The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies

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I don't hate CGI orcs just like I don't hate stop motion skeletons in Jason and the Argonauts. But it did change the feel of the film...

As far as the comparisons to the PT... I mean IMO that should stop... I am more in your corner about the Hobbit films Difab... But the PT are all sorts of bad... BAD acting, Bad story, bad action, etc... It made watching the OT a little harder... I had to wait a few years to return to the OT and pretend that the PT never happened. I won't feel the need to do that with these films..

PS - I just got back from my second viewing of BOTFA... It was OK... Not as enjoyable this time around.. But I think the EE will improve it.

Films for me break down like this.

FOTR TC - 4.5 out of 5
FOTR EE - 5 out of 5

TTT TC - 2.5 out of 5
TTT EE 4 out of 5

ROTK TC 4.5 out of 5
ROTK EE 4.5 out of 5 - Some stuff added I loved and some stuff added I did not.

AUJ TC 4 out of 5
AUJ EE 4 out of 5 - I liked the added stuff but the movie did not change much for me.

DOS TC 2 out of 5
DOS EE 3 out of 5

BOTFA TC 3 out of 5

Right on man. The Hobbit films were what they were for you but you see no need to over-dramatize with ridiculous hyperbole and you're not going out of your way to diminish others' enthusiasm. :duff
So what? It wasn't done today. The films still match up because PJ was in the right mindset when he made them. Its GOOD that he was all earthy and practical (or was forced to be due to money and technology) when he made the LOTR and I think it's good that he had a different vision for The Hobbit. Both visions feel right and the transition works. We're just lucky that it worked out that way. But lots of things are like that. If PJ made these films in the 80's they would have looked like Time Bandits or Willow or something. Thank God they weren't. Thank God LOTR was made when it was made and that The Hobbit didn't get made first.

I Agree pretty much with everything... Like I said I would have liked less CGI just so it matched LOTR more... But I love the two main Bad Orcs more then any Orcs in the LOTR. As I just posted ... What is the difference between a CGI orc or a Stop motion creature in a Ray Harryhausen film???

The Main Bad Orc was a great digital performance... He emoted expressions that could not be done with practical effects..

I just wish the lesser Orcs and Goblins were more practical... But there are more Practical Make up Orcs then I realized when I watched it the second time..
As far as the comparisons to the PT... I mean IMO that should stop... I am more in your corner about the Hobbit films Difab... But the PT are all sorts of bad... BAD acting, Bad story, bad action, etc... It made watching the OT a little harder... I had to wait a few years to return to the OT and pretend that the PT never happened. I won't feel the need to do that with these films..

No way do I think the acting in the Hobbit movies are bad or on the same level as the Prequels. They're all great. I don't like that Tauriel is in it, but Lilly is fine. Alfrid? I may think his inclusion is horrible, but the actor is doing his job and atleast emoting in a natural way that isn't wooden. I've never stated that, just to be clear. For as ugly as the screen play is with it's filler, I also don't think character dialogue in the Hobbit is anywhere near as bad as some of the things Anakin, Obi-Wan and Co. Say in the prequels. Tauriel, Legolas and Thranduil do a bit of "Lucasesque" dialogue in the end, but that's about it. Also, my dislike of the Hobbit movies and their faults have not impacted my view of Lord of the Rings . . . unless Jackson makes a special edition and changes up LOTR. :lol

I wasn't the first to compare them, and I believe Khev brought it up first. As far as bloated stories scripts, pointless plots/characters and over reliance on CGI are concerned, yeah, I think they're similar. They've been expressed already. Some of these I agree with and have stated before, some I haven't. Disclaimer, this isn't mine.


I don't think it's all unfounded.
What I take personal is trying to pop in and have some fun but have to wade through **** to do so. I'm over that which is why I don't post much anymore. Just not worth the hassle. It is but we've seen the same essays from a few folks over and over. That's nothing new at this point. If I didn't like something the way some do I'd move on and talk about something else. I dont know about the friends part. :lol Everyone agreeing wasn't the point.

I will share my enjoyment but I never have cared to convince anyone why I like something and think it's good. I don't really care about most folks here to even want to do that.
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Right on man. The Hobbit films were what they were for you but you see no need to over-dramatize with ridiculous hyperbole and you're not going out of your way to diminish others' enthusiasm. :duff

Well all in all I like the films... They just are not LOTR quality IMO... Which is fine... Not many three part films are.

I did not take anything Defib has been saying as an attack but I am looking at this more from the middle and see both sides to the argument.. So perhaps if he was trashing on a film I really enjoyed I would feel like Josh does...

I made my comment to Josh because I figured he was throwing me in there with his complaint and I feel as though I have been respectful of Everyones opinions...

I just love talking and debating film.. I like reading others opinions and why they love or hate a film.. If it gets personal or insulting... I tend to get annoyed... Personally I enjoy everyone's opinions here.. Even Jye's ;) ;) ;)
Josh... I got to be honest with you... This has happened before... You take it too personally.. It's a discussion and it's sharing opinions... Everyone has been civil... Everyone is friends... This would be a boring site if everyone just Head Bobbed in agreement with one another...

