The Force Unleashed (360 & PS3)

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nash said:
It's all about graphics and sound.

I don't agree with that. A game can have all the graphics and sound on earth, but if the game play and story are crummy, who cares? All graphics and sound are, are WOW factors as well. The best games are based on game play and story. Why is still playing Super Mario Bros. 3 still super fun? Cause it's a great set up. I think Wii can deliver meaningless fun (Wario Ware) and something with substance (Zelda) and will get better graphics and sound eventually. Maybe not PS3 level, but if all you're selling are graphics and sound, than you're not selling games. Your selling some overpriced disc with some killer eye candy but no substance.
PosterBoyKelly said:
I don't agree with that. A game can have all the graphics and sound on earth, but if the game play and story are crummy, who cares? All graphics and sound are, are WOW factors as well. The best games are based on game play and story. Why is still playing Super Mario Bros. 3 still super fun? Cause it's a great set up. I think Wii can deliver meaningless fun (Wario Ware) and something with substance (Zelda) and will get better graphics and sound eventually. Maybe not PS3 level, but if all you're selling are graphics and sound, than you're not selling games. Your selling some overpriced disc with some killer eye candy but no substance.
I was talking about getting people's attention. Of course gameplay and story are important, but what do you see first? Gameplay/story, or graphics/sound? exactly my point.

Wii in my opinion is a fad and nothing more. It simply can and will not keep up with the 360 or PS3.

I havent touched Super mario bros game in so long I cant remember, and I think if I did, I wouldnt have much fun playing them. Its just way too out dated.
PosterBoyKelly said:
I don't agree with that. A game can have all the graphics and sound on earth, but if the game play and story are crummy, who cares? All graphics and sound are, are WOW factors as well. The best games are based on game play and story. Why is still playing Super Mario Bros. 3 still super fun? Cause it's a great set up. I think Wii can deliver meaningless fun (Wario Ware) and something with substance (Zelda) and will get better graphics and sound eventually. Maybe not PS3 level, but if all you're selling are graphics and sound, than you're not selling games. Your selling some overpriced disc with some killer eye candy but no substance.
i'm with this guy!!! the new Zelda game rocks and all i've done is play the fishing portion of it so far. it might not be able to keep up with the 360 or PS3, but if the games are fun and the price is right I think the Wii will keep a loyal fan base going and sell plenty of games/units.
The Wii is more powerful than a regular xbox which had some great graphics in the end of the systems life.(fable, splinter cell to name a few.)Remember rogue squadron on cube?..better than most xbox games graphics-wise which pretty much comes down to the developers anyway.The Wii is selling like hot cakes and that will bring plenty of 3rd party developers to the system.I will own a ps3 or 360 as well just cause i want some of those games on those systems.(The Wii aint going anywhere and has so much potential with the controller it's not funny can't wait for the future of the system.)I just upgraded my PC so i can wait till this SW game hits before i get a 360 etc.
nash said:
Its just way too out dated.
BLASPHEMY!!!!!!! Mario never, NEVER get's old!

OK at least to me. My opinion, I know this is a little off topic: 3-D Shooters, first persons, RPGs NEVER whave I EVER wanted to replay one! Never. I know, just me. BUT Mario, I've played each of them millions of times and still do and get that giddy feeling. Almost no new games ever keep up with that kind of fun. So many secrets, so much to do that you don't even realize. And they're harder. When you're limited things get tougher.

Anyway, just me. And I wouldn't say that Wii is a fad, people didn't think the N64 Controller would last, but now EVERY SYSTEM FOLLOWS IT'S FOOTSTEPS. Plus look at the never ending praise of the Wii. I don't know a sole who has it who thinks it was a waste or is bored. And it's sold out non stop, months after it's release. Not just riding hype, but praise. It really is THAT fun. And not just because you use the Wii-mote. That's the best part. The gimicky stuff? Just the first step into the world of fun.

OK Back on topic, I'm still gonna want to buy a 360 for this game, looks incredible, you fight RANCORS!!!
Fritz said:
Save your money and get a 360. With the money you saved after buying the 360 and Force Unleashed, buy Gears of War! :rock

One of the best games I've ever played. Gears of war rules!

Star wars, bring it on! :cool:
geto10 said:
One of the best games I've ever played. Gears of war rules!

Star wars, bring it on! :cool:

...gears of war..great game, I will chainsaw all of you guys like no tomorrow...bring it on. we need to host freak gears of war games...
DekeStarkiller said:
You guys should have your ***** blown out and buy a PS3, worth every penny and hasn't even reached it's full potential yet. Where as Gears of War is pushing the 360 to it's limits. If you buy one make sure to also pick up RESISTANCE:Fall of Man, the best title out there to date, one hell of a game. Also if it matters to you, you also get a Blu Ray player.

PS3 Rules, 'nuff said!
DekeStarkiller said:
You guys should have your ***** blown out and buy a PS3, worth every penny and hasn't even reached it's full potential yet. Where as Gears of War is pushing the 360 to it's limits. If you buy one make sure to also pick up RESISTANCE:Fall of Man, the best title out there to date, one hell of a game. Also if it matters to you, you also get a Blu Ray player.

