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You knuckleheads have lost your damn minds.
Having difficulty deciding my third favorite SW film between ROTJ/RO/TROS is a great problem to have.
Neither did Bill Finger lol
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That is indeed a very easy choice.
ROTJ: Great use of the primary characters!
That's just what they do. They are even bashing the OT now and contextualizing it to fit the ST.
So, you wanted them to fight.... risking their lives... and leaving no one to train Luke?
Rock and a hard place here.
1. **** on the PT
2. **** on the OT
Because that's what this boils down to. Those things don't matter and Yoda/Kenobi would have been hunted by 500 Star Destroyers, Vader, the entire 501st, etc.... just impractical for them to fight in the Rebellion. Better off thinking they were dead and training Luke.
Have you ever thought that maybe he was... old and dying in ESB/ROTJ? And that's why he wasn't seen as this great warrior? I don't see the issue with Yoda. This again is just something being not getting what you wanted. Yoda isn't ruined because he can fight
Chewie should have never been in the ST either. A taxi driver for Rey and they ruined him. He does nothing. Ignores everyone. Doesn't hug Leia. Total joke.
TROS is way more than two simple steps from being perfect. Geezus.
PT did a better job at it than the ST. But, you can't admit the issues that plague the ST and the retcons and the ill guided plans and the nostalgic hail mary, etc...
You should watch Jedi again.
Wait.. You are doing the same thing by saying that the OT somehow is the problem by painting the PT in a corner...
Its not a rock in a hard place.. Lucas turned it into one.
With the way Lucas ended up making the story... I ask.. Why couldn't Obi Wan and Yoda fight instead of protecting Luke.. Obi Wan already beat Vader. Basically killed him. Yoda faired well against the Emperor... Why would Luke fair any better the two Jedi knights. Its not like they thought he could bring Vader to the good side to beat the Emperor.. Nope.. Luke was hopelessly outmatched when it came to the Emperor.
Like I said.. If Lucas just stayed with his original ideas.. Yoda is just a teacher.. Ben was hiding and protecting Luke from being found.. Luke is the last hope because Ben is too old to do anything... Then there is no issues.
They weren't training Luke though.. If not for Leia and R2 when the Hell was Ben ever going to train him? I mean Obi Wan should have been training him at a much yonger age if we follow PT logic.. The longer you wait the more chance of failure aparently.
And Why is it more impractical for them to fight then Luke? They could hide for a little bit but in a few years when the rebellion comes to being, go out and team up... They could have used them for sure. But no, Hide and let Luke fight your battles. Wait so long to train him and that way you can make sure he is really not ready to take on Vader and the Emperor.. They know the issues with Anakin being trained at a later age.. Ben waits until Luke is 20 and is basically pushed into it.. Again these are problems the PT created for the OT
Yoda is the one who tells Luke that Wars to not make one great... That is why he is not seen as a great warrior. It sums up who he is as a character.. Wars not make one great.. Such a great line and told us in one sentence who this character was.
I am sorry.. It's not about "not getting what I wanted" That's your issue with Luke and Han in the ST.
No I was just going on what was presented in the OT and who and what they said Yoda was / is.. Even George himself said Yoda was not a fighter.. Just a teacher and that is how he was portrayed.
But Lucas decided to "RJ" it all and made Yoda a warrior... Sure Yoda was going to die in ROTJ.. But there was 23 years between ROTS and ESB for him to get off his ass and do something.. Obviously he was not waiting to train Luke because Obi Wan was doing nothing with Luke on Tatooine. If Not for R2 find Obi Wan... Well it it was only 4 years later that Yoda died so he may never have got the chance to train him.
There you go deflecting from the PT to attack the ST.. this aint the ST thread anymore.. Defend the badness that is the PT
My point about him being in ROTS is that now he is friends with an old Jedi master and the Jedi were only all but extinct for 20 years but Chewie cant convince Han that there is something called the Force..
No... I am guessing Chewie new nothing of the force in the OT either...
Using Chewie in ROTS was much worse... It really was just fan service.. And they way he looked in it really sucked.
Same. I can honestly say that I do enjoy the PT for what it is especially now that it has links to Mando, TROS, and the awesome TCW finale. And if I ever want to return to pure SW I have 4K77/Harmy ESB/4K83.
As a whole I really enjoyed my last viewing of the entire Saga.
It's too bad that George didn't simply fill in the backstory as layed out by the ROTJ story meetings but as we often say every SW after ESB has its share of "coulda/woulda/shouldas." I'd rather enjoy each film for what they are than worry about what they aren't.
