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Sorry but it's your message that is disapointing.

I present you a picture of the production piece of Hulk :

Now you can see a better achievement by Sideshow.

Wow if that really is a production piece then they nailed this one :yess:
I have no idea, but I just can't place much faith in Sideshow anymore. Especially when we are talking about paint apps.

That looks far to complex for a Sideshow production app. Would be awesome to be wrong though.
I think it´s a cam problem. For a short moment (around sec.35) you can see the original colour.
I have no idea, but I just can't place much faith in Sideshow anymore. Especially when we are talking about paint apps.

That looks far to complex for a Sideshow production app. Would be awesome to be wrong though.

I was saying the same thing to my brother :exactly:
Actually looks to rich in shading and detail for even a prototype. If I had to guess I would have said its a custom paint job. Just look at the variety of green shades and seamless blending. If that's production, Sideshow has taken an astronomical leap forward. Seems too unlikely.
Actually looks to rich in shading and detail for even a prototype. If I had to guess I would have said its a custom paint job. Just look at the variety of green shades and seamless blending. If that's production, Sideshow has taken an astronomical leap forward. Seems too unlikely.


I let others get one first and if it's that good i'll be straight on ordering it. :rock
This pics was taken at the UK Toy Fair 2013 a few days before the same event at Nuremberg.

Also, this Hulk that was presented at the show in London, was of course a production piece. It is not a prototype.

I never tell jokes.