You better pick up Resistance, it's the only game worth playing on the system.

I've heard way too many people say how their PS3 is just collecting dust, waiting for some good games. I'm sure they'll come, but any game worth a lick is still at least 6 months away. At least they have great online service, and downloadable games..........................:rolleyes:
hairlesswookiee said:
...last time when the original Xbox was leaps and bounds better they were singing a different tune...

Not really. When the first Xbox came out (with Halo) I thought it was cool, but it wasn't nearly enough to make me buy one. I think Xbox 360 is cooll too, but Gears of War and a couple of othe games was not enough to make me want to but it.

I am happy with my PS3's graphics, sound, games and the fact that it had a Blu Ray player built in. With the Xbox, you have to spend $200 more for an HD player and $50 a year for Live, when PS3's online is free.

Happy PS3 owner right here!
Darth Loki said:
I've heard way too many people say how their PS3 is just collecting dust...

Not me, I play the hell out of mine! True the big guns are still a few months away, but when they come it's gonna be awesome!
The ill Jedi said:
Not really. When the first Xbox came out (with Halo) I thought it was cool, but it wasn't nearly enough to make me buy one. I think Xbox 360 is cooll too, but Gears of War and a couple of othe games was not enough to make me want to but it.

I am happy with my PS3's graphics, sound, games and the fact that it had a Blu Ray player built in. With the Xbox, you have to spend $200 more for an HD player and $50 a year for Live, when PS3's online is free.

Happy PS3 owner right here!
look at any game that was out for both the xbox and PS2 and its obvious which one has better graphics. remember the xbox was putting out 720p while the PS2 is only hitting 480i. add online services, a hard drive and you're blind not to see the xbox as better. the only thing the PS2 had was exclusive games.
the PS3's online service is free because nobody in their right mind would pay for it. xbox live is the king of console online play and they are gonna stay there for a while. and if the blu ray format dies you have a game machine with a dead format. where if HDDVD dies, 360 owners might have the option of an external Blu Ray player. sony needs to earn my money this time around... which so far i'm not impressed with their efforts.
I am not going to start a 360 vs PS3 war. I have seen both in action and I am more than happy with my 360. PS3 showed me nothing to think it's worth more than a 360....especially that much $$$ more.
hairlesswookiee said:
look at any game that was out for both the xbox and PS2 and its obvious which one has better graphics. remember the xbox was putting out 720p while the PS2 is only hitting 480i. add online services, a hard drive and you're blind not to see the xbox as better. the only thing the PS2 had was exclusive games.

Umm, did I ever say PS2 was better than the xbox? I just said that even though it was cool, it wasn't for me. Can't a guy have his preferences and be happy about it?
The ill Jedi said:
I am happy with my PS3's graphics, sound, games and the fact that it had a Blu Ray player built in. With the Xbox, you have to spend $200 more for an HD player and $50 a year for Live, when PS3's online is free.

Happy PS3 owner right here!

Yes, but the online service for the PS3 is nothing compared to Xbox Live. I would gladly pay if it meant a better online experience.

And you do realize that the PS3 costs $200 more than the 360, right? So you are also paying that two hundred bucks more (without a choice) when you get the PS3.

Although Blu-ray will never completely die as a format, since Sony at least will have to keep making BR games, I actually appreciate the fact that Microsoft offers you a choice of whether or not you want to invest the $200 in a movie player, something Sony forced down your throat. If the Blu-ray drive was only an option, nobody would choose it and their new format would be in trouble. I actually appreciate having two drives so that I can switch from a game that's in the 360 to a movie in the HD drive without having to get up. (I am lazy.) If HD DVD dies, they can put out a Blu-ray add on, but if BR dies, the PS3 is in deep trouble. And as for the difference in storage capacity--if a game is being developed for both platforms, then the developers know that they need to stick with the size of a regular DVD for the 360. We have yet to see the need for a 25 or 50 GB disc for video gaming, and we will be on the next generation Xbox and PlayStation by the time that is a real issue.

But I have a PS3 and I enjoy it. I like both and I just don't see the need to proclaim one the "winner" over the other--same with HD DVD and Blu-ray. I don't have a problem owning and enjoying both.

Why's everybody ganging up on me!?! Can't I just say I like my PS3 without all the 360 owners showing up to lynch me? :monkey2

I never said I don't like the 360 or that it sucks, It rocks in its own way. I am just pleased with my purchase of the PS3. Geez!
Sorry--please don't feel like we are attacking you. Just defending the 360.

I like my 360. I like my PS3. I have defended both against their respective critics.
tomandshell said:
...But I have a PS3 and I enjoy it. I like both and I just don't see the need to proclaim one the "winner" over the other--same with HD DVD and Blu-ray

I see you edited your post. :D

I feel the same way, but since I am solely a PS3 owner right now I have to sing its praises. I am actually hoping to buy a 360 later this year for Gears of War and Halo 3

tomandshell said:
I don't have a problem owning and enjoying both.


I wish more people felt the same way.