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No problem. If there are any other angles you'd like or have concerns with just let me know, I wouldn't mind taking pics.

You da man :hi5:

The only other thing would be some good shots of his base. I remember the proto base of the Hulk comiquette having some different colour shading on the broken surface only to get some flat grey surface when we got the statue. :(
Good luck with the Hulk Mamba, heard you had some QC trouble over on the Hawkeye thread buddy, im praying that Hulk gets here in one piece :pray:

Thanks bro I need that, and best of luck for all of us who are getting this, we all deserve a good quality product for the amount of $ that we pay.
definately get some pics posted showing some kind of reference to scale...i'm interested to know how big this Hulk is! :horror
Well he is my first statue so as far a comparing to other statues its a no go; however, I have some hot toy figures I could compare him with.. Tv.. Ps3 etc. that I could compare with. If that helps..

You da man :hi5:

The only other thing would be some good shots of his base. I remember the proto base of the Hulk comiquette having some different colour shading on the broken surface only to get some flat grey surface when we got the statue. :(
Thanks bro I need that, and best of luck for all of us who are getting this, we all deserve a good quality product for the amount of $ that we pay.

Amen to that brother! :exactly:

Well he is my first statue so as far a comparing to other statues its a no go; however, I have some hot toy figures I could compare him with.. Tv.. Ps3 etc. that I could compare with. If that helps..
Thanks Swift, yea that'll be great...maybe a can of soft drink or if its not too awkward maybe try placing your hand next to the Hulks hand...when i did that with my Hulk PF i was amazed that the fist size was bigger that that of my 2 year old daughter, and thats a 1/4 scale statue! :horror
Amen to that brother! :exactly:

Thanks Swift, yea that'll be great...maybe a can of soft drink or if its not too awkward maybe try placing your hand next to the Hulks hand...when i did that with my Hulk PF i was amazed that the fist size was bigger that that of my 2 year old daughter, and thats a 1/4 scale statue! :horror

Yea I can do that as well. For a second(idk y) when you said awkward I thought you were going to say if I could stand next to it wearing supermans red tights..:slap but ya lol my hand next to it I can do. That's funny about your daughter :lol I always here people saying they only stick to 1/6 that 1/4 is just too big and for a while I thought that but this piece
Just caught my eye and now I'm looking into other 1/4 statues:rotfl
Yea I can do that as well. For a second(idk y) when you said awkward I thought you were going to say if I could stand next to it wearing supermans red tights..:slap but ya lol my hand next to it I can do. That's funny about your daughter :lol I always here people saying they only stick to 1/6 that 1/4 is just too big and for a while I thought that but this piece
Just caught my eye and now I'm looking into other 1/4 statues:rotfl

:rotfl:rotfl @ the red superman tights! By all means, if you have them then i'd like to see maybe how the colour of the red tights look against the green of the Hulk! :lol

I've been through all the ranges...i started with 1/4 scale then got dragged into 1/6 scale then left 1/6 and continued with 1/4 scale and now i'm collecting 1/6, 1/4, 1/2 and 1/1 busts aswell :D
I've been through all the ranges...i started with 1/4 scale then got dragged into 1/6 scale then left 1/6 and continued with 1/4 scale and now i'm collecting 1/6, 1/4, 1/2 and 1/1 busts aswell :D

This new house you're getting better be very big! Just remember when you run out of room in the rooms she lets you display the collection in, to then move things into the kids rooms. Well they want to collect like Daddy right? :yess: :lol
Collect both and get the best of both worlds. :lecture
:exactly: a lot of people always ask about resale value and such but I'm into whatever makes my eyes salivate:horror

:rotfl:rotfl @ the red superman tights! By all means, if you have them then i'd like to see maybe how the colour of the red tights look against the green of the Hulk! :lol

I've been through all the ranges...i started with 1/4 scale then got dragged into 1/6 scale then left 1/6 and continued with 1/4 scale and now i'm collecting 1/6, 1/4, 1/2 and 1/1 busts aswell :D
I here you.. As I'm looking into 1/4 I immediately jump to LSF:slap more
Specifically Darth Maul:panic: I see why so many use the word addicting.
:exactly: a lot of people always ask about resale value and such but I'm into whatever makes my eyes salivate:horror

I've only sold 1 Statue and 1 HT in the time i've been collecting. I'm not too fussed about resale value either.

:lol @ the Doctor
Hey! whats with the kinky talk?

This is a HULK thread.

Lmao.. RobertoBagg10 was just "showing" me around the forum...

I've only sold 1 Statue and 1 HT in the time i've been collecting. I'm not too fussed about resale value either.

:lol @ the Doctor
Yup. I collect to collect:wink1: they are like my children.. Can't get rid of them..
I'm on the way Swift :D


can't wait to see your Pics :yess:
This new house you're getting better be very big! Just remember when you run out of room in the rooms she lets you display the collection in, to then move things into the kids rooms. Well they want to collect like Daddy right? :yess: :lol

Jay, at this rate i maybe moving into Jay Corp Mansions! :lol The wife has already stated that my collection is to never in any way spread into the main living room or interfere with the childrens room. Furthermore, I have also been instructed to make a display room in either a loft room or a garage that will have to be renovated into a separate sure every collector has their bounderies given to them by their other half...if they say no then they are lieing! :lecture :wink1: