Super Freak
Ha Ha! $1.86 here.
Geeesh! The cheapest where I am is $2.47!
Still beats paying the high water mark of $4.30 from not so long ago.
Ha Ha! $1.86 here.
Geeesh! The cheapest where I am is $2.47!
Still beats paying the high water mark of $4.30 from not so long ago.
I'm hoping it's even lower by the time I need gas again since I'll be getting around .50 off a gallon with Kroger points.![]()
JRR Tolkien wrote The Lord of the Rings as a single novel but the publishing company made him break it up into three books. If they had released the story as one book I wonder how many people would have complained that PJ "milked it" by splitting up one book into three movies back in 2001. YES the LOTR is much longer than The Hobbit but nevertheless there is still some symmetry in having Hobbit = 3 movies and LOTR = 3 movies. Even the books written by Bilbo and Frodo in the movies themselves break the stories down into two books. Just some food for thought.
Anyway, I've given some thought to how PJ could have done The Hobbit in one movie like many were expecting (before Harry Potter started the trend of a "Part I and Part II".) And really the only way I can think that it could have been plausibly done was by having a narrator (which would naturally be old Bilbo) telling the story and then having the movie basically just skip from one part to the next. Zemeckis and Redford used that approach pretty masterfully with Forrest Gump and A River Runs Through It. Would those of you who feel that three films were a poor approach have preferred the former method?
Because if you don't skip from one part to the next with a narrator summarizing the gaps I think there's just two many locations in The Hobbit to do things in one movie.
Look at the locations of events from the Star Wars trilogy from Luke's point of view:
SW: Tatooine, Death Star, Yavin
ESB: Hoth, Dagobah, Cloud City
ROTJ: Tatooine, Endor, Death Star
Yeah there's some transitionary filler like the Rebel fleet and things but otherwise the above is pretty much where all the major events take place, plus some cutaways in ESB to Han and Company going through the asteroids and whatnot.
Now let's look at the location where encounters take place in The Hobbit novel:
Bag End
The Troll camp
Goblin Town/Gollum's Cave
Beorn's Cabin
Mirkwood (Spiders and Elves)
Lake-town arrival
The Lonely Mountain (Outer Doorstep/Smaug's Lair)
Lake-town Smaug attack
Erebor (Thorin vs. Bard and the Elves)
Battle of the Five Armies
I deliberately left out some scenes from the book like the Stone Giants, "Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Fire" and the Barrel Escape because we can sort of say that those are like the ESB asteroid sequence. If you ignore the fact that The Hobbit is a "children's book" and instead take it as a 300 page film treatment then just matching up location for location you've absolutely got just as many events as the entire Star Wars trilogy and that's with no extra material (Gandalf at Dol Guldur, etc.) added at all.
There's just no way you could pack all of the above material into one film without greatly condensing events and even with two films they would have risked "ROTK bloat" with a Part I and Part II bursting at the seams.
One film would have been tuff. Two would have been easy... Cut out all the Legolas stuff and fan fiction love story and Beorn (save him for EE), you could have had 2 great 3 hour films that felt like complete stories, rather then 3 empty feeling films... At least that is how I think it could have and should have been done.
I think the Smaug confrontation would have been much more satisfying if it was all in the beginning of the second film... The first film would have been more of a fun film with lots of little adventures ending with Bilbo meeting smaug... Pick up the second film with all the Smaug and the second film would have been an action epic...
As they are I feel all three films are missing... Something... They somehow feel a little empty (emotionally) to me.
But an Empty feeling Hobbit film is still good in my book![]()
One film would have been tuff. Two would have been easy... Cut out all the Legolas stuff and fan fiction love story and Beorn (save him for EE), you could have had 2 great 3 hour films that felt like complete stories, rather then 3 empty feeling films... At least that is how I think it could have and should have been done.
I think the Smaug confrontation would have been much more satisfying if it was all in the beginning of the second film... The first film would have been more of a fun film with lots of little adventures ending with Bilbo meeting smaug... Pick up the second film with all the Smaug and the second film would have been an action epic...
As they are I feel all three films are missing... Something... They somehow feel a little empty (emotionally) to me.
One film would have been tuff. Two would have been easy... Cut out all the Legolas stuff and fan fiction love story and Beorn (save him for EE), you could have had 2 great 3 hour films that felt like complete stories, rather then 3 empty feeling films... At least that is how I think it could have and should have been done.
I think the Smaug confrontation would have been much more satisfying if it was all in the beginning of the second film... The first film would have been more of a fun film with lots of little adventures ending with Bilbo meeting smaug... Pick up the second film with all the Smaug and the second film would have been an action epic...
As they are I feel all three films are missing... Something... They somehow feel a little empty (emotionally) to me.
