny. I'm just glad Adam West has a sense of humor about his Batman days.
Oh man. I remember loving the Adam West Batman reruns as a child, but were they all really that bad? That joke is so utterly crappy it almost makes it funny. I'm just glad Adam West has a sense of humor about his Batman days.

Egg-sactly! :lol
Ok here is my attempt:

A son comes home and sees blood in the kitchen, his mom on the floor, but his father sitting there eating pie with a very annoyed look on his face. The son starts to freak out and yells: "What happened? Is she dead?" To which the father replied : "She said the pie was fresh but it REALLY came in a box.. and no, you're mom will be fine." The son, still frantic yells: "How can she be fine? There's blood all over her!" The father, still eating his pie replies: "I know she'll be fine because SHE didn't eat this store bought crap."

Seem's something Joker would laugh at, no? :eek:
Ok here is my attempt:

A son comes home and sees blood in the kitchen, his mom on the floor, but his father sitting there eating pie with a very annoyed look on his face. The son starts to freak out and yells: "What happened? Is she dead?" To which the father replied : "She said the pie was fresh but it REALLY came in a box.. and no, you're mom will be fine." The son, still frantic yells: "How can she be fine? There's blood all over her!" The father, still eating his pie replies: "I know she'll be fine because SHE didn't eat this store bought crap."

Seem's something Joker would laugh at, no? :eek:

:lol Yes, very Jokeresque. PM me your address.

Pjam, poor Vincent Price.
Oh man. I remember loving the Adam West Batman reruns as a child, but were they all really that bad? That joke is so utterly crappy it almost makes it funny. I'm just glad Adam West has a sense of humor about his Batman days.

BAMF! POW! :lol

The Adam West Batman series was horrid but I used to watch them too.
I don't want to speak too soon... But that pic alone is the best looking human depiction of Joker I've ever seen. I freakin' love it. He looks flamboyant, crazy, and DANGEROUS all at the same time. A perfect blend of sillyness and evil madness... Everything Joker should be. Man I can't wait for this.
I don't want to speak too soon... But that pic alone is the best looking human depiction of Joker I've ever seen. I freakin' love it. He looks flamboyant, crazy, and DANGEROUS all at the same time. A perfect blend of sillyness and evil madness... Everything Joker should be. Man I can't wait for this.

I have to agree. Nicholson embodied the iconic comic book version of Joker. Ledger looks like someone who might be the Joker in real life. I love that photo.

Andy, any chance of you doing sculpts for whatever DCD produces for the movie?
I'm not sure how I'll feel about him not being a deformed freak and just using make-up for the look - but that picture certainly is encouraging.
I'm not sure how I'll feel about him not being a deformed freak and just using make-up for the look - but that picture certainly is encouraging.

Is is just makeup? One of the images a few months ago looked like his mouth was all disfigured and mangled up.

Great grab, Batty! Pretty much how I envisoned Nolan would portray him, evil, tortured with a twisted sense of humor. You can see all that in his mischeivous, demented face.

Now this is real news! Can't wait for HT to do a DK and Joker now!

I don't want to speak too soon... But that pic alone is the best looking human depiction of Joker I've ever seen. I freakin' love it. He looks flamboyant, crazy, and DANGEROUS all at the same time. A perfect blend of sillyness and evil madness... Everything Joker should be. Man I can't wait for this.

Yes Andy, Yes!!! Exactly how I felt too.
I love the idea of Joker being a real life psychopath that is enamored with the Clown persona instead of being created from it. Give him a much harder edge makes him that much more dangerous. I can't wait.
I think the severity of his mouth being cut open makes up for his skin and hair just being make-up and dye.
Great pic, Batty! Just how he looked when I watched them film. Except he wasn't in his Joker outfit. Summer 2008 needs to get here soon! I just want to see how the scene pays out on film, in addition to the rest of the movie.:D
I believe that's the only part of this Joker that is actually a physical deformity, the rest is makeup.

Ok, well I'm used to Jack's Joker which was the same thing, so doesn't bother me, I thought that was the premise of him becoming the Joker and not just some psycho, that he gets perma grin through physical deformity.
I don't want to speak too soon... But that pic alone is the best looking human depiction of Joker I've ever seen. I freakin' love it. He looks flamboyant, crazy, and DANGEROUS all at the same time. A perfect blend of sillyness and evil madness... Everything Joker should be. Man I can't wait for this.

100% Agreed. :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock
Ok, well I'm used to Jack's Joker which was the same thing, so doesn't bother me, I thought that was the premise of him becoming the Joker and not just some psycho, that he gets perma grin through physical deformity.

I've seen some apprehention to Ledger's Joker because the physical part of the character doesn't go beyond the deformed mouth. The fact that he has to put white makeup on and dye his hair green doesn't bother me.
I did however like the fact that Nicholson's Joker was completely deformed with the grin, the bleached white skin and green hair. He totally made a permanent transformation physically and mentally into the Joker after he fell into the vat, he couldn't get away from it.
Ledger's performance is going to have to be the selling point for me.
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