Didn't we cover this ground last summer?
No we've moved on to comparing TDKR to other movies after their first year of release.
Didn't we cover this ground last summer?
No we've moved on to comparing TDKR to other movies after their first year of release.![]()
Reads like the same crap I read last summer.![]()
I would have thought Returns would be lower for some reason.
Even then, they have what, 30, 40 reviews tops. They're also decades old and came out before the internet.
nvm. too high to realize i was on the wrong page.![]()
Don't eat too much!
Discovering movies those days were fun.
And "critical reviews" were just friends and family, the local newspaper and Siskel and Ebert.
Not all these youtube personalities and bloggers.
The argument isn't whether TDKR was better received than KOTCS, but that KOTCS was positively rated by a statistical majority of both critics and audiences and also made a ton of money. My point is that these things (RottenTomatoes ratings, audience scores, box office, etc.) are really not that indicative of how a movie is ultimately perceived. Even if KOTCS was much lower (say, 60%) that would still be a majority scoring it positively yet we all know that film is pretty damn disliked, and not just by Internet fanboys.
There's something in the zeitgeist that cannot really be measured. But you can sense it. And I've sensed for a while now that views on TDKR are pretty well mixed.
Also, while you're right that Star Wars and Indy are different, Batman is still very, very huge and a pop culture phenomenon all its own. In fact, it's pretty easy to see that Batman is much more popular in the mainstream today than Indy is. That kinda bums me out, because Indy is pretty much my favorite. But it is what it is.
And if we want to play the percent card, 87% ain't an A like the Dark Knight, Spider-Man 2, Iron Man, The Avengers, etc. If it was a test in school, my parents would have nagged my *** and asked why I didn't get an A.
To my knowledge TDKR is the second highest rated Part 3 in cinematic history. Not too shabby.
Nope, Toy Story 3 too. So that makes it third "highest". I just looked up Toy Story, it has a 90%. I bet I can find more.
Last Crusade is higher too.
And the The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
And Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
And Goldfinger