True, but its still a possible explanation of his abilities.
People seem to forget the force flows through every living thing; you don't have be force sensitive on a Jedi level to see the benefits.![]()
Not harsh, just "declarative" no worries. All good.
Btw I thought I had Finn figured out and finally gave in to him not being a force sensitive but then at the end when Rey kissed him was he wearing a farm boy Luke type ghee? Now I'm really wondering if Rey is Luke, Poe is Han, and Finn is Leia? He could totally be the new force sensitive military leader when next we see him. Instant JJ gender bender!
I think Rey = Han & Luke, Finn = Leia, Poe = wedge. Phasma = Fett. We will not have a big three.
I could be wrong but the symbolism is in the movie.
At the end Rey (Han/luke) is in possession of the Falcon, R2d2, Chewie and the light saber. Finn (Leia) does not seem to be force sensitive, he cannot fly and his moral compass is sound. Poe (wedge) was not suppose to live past the tie crash. To me this is evidence that he plays not much of a central role other than to be the face we see when a dog fight is needed.
just saw this article. full of spoilers. but it def adds things we didn't see in the movie.....worth the read.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Released Script and Novelization Offer New Details on the Ending and More - IGN
just saw this article. full of spoilers. but it def adds things we didn't see in the movie.....worth the read.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Released Script and Novelization Offer New Details on the Ending and More - IGN
I don't know if it's been discussed, but is there a chance we will see Boba Fett in future installments? Or is his goose permanently cooked, now that the EU has been thrown out?
Not really sure I'm liking the supposed replacement for his character archetype.
Just saw the film last night for the first time in IMAX, loved it !! It's such a good time to be a Star Wars Fan ! I'm imagining Knights of the Old Republic films with Darth Malgus and more. Question after seeing it I think that Kylo Ren and Rey may be brother and sister ? Ren told Rey when probing her mind you see Solo as a father figure he will disappoint you. Then I think Han and Leia had twins in the expanded universe? The there was line from Han that Chewie likes her. Then flying towards Lukes Island Chewie was staring at her and I felt it was admiration because this is Han's daughter. Any thoughts ?
She's Luke's daughter, apparently.
Just saw TFA for the first time and enjoyed it. Though Han certainly didn't seem like a guy whose son become the new Darth Vader - he's too busy hauling Dianogas. You'd think Han and Leia would be having sleepless nights endlessly trying to contact or capture him. And it seems strange they would name their son after Ben Kenobi.
The one major confusion I had was that in the classic trilogy, lightsabers are just devices or tools (that Jedis can wield really well) but in TFA they seem to have a spiritual quality that can bring on visions and communicate things. I mean when Luke receives the saber from Ben in SW, shouldn't Luke have had Anakin visions or something?
Rey is something much more powerful than Luke was. She has no Jedi training yet managed to:
-Withstand Kylo's torture method and read his mind
-Mind controlled the Daniel Craig Stormtrooper into removing her restraints and leaving the cell door open
-Force called Anakin's lightsaber from the snow and defeated Kylo
She's unusually strong. My guess is she's another "Chosen One".
Yeah but it's like discerning user memories from a knife isn't it? No matter how powerful you are, it's just a tool/weapon, at least that was what I always understood a lightsaber to be.
But you're right re: Rey - Luke couldn't really do anything at all until Yoda trained him (well, I guess launching the torpedo at Death Star.) Rey seems to instantly know how to fly the Falcon, use a saber and use the force on people.
Interesting that if TFA closely follows ANH, the next chapter seems to be following ESB - the "training" chapter for the heir-apparent, and where the Sith villain gets closer to his Emperor.
Oh, and Hamill looked totally awesome in his couple of shots. Hope he gets as much screentime in the next movie as Ford did in TFA.