There are JAWS fan sites out there... I am a member but I don't post because I know we will all just agree... I don't need a bunch of JAWS fans telling me how great JAWS is...

BTW you do the same thing on the other side of the spectrum... You try and convince people why something you enjoy is good...

You know I don't know that I disagree with Josh on this one. Respectfully disagreeing with someone's enthusiasm is one thing, trying to "taint" what someone else loves is something different. And I think you can really tell when someone is trying to do that. And its not a matter of "oh well if these movies really were good then they'd survive my criticism." I'm not talking about that. It's those little things, where maybe there really is a flaw or something that doesn't have to be pointed out, certainly not maliciously. Its like those four dumb TIE fighters that fly through the Falcon in ROTJ. As soon as that was pointed out my eye has always gone right to those stupid things EVERY SINGLE TIME I've watched that film for decades now. :lol

And I think that there might be an element of "wanting to point out the TIE fighters" at play here (whether such mistakes exist or not) for whatever reason. I don't know. Misery (or maybe more accurately in this case "disappointment") loves company I guess.
What I take personal is trying to pop in and have some fun but have to wade through **** to do so. I'm over that which is why I don't post much anymore. Just not worth the hassle. It is but we've sen the same essays from a few folks over and over. That's nothing new at this point. If I didn't like something the way some do I'd move on and talk about something else. I dont know about the friends part. :lol Everyone agreeing wasn't the point.

I will share my enjoyment but I don't not ever have cared to convince anyone why I like something and think it's good. I don't really care about most folks here to even want to do that.

Well Josh you re entitled to feel that way.. I am happy I don't or I would have to reevaluate why I even post on these boards.. You being a mod might make a difference.. I just skip over stuff I think is pointless. As a mod perhaps you have to read through it... But the board is not for any one persons enjoyment... It's a discussion board ad there are some on here discussing things.

While I agree that you like to share your enjoyment I will disagree that you "I don't not ever have cared to convince anyone why I like something and think it's good." As I have seen you do that many times.. Hell I have been a part of those... IM3, DOS, KOTCS... You defended those films and called me crazy for not understanding where you were coming from with DOS... Perhaps you have turned over a new leaf and you no longer care... That is fine... Personally I have never lost sleep over any subject on this board... I just don't see why one would want to ever share their thoughts on a board if they did not care about the opinions of others.... Good or Bad.
Well all in all I like the films... They just are not LOTR quality IMO... Which is fine... Not many three part films are.

The closest comparison I could probably make with regard to the Hobbit films if we're going the Lucasfilm route would be to say that the LOTR are SW + ESB and The Hobbit is ROTJ. Or the LOTR is Raiders of the Lost Ark and The Hobbit is The Temple of Doom. Still not the best comparison because I think that ROTJ and TOD are greater step downs *quality* wise than the Hobbit films but I'd say its close enough. But some people want to go right off the deep end and straight into PT/KOTCS land which is just crazy.

But otherwise take TOD, replace Willie Scott with Evangeline Lilly and add a freaking DRAGON and you might have some indication of why I love The Hobbit so much. :lol
Eh, if we're going to play the "DiFabio is the bad guy spoiling our fun by poking too many holes in our dead jelly fish", then I guess I'm out.

I'm not posting my thoughts to convince anyone really. I just saw the movie a few days ago. We've all discussed our thoughts and feelings about different things that we're passionate about before. I actually enjoy goin' the rounds with Khev whether it's in disagreement (Hobbit movies) or agreement (LOTR, Captain America, Aliens, etc.). If fans in here (the same people I've gushed with about LOTR mind you) want to take it personally then I won't "attack" the movies anymore. You had fun and liked them, I didn't. I said my piece, have fun. Honestly bough, there have been plenty of times where I've had things that I like get ripped apart. You know what though? It never stopped me from liking them. I might have got salty for a bit, but it was never really anything to "convince" me.

I'll lay off, but I will say this, I better not see any snarky comments about me being "wrong" or mocking what I've posted sort of like what Adolfo still does with the TDKR BS after I stop participating in the Hobbit threads. Seriously. If you can't take it, don't dish it out. Peace.
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Some just aren't open to others opinions. Personally, I relish when other posters trash my favorite things in a constructive and honest manner, because it allows me the opportunity to reevaluate the film/book/comic/artist/music, and make new discoveries...
Well Josh you re entitled to feel that way.. I am happy I don't or I would have to reevaluate why I even post on these boards.. You being a mod might make a difference.. I just skip over stuff I think is pointless. As a mod perhaps you have to read through it... But the board is not for any one persons enjoyment... It's a discussion board ad there are some on here discussing things.

While I agree that you like to share your enjoyment I will disagree that you "I don't not ever have cared to convince anyone why I like something and think it's good." As I have seen you do that many times.. Hell I have been a part of those... IM3, DOS, KOTCS... You defended those films and called me crazy for not understanding where you were coming from with DOS... Perhaps you have turned over a new leaf and you no longer care... That is fine... Personally I have never lost sleep over any subject on this board... I just don't see why one would want to ever share their thoughts on a board if they did not care about the opinions of others.... Good or Bad.

