The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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Yet Bruce quit his entire life to be with her :lol

Wasn't even a good catwoman either. Seriously no whip or cat puns? Odd. If Nolan wanted to be so realistic he should of gave two face a first degree burn and not full on charred.
Good for Bruce Wayne to find some peace...

I will stick with the comic book Batman. Peace? It is not what the real Batman is all about. Forget me if I am harsh but I can't understand why can't the filmmakers respect the source material(I am not saying Nolan didn't do that. He did at some places but at others he went completely to the opposite direction with the Dark Knight.) .They just feel they have to twist everything all the time. If Batman would have benn done even once on a film like in the comics I wouldn't complain, but it just hasn't happened yet. I have yet to see a comicbook Batman movie which will show me the charachter that I like in the comics in full glory. Maybe it is too serious? Too complicated? Too dark? I don't know why noone done this yet.
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There is no 'real' Batman. Even in the comics the character has evolved over time. There are just different interpretations.

Nolan's is just the same - his interpretation.
I feel like this movie is a success as a batman movie, for me, because it gives the promise of having a morally strong, detective, relentless, comic book equivalent batman at the end.

The Bale batman, while I feel it is the strongest live action film version of the character to date, falls short of what the character of batman really is for comic book fans. Basically he is batman for maybe a year and a half from begins to dark knight...then he retires for 8 years and is batman again for maybe another year and change. I don't think the comic character would ever really retire. It could have been cool to allude to him being really under the radar for 8 years becoming a myth-like force again with his fancy new batcave he built. Either way the new batcave is kind of proof that it was always in the back of his mind eating at him to continue. Also, as people were discussing, he does not seem to be the most intelligent force in any of the movies. He seems out of control at points and it just adds to the suspense in all three movies. They may have almost killed him at the end of rises for all we knew. This all works because this is nolan's movie batman...not the comic batman. Which is a little frustrating, because they seem to have gotten joker pretty much exactly spot on with the ideology, but none the less batman is just not all the way there.

So like I said, at the end of the movie you have a feeling that Blake is going to take over and he is the intelligent, in control, morally strong batman that we always wanted. Although it is taboo for "a robin" or anyone but bruce to be batman in the comics, that's why I enjoy the movie. I feel with how the nolan bruce fell short, the nolan 'robin' will become the batman that is more in line with the comic book. so the dark knight rises I guess.
There is no 'real' Batman. Even in the comics the character has evolved over time. There are just different interpretations.

Nolan's is just the same - his interpretation.

Well that is true, sort of. But than I will be more specific than. Frank Miller era - Today Batman. But no matter what era you look at...Batman never quits at the end. Never.
Well that is true, sort of. But than I will be more specific than. Frank Miller era - Today Batman. But no matter what era you look at...Batman never quits at the end. Never.

Just like Paul Kersey...You mean you want strictly a vigilante film with a guy that never quits
LOL...C'mon man...LOL!

Think about it for a second. A Batman who could care less about non-organized crime? A Bruce Wayne who quits? Twice? An Alfred who bails on Bruce? A billionare playboy who dates dogs? Unimportant Joker? Midget Bane? How is it not Bizarro Batman? In that aspect, Nolan's Batman wholly works! :huh :lol
Think about it for a second. A Batman who could care less about non-organized crime? A Bruce Wayne who quits? Twice? An Alfred who bails on Bruce? A billionare playboy who dates dogs? Unimportant Joker? Midget Bane? How is it not Bizarro Batman? In that aspect, Nolan's Batman wholly works! :huh :lol

a Ra's that doesn't come back from the dead, don't forget :lol:lol:lol
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