Is that an actual one-sheet or is it fan made? Hard to tell these days. Indeed it's awesome, in any case.
Is that an actual one-sheet or is it fan made? Hard to tell these days. Indeed it's awesome, in any case.
Yes, definitely legit. Donated to Batman-on-Film by Warner Bros. Love the new avvy, IJ.
I haven't seen any TDK posters for sale anywhere yet in the U.S.
MaulFan, Blockbusters by me have several TDK posters... but all in the 24x36 range, not 27x40 1-sheet size. They even have some of the framed ones with the faux oil painting. Online, AllPosters still have the 2 "Why So Serious?" 1-sheets for sale and now some of the other, smaller wall posters.
And it would appear that this new Joker poster is a UK teaser (check out the URL on it).
MaulFan, Blockbusters by me have several TDK posters... but all in the 24x36 range, not 27x40 1-sheet size. They even have some of the framed ones with the faux oil painting. Online, AllPosters still have the 2 "Why So Serious?" 1-sheets for sale and now some of the other, smaller wall posters.
The Joker poker set from DCD. No way I'd pay $100 for this. But I would like a deck of those cards.
I gotta admit they are clever. J over Poker = Joker. Plus the S in front of Laughter on the semi = Slaughter. I like that.
$100 is too much for that, but I would want a set of those Joker cards. How would you play Poker with them anyway? :lol I guess that is where there is a second regular deck?
anybody have a extra MM joker they want to part out?
Part out? He didn't come with much!
I will go out on a Joker hunt for you guys tommorrow though - I've got nothing better to do.