Jay, i like it when you get fiesty!

You tell em Jay!!!!
You are true in what you say, still cant believe that one of the collectors a few pages back completely repainted the whole thing

Dont get me wrong, although not to my liking, it was a great custom piant job but so soon??? I think he repainted it within a few days of recieiving it. I personally rate a statue on the instinctive and spontaneous feeling i get when unboxing it. For example, when i opened pieces like the Hulk PF and the Hulk Maquette i knew straight away when removing him from the packaging that i'd be blown away. If you can remember my reaction on how i described the Hulk Maquette when i sent that post after unboxing...it was something like...'This is a statue sent from the gods!' and thats how i really felt....and still do! However, when i opened say the Wolverine PF Exclusive then my initial reaction was not good at all and i knew straight away that i'd struggle to keep it in my collection. So i'm all about the wow factor when unboxing and you know in that split second whether your amazed or let down...