Broke and happy
I've never heard of anyone being emotionally impacted (in a good way) by TPM or AOTC other than DiFabio with his unabashed love of all things Anakin/Padme and Jar Jar. Those movies are pretty much a good baseline for big productions that fell flat. I kind of even got the impression that George Lucas himself didn't achieve what he wanted with them. Even the Darth Maul fight. It's got some cool moves and cool music, but even if you like that scene on a surface level do you really care what's happening? Are you hoping deep down that Obi-Wan and Qui Gon kick Maul's ass? Or worried or shocked about any of the goings on of the fight? The reason the prequels ARE easy to hate on is because no one has ever really defended them adequately. No one. Ever.
The best attempts I've seen from people have been along the lines of "the Jedi were SUPPOSED to be stupid, they were arrogant," and "the Anakin/Padme relationship was SUPPOSED to be excruciating to watch to show how wrong they were for each other." But none of that stuff really counts as a defense. It's just trying to rationalize why something is bad.
There's no "rationalizing" why things were done poorly in The Hobbit (for sane people anyway.) Because things weren't done poorly. It was a kickass trilogy. Yeah they dropped the ball on a couple visuals but it was always peripheral crap like Dain or Radagast and his bunnies or something and not the stuff that really mattered. The stuff that really mattered; Gollum, Smaug, and yes, Azog, absolutely rocked.
The main characters were so likable, right up there with the Fellowship, the main bad guys were awesome and you just wanted them DEAD. The showdowns were totally satisfying climaxes, the big battles were epic, the duels were appropriately personal, the locations and sets were amazing, Howard Shore's score was perfect as always and some people want to write it all off as if it were as bad (or worse!) than the completely indefensible SW PT. That to me is the height of hyperbolic silliness. Just nonsense.
This is why I enjoyed them.
Dude. Some things you've just got to fist pump. And Leggy vs. Bolg 2.0 is one of them.
And yes, I know you like a lot of great movies for reasons that I would agree with. But come on, none of those 2014 movies you listed had a laundry list of strikes against them before you saw them. Three movies instead of one, 48 fps, CG stuff, PJ taking over directing from the ridiculously overrated Del Toro. The impression I get is that with *The Hobbit* at least that people had their claws sharpened and minds made up long before the finished films graced the big screens.
As soon as HFR 48 was shown at ShowWest that year, it was all downhill for the Hobbit.
If you can call a billion dollars per movie downhill.

Huge mistake following up the LOTR with cinematography that no one respects.
But even with it being filmed that way they still delivered in the fun and thrilling department.
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