The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises


Freeze frame high five.

THE DARK KNIGHT RISES titles. credits.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I think it just means Batman isnt dead, but he is FINALLY the Batman, there is no hope for Wayne ever being the personality anymore. Remember Wayne was still hopeful during TDK that someone will finish the job he started and there would be no need for Batman. However in TDKR I believe he will realise that there is no way, he will be Batman forever... the legend of a saviour will end, and the guardian will begin.


That is a great way to look at it, and it does fit with the themes of the first two as well. I'd love for the film to take this route

Same here. :exactly:

Batman dying would mean he failed. WTF wants to watch a movie where he fails in end?

Superman shows up and throws Bane into space. Bats and Supes bump fist.

THE DARK KNIGHT RISES titles. credits.

:lol :lol :lol
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

How is it obvious? Just the fact that we are having this debate is evidence that it is not obvious at all, but thought provoking - you ask yourself 'could he really do it?', 'can Batman really die?' .. 'will Bane break Batman?', 'will Batman retire' etc etc.

It's not obvious. That's what I'm suggesting, that Nolan (who's famous for being secretive) isn't going to be as obvious as telling you Batman's fate on a teaser poster. He's not going to reveal a part of his storyline on a teaser poster. I have quite literally never asked myself one of those questions after seeing that poster. In fact I'd go as far as to say logic should tell you that the teaser poster all but confirms the opposite of what it conveys will happen in the film.


"The Legend Ends" = tag line to get you in a seat.

In this thread...

"The Legend Ends" = A valid statement about significant plot points that are going to happen in the film.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises


"The Legend Ends" = tag line to get you in a seat.

In this thread...

"The Legend Ends" = A valid statement about significant plot points that are going to happen in the film.

We'll just have to agree to disagree on this point :lol

TBH I don't have a problem with it either way, he dies or retires or lives to fight on indefinitely, anything is fine, as long as the film is of comparable quality to the first 2. If anything, I have a slight preference for axecutioner's interpretation above.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Anyone here thinks the joseph gordon-levitt/John Blake will become Azreal?
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Nope. :lol :lol :lol

His character does seem intruiging and i'm sure there is more to him than just a beat cop but i'm not expecting anything like that
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

First off, let's be honest. If Nolan wanted to kill off his Batman, WB would let him, the guy has a blank check. I'm not saying he will but a reboot is already confirmed and it's at least three years away form TDKR not to mention it'll be hyped up as "A New Beginning" of the "Legend of the Dark Knight" so it'll separate itself from this incarnation anyway. They don't need to pander to the general populous in the film because they will in the marketing. They do it all the time where the actors and even Nolan himself as a producer will say it's different, it's new, blah, blah, blah.

That being said, the whole "Legend ends" thing could refer to anything, the Legend of Bane, the idea that Batman being gone for eight years has turned to more of a myth than anything else, it's all bull____ marketing.

Morning Spoilers for IO9:

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Oh yes, how could I forget

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Huh...and here I thought that John Blake was a clever cover to introduce Aunt Harriet.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

First off, let's be honest. If Nolan wanted to kill off his Batman, WB would let him, the guy has a blank check. I'm not saying he will but a reboot is already confirmed and it's at least three years away form TDKR not to mention it'll be hyped up as "A New Beginning" of the "Legend of the Dark Knight" so it'll separate itself from this incarnation anyway. They don't need to pander to the general populous in the film because they will in the marketing. They do it all the time where the actors and even Nolan himself as a producer will say it's different, it's new, blah, blah, blah.

That being said, the whole "Legend ends" thing could refer to anything, the Legend of Bane, the idea that Batman being gone for eight years has turned to more of a myth than anything else, it's all bull____ marketing.

Morning Spoilers for IO9:

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Finally, a sensible post RE: the possible death of Batman

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

If WB can kill Batman in the comics (only to bring him back by rebooting the DCU), then Nolan can kill him on film too. :wave

Not that it has any bearing, but Bruce Wayne wasn't killed in Final Crisis nor was it ever really sold as "The Death of Batman". And he "came back" before the reboot.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Fair enough but the point was simply that if Batman can be killed in comics for cheap publicity/effort to boost sales, then surely Christopher Nolan, with all his influence after TDK/Inception, can be allowed to do it if he deems it the best way to end his story; in the knowledge that the franchise is planned to be rebooted in ANY case whatever happens.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Not that it has any bearing, but Bruce Wayne wasn't killed in Final Crisis nor was it ever really sold as "The Death of Batman". And he "came back" before the reboot.



It was sold as Batman dying, but yes, he came back long before the reboot, being shown in the last issue of Final Crisis drawing the bat symbol on a cave wall. :monkey1
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Batman has never truly died in the comics and he is not going to die in this film. I don't care how much control you death dealers think Nolan has been granted he hasn't been granted enough to be the first person to ever kill Batman. Blank check doesn't correlate with story it correlates with production of the film.

Does it make sense from a logical point of view? No

Does it make sense in the story arc? No

Does it make sense with Nolan's approach to this series? No

Does it make business sense? No

Does it make sense with the title of the film? No

Etc. Etc. Etc.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Fair enough but the point was simply that if Batman can be killed in comics for cheap publicity/effort to boost sales, then surely Christopher Nolan, with all his influence after TDK/Inception, can be allowed to do it if he deems it the best way to end his story; in the knowledge that the franchise is planned to be rebooted in ANY case whatever happens.

You can pretend to kill Batman (he has never died) in comics because you have a new issue coming out every other week. It sells books. You can't do that in a film to sell someone a ticket for a reboot 3 years down the road. They want people in seats.

First showing is out and people come out saying WTF they killed Batman! Do you really think people are going to say awesome lets go see Batman die or I just saw Batman die lets go watch it again? Or better yet I can't wait for the reboot 3 years from now with none of these players involved. The reactions will be more along the lines of ____ this ____! ____ Nolan! I'm not watching that ____! Who the ____ does Nolan think he is! Nolan can lick my balls! Nolan raped my childhood! Why would Nolan do that! Nolan is an _______! This movie and everyone involved can suck a nut!
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Batman has never truly died in the comics and he is not going to die in this film. I don't care how much control you death dealers think Nolan has been granted he hasn't been granted enough to be the first person to ever kill Batman. Blank check doesn't correlate with story it correlates with production of the film.

Does it make sense from a logical point of view? No

Does it make sense in the story arc? No

Does it make sense with Nolan's approach to this series? No

Does it make business sense? No

Does it make sense with the title of the film? No

Etc. Etc. Etc.

Does it make sense from a logical point of view? No. Perhaps

Does it make sense in the story arc? No Don't see why not

Does it make sense with Nolan's approach to this series? No A key element of his approach has been to add a sense of realism, where is the realism if you go in to a film about someone who is essentially a wildly driven, violent, possibly crazy billionaire, knowing that he's going to win/save the day/avoid dying in the end? There's no sense of danger left. I think with Bane what Nolan wants is to introduce a very real sense of physical danger to Batman, to the point where he could actually die. Whether or not that happens who knows but the point is I think Nolan at least wants the audience to go into this with sense of doubt over whether Batman will come out alive or not

Does it make business sense? No Why not? I don't see how the film's box office will be impacted. Plus humans tend to have a fascination with death, I could equally argue that it DOES make business sense, but i think it will be neautral

Does it make sense with the title of the film? No Like i've said before, it IS compatible with the title if you think of it metaphorically
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