You're entitled to feel this way. :peace There are some folks here whose opinions I do care about. That's why I do post my thoughts. It's not many mind you but a few.
You know I don't know that I disagree with Josh on this one. Respectfully disagreeing with someone's enthusiasm is one thing, trying to "taint" what someone else loves is something different. And I think you can really tell when someone is trying to do that. And its not a matter of "oh well if these movies really were good then they'd survive my criticism." I'm not talking about that. It's those little things, where maybe there really is a flaw or something that doesn't have to be pointed out, certainly not maliciously. Its like those four dumb TIE fighters that fly through the Falcon in ROTJ. As soon as that was pointed out my eye has always gone right to those stupid things EVERY SINGLE TIME I've watched that film for decades now. :lol

And I think that there might be an element of "wanting to point out the TIE fighters" at play here (whether such mistakes exist or not) for whatever reason. I don't know. Misery (or maybe more accurately in this case "disappointment") loves company I guess.

I guess I see your point... I figured you and Defib where having fun.. At least it seemed that way at first...

Personally the films I love... I love Flaws and all... Die Hard is a great example of a film with some goofy moments... But I LOVE those goofy moments (Dare I see Him!! No more Table! Where you going Pal, Obvious Bruce Willis Stunt Doubles, Corny Cop shoots bad guy ending).

But your right... If you are just going back and forth about the same thing then I guess It should stop... I just laugh when someone puts a negative view on a film... that it seems OK to do everything in their power to convince them otherwise... it's the same thing in many ways.

It's like the old IM3 thread and that poster that got banned... Those who did not like the film where just Comic Book fans and not real film fans... Or the DOS thread where I was told why the film was good and I did not like it because I did not understand where the story was going because I had not read the book.. Reading those things over and over can create the same frustration.
Eh, if we're going to play the "DiFabio is the bad guy spoiling our fun by poking too many holes in our dead jelly fish", then I guess I'm out.

I have NO idea what that expression means but I find it hilarious nonetheless. :lol

I really don't know about what you're going for in this thread though man. Seriously. I don't know if you're trying to be funny and I'm totally misreading the hyperbole or if you really are pissed that the movies "sucked" or whatever and are now playing the spoiler. For whatever it's worth I kind of hate how often I get sucked into the T1/T2 comparisons. I've come away from a number of those discussions feeling like an ass who was just ripping on someone's favorite movie.
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I don't get offended by anything, I am old school.

I love reading others opinions on movies because it allows me to learn new things that I might have missed, allowing my own views to be challenged thru the eyes of others usually elevates my awareness on the subject which ultimately makes it a very rewarding experience for me.

Who needs drugs when you have movie discussions.


DiFabio's opinions are just as allowed on here as any other persons, they all matter. C'mon, grow a pair, act as if the Normandy invasion was your responsibility and you're not going to whine when the sand gets in your shoes like Anakin Skywalker, freaking Darth Vader hates sand, who would've thunk. :lol

Christ o mighty people, we're discussing freaking movies, not your family members funeral. :lol
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I don't get offended by anything, I am old school.

I love reading others opinions on movies because it allows me to learn new things that I might have missed, allowing my own views to be challenged thru the eyes of others usually elevates my awareness on the subject which ultimately makes it a very rewarding experience for me.

Who needs drugs when you have movie discussions.

Well said again... Man if I got offended by other peoples hate for a films I like then I could have never entered the Amazing Spider-man 2 thread :)
I don't know the legal technicalities of fan edits. Not sure How it works as far as people getting in trouble for making them or showing them (there are a few online of different movies)

and I said this before but I really really wish I could see a Good fan edit of the 3 movies condensed into one. There is a good movie behind some of the bloated mess. It is hard to even read some of the opinions or reviews (or attacks) Knowing that the movie has more potential than what it is right now.

Maybe this tale IS as amazing as the LOTR tale (in movie form) Maybe it can be more enjoyable. It probably is, A lot of people say that the fan edits for Batman Forever make the movie a lot better and makes it feel like part of the Burton movies. Fans change scenes, delete the pointless ones, change the score in some cases, add deleted scenes. change the order of some scenes.

Even the Star Wars prequels with the fan edits done to them are apparently much much better. I probably will never really watch these, but I would definitely love to see what someone with a clearer vision for these movies ( a fan)could come up with. what someone that is doing it for the passion and not for a big paycheck could come up with.

to repeat myself, I don't know how it works as far as the rights and all that but making these into 3 was clearly a Horrible, horrible decision and someone else could maybe fix some of that mess.
You're entitled to feel this way. :peace There are some folks here whose opinions I do care about. That's why I do post my thoughts. It's not many mind you but a few.

Well that defeats the purpose of a message board IMO... Might as well just PM or email each other...

Good or bad... As long as it's done in a constructive way... I like other peoples opinions..
Well that defeats the purpose of a message board IMO... Might as well just PM or email each other...

Good or bad... As long as it's done in a constructive way... I like other peoples opinions..

I'm not saying I don't have convos here with people who I'm not fond of. Happens all the time here and has happened in this thread. There just isn't too many I put much stock in as far as if I care what they think.

Anyways I've got nothing else to add.