But an Empty feeling Hobbit film is still good in my book![]()
JRR Tolkien wrote The Lord of the Rings as a single novel but the publishing company made him break it up into three books. If they had released the story as one book I wonder how many people would have complained that PJ "milked it" by splitting up one book into three movies back in 2001. YES the LOTR is much longer than The Hobbit but nevertheless there is still some symmetry in having Hobbit = 3 movies and LOTR = 3 movies. Even the books written by Bilbo and Frodo in the movies themselves break the stories down into two books. Just some food for thought.
There's just no way you could pack all of the above material into one film without greatly condensing events and even with two films they would have risked "ROTK bloat" with a Part I and Part II bursting at the seams.Anyway, I've given some thought to how PJ could have done The Hobbit in one movie like many were expecting (before Harry Potter started the trend of a "Part I and Part II".) And really the only way I can think that it could have been plausibly done was by having a narrator (which would naturally be old Bilbo) telling the story and then having the movie basically just skip from one part to the next. Zemeckis and Redford used that approach pretty masterfully with Forrest Gump and A River Runs Through It. Would those of you who feel that three films were a poor approach have preferred the former method?
Because if you don't skip from one part to the next with a narrator summarizing the gaps I think there's just two many locations in The Hobbit to do things in one movie.
Look at the locations of events from the Star Wars trilogy from Luke's point of view:
SW: Tatooine, Death Star, Yavin
ESB: Hoth, Dagobah, Cloud City
ROTJ: Tatooine, Endor, Death Star
Yeah there's some transitionary filler like the Rebel fleet and things but otherwise the above is pretty much where all the major events take place, plus some cutaways in ESB to Han and Company going through the asteroids and whatnot.
Now let's look at the location where encounters take place in The Hobbit novel:
Bag End
The Troll camp
Goblin Town/Gollum's Cave
Beorn's Cabin
Mirkwood (Spiders and Elves)
Lake-town arrival
The Lonely Mountain (Outer Doorstep/Smaug's Lair)
Lake-town Smaug attack
Erebor (Thorin vs. Bard and the Elves)
Battle of the Five Armies
I deliberately left out some scenes from the book like the Stone Giants, "Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Fire" and the Barrel Escape because we can sort of say that those are like the ESB asteroid sequence. If you ignore the fact that The Hobbit is a "children's book" and instead take it as a 300 page film treatment then just matching up location for location you've absolutely got just as many events as the entire Star Wars trilogy and that's with no extra material (Gandalf at Dol Guldur, etc.) added at all.
And no Beorn? Crazy talk.![]()
Fan edit bro, no way around it, the only way to save this
The Hobbit doesn't need to be as long as LotR. Two 2hr40min films or a trilogy of 2h films would have been enough.
Did you ever answer me on whether or not you seen Five Armies?
Well then I think you're just going with the "cut lots of stuff out from the book" approach to making two films. Because what you're calling "Legolas and Fan Fiction love story" was actually replacing lots of elf stuff from the book. We already had no late night elf parties, no elves retrieving the barrels downstream, and no elves in Lake-town (save for, again, Legolas and Tauriel.) So cutting them out of the movie basically removes the elf presence altogether save for the spider rescue and Thranduil's throne room. And no Beorn? Crazy talk.But seriously if that would have been your preference, great, I can understand that but if the only way PJ could have squished everything into two films was to cut out major sections of the book then I'm very glad we got three.
What climax would "your" first film have had then? 20 minutes of leading ponies up the mountain and then they open a door?I go back and forth on how DOS should have ended. PJ said in the DOS commentary that it was never even a consideration to have Smaug killed before the final film but I have to wonder how it would have played if they shortened the dwarf battle with Smaug inside the mountain and closed out the film with Bard killing him. I don't know. It was excruciating having DOS end on a cliffhanger in 2013 but now that forever more I'll be able to put one movie in (BOTFA) and have it contain Smaug attacking Lake-town, the Witch King battle, and the Battle of the Five Armies is pretty cool.
Even AUJ? Bilbo sparing Gollum? His speech in front of the dwarves about missing his home and wanting to help them reclaim theirs? The final hug between him and Thorin? Nothin'?
Major sections of the book?? Wasn't the only presence of the Elves in the book were Thranduil's moments and the five armies.... I am asking... I have not read the book though I have tried...
Part 1 would have had enough action with the goblin town, barrel chase, Troll Dinner and Spiders... Slowing down for the end would have been fine... Could have had Bilbo looking around waking Smaug up and hearing the words... Where are you Theif?? And cut to credits. Cliff hanger and all... Then part 2 could have been everything else..
Thinking about it.. Part 1 might be a bit jam packed... So perhaps you end it after the barrel chase somewhere with people thinking Kili might die... and have part two open with all the lake town stuff...
Hobbit should've just been an ABC after school special.