I don't hate CGI orcs just like I don't hate stop motion skeletons in Jason and the Argonauts. But it did change the feel of the film...
As far as the comparisons to the PT... I mean IMO that should stop... I am more in your corner about the Hobbit films Difab... But the PT are all sorts of bad... BAD acting, Bad story, bad action, etc... It made watching the OT a little harder... I had to wait a few years to return to the OT and pretend that the PT never happened. I won't feel the need to do that with these films..
PS - I just got back from my second viewing of BOTFA... It was OK... Not as enjoyable this time around.. But I think the EE will improve it.
Films for me break down like this.
FOTR TC - 4.5 out of 5
FOTR EE - 5 out of 5
TTT TC - 2.5 out of 5
TTT EE 4 out of 5
ROTK TC 4.5 out of 5
ROTK EE 4.5 out of 5 - Some stuff added I loved and some stuff added I did not.
AUJ TC 4 out of 5
AUJ EE 4 out of 5 - I liked the added stuff but the movie did not change much for me.
DOS TC 2 out of 5
DOS EE 3 out of 5
BOTFA TC 3 out of 5
Right on man. The Hobbit films were what they were for you but you see no need to over-dramatize with ridiculous hyperbole and you're not going out of your way to diminish others' enthusiasm.