Well, there's no arguing against an opinion. But I'll put in mine

I, for one, think TFA lived up to the hype. While there were a lot of similarities in plot/theme to ANH, the new characters were far from carbon copies of the original line-up. Perhaps that's why it's difficult to say who the "new (insert OT character here" is. Poe is a dashing, brave, pilot but unlike Han - or Luke - in many ways. The same can be said for Rey and Finn. He's definitely not a snore. I seem to recall another character, a certain bounty hunter perhaps, that didn't need a whole lot of lines or screen time to win people over?

I'm sure that based on the fan response, we'll be getting a more fleshed-out Poe in Ep 8 and 9. I'm also looking forward to his comic coming out in April.
I thought John Boyega was very charismatic. Finn is the 'average Joe,' the audience insert in the new trilogy. He has much fear in him but he shows himself to be loyal and caring. That was his true fault when it came to being a Stormie - he cared too much. When his friend Slip (I think that's what his name was, at least) died and he saw the FO executing villagers it pushed him over the edge and he ran. I don't think Finn needed to have a lot more edge to him... the scuffle on Jakku was his first real battle after all. I can see where you'd say he was "too goofy" but I thought he brought a welcome levity that wasn't overbearing or obnoxious. As for his "lack of sex appeal," one of the things I like about Star Wars is that they don't cast Abercrombie models. Just because John Boyega won't be strutting the catwalk any time soon doesn't mean he isn't a good pick for the role. Heck, neither Mark Hamill or Harrison Ford were "classically handsome." And for the record, I thought John was adorable
As for BB-8, I loved the little guy. He was more expressive and mobile than R2 (who put himself in low power mode after Luke disappeared, by the way). I thought his relationship with Rey, Finn, and Poe was one of the sweetest parts of TFA. Comparisons are always going to be drawn between R2 and BB-8, but I think he suits the story and the characters going forward. Of course, everything Disney does and will do is skewed toward marketing the movies they make until they can squeeze every last drop of money from the fans. That being said, I thought TFA had a lot of heart, a sincerely respectful attitude towards the OT and the returning cast, and ended up being a great first entry into the new trilogy. Now that they've laid a solid base, they can take more liberties and have more originality moving into Ep 8/9.