Just got mine 30 mins ago!
Here is a close up of the eye.
Here is a close up of the eye.
In person I must say that the eyes show high detail.
The eyebrows also show fine detail. But the bottom lip does not look as good as the picture. It looks more like a transparent piece of clay of some sort. The shiny cover paint or what ever you want to call it, that is over the bottom lip, just doesn’t look so good.
Not too bad, but just saying could have been better.
But as far as eyes and eyebrows, both show fine, sharp details.
Oh here's a question how big is the box ?
And here a couple of more.
so how would you rate it out of 10?
The Largest outer box is 16X28.25X24.5 Inches.
Man... I'm starting to worry a little bit...
In person looks better CollectorAlex?
I have to say 10!
SS did a great job on the Hulk. Minor imperfections in some units, eyebrows, or the lips, can all easily be touched up.
But to be honest I will not do that on mine.
I love it 100%.
It is worth every penny of the $649 plus $45 ship
Don’t be worried at all; this is a great Collectable folks! HULK ROCKS!
Whats the problem withe people?!
This looks to be just fine!
Congrats CollectorAlex! This Alex, cant wait for this to get here!