Exactly.. Other then the two classics the rest of the films are coulda/woulda/shoulda. I am cool with enjoying them for what they are.
I've enjoyed aspects of the PT from the very beginning but so much of it also pissed me off especially when it seemed that they would forever be the final word on the Saga. Thank God for everything that has come since which has taken the pressure off them being anything more than fun alternatives to revisit here and there with some cool additions to the lore if I don't think too hard about their shortcomings
I have had a weird relationship with the PT.
I was in shock after TPM.. I loved moments but man... I just did not know what to think.
I like the next two a lot in the theater.. Mostly because they were not TPM.
Then I end up liking TPM the best and not caring for the next to films.
Then I end up hating them all. Then I started to like them and then hated them again
And again I just can not stress how thankful I am for TROS. It really brought me back to the SW saga. This is the most time I have ever spent in a SW thread. I am thinking about SW all the time. I now enjoy the PT and TFA. I am back into TCW and now enjoying Rebels. I am listening to the Soundtracks.. Watching SW you tube videos, playing video games, buying books and statues. I am just a kid again with all this. I freaking love it.
I am happy that I enjoy everything as a whole... I can see the warts but forgive them and enjoy what is good. I really feel sorry (and I don't mean this in a condescending way) for those that can not find any enjoyment in the ST. To be able to let go of the hate and try to find some enjoyment. I know what that feels like and I know the impact it had on me for the series as a whole. I am so happy that I no longer feel that way. I am so happy that I found my way back to the PT even though I find AOTC and ROTS to be very problematic I still enjoyed them the most I ever have since the first time I saw them.
All of this is due to my enjoyment of TROS. Its really like a weight has been lifted off me.
Maybe in 10 years this film wont age well for me. But I don't care I will always be thankful for the way it made me feel in the theaters on that opening night and the way I have felt since then.
I loved talking SW with all you guys. I love hearing Ducky's take on the PT. Its been a blast. I wish we could all get together around a big camp fire and talk star wars for an entire weekend
Who knows.. Maybe in 5 years the ST can forget about their hate and give the ST another try and watch them through the eyes of those who like the films. Instead of watching negative reviews of the film watch some of the videos that point out the positives and watch the films with those in mind. I am not saying they will love the films. But perhaps with time they will see that the ST had some great characters and some great moments. I wont hold my breath.. But anything is possible
I will and I will enjoy it.
Those are your issues with it, I was just using the OT to state that those issues came from the OT, not PT.
I don't have a problem with Kenobi/Yoda leaving. Kenobi needed to protect Luke, Yoda needed to stay alive to train Luke in case Kenobi couldn't.
What are Yoda and Kenobi supposed to do after they failed once already? They are #1 on the wanted posters. Getting into Coruscant to attack the Emperor would be suicide. I suppose they could both get to Vader, but honestly I'm not sure if they could take him. Vader can channel his anger and rage far better in the suit than he could during ROTS.
And then, if they die, Luke is screwed. He would waste away on Tatooine then join the Empire.
Yoda was both a teacher and a fighter in the PT. Nothing wrong with that imo. Can be both.
You'll be happy to hear this Jaws as it fits with our thinking on Qui-Gon and proves our point against asta
Ok, so I checked and in the book version of ROTS Yoda doesn't want Luke to be trained because he wants to trust in the living force to bring the twins to them/together and that the living force will offer all the training they need, among other things, stating that there are other ways to gain "self-discipline."
Going by this, it is assumed Qui-Gon reached out or Yoda knew that Qui-Gon's version of training would have ultimately been better (aka trust in the living force, forming attachments not all bad, allowing discipline to come through other means than training, family being seen as strength than weakness, etc...). Yoda then straight up asks Kenobi if he wants to be a father to Luke and he responds with "no, a eccentric Uncle." So, Kenobi still does not view himself as a father figure at this point.
Well, the OT could have just started with Kenobi training Luke all along... problem solved...
Create a work around to the problem then. How would you do it?
I think it goes back to trusting that Luke would turn out different and be stronger than his father knowing that the force runs strong with Skywalker family.
That is true, but...
My problems with Luke in the ST is directly related to that quote.
Yes it is. You wanted Yoda to be a teacher, you literally just said it
Luke and Han in the ST go against everything they were, destroys their characters in the OT. Yoda being able to fight doesn't compromise his core values. The PT never compromised any characters core values, the ST did.
Trying to make Lucas out to be RJ in the PT is never going to work.
I already did defend it and you didn't like what I said. What else am I supposed to do.
This is the Mando thread and you guys turned it into a PT bash fest
Han is stubborn an arrogant. Not that much of a stretch.
Nope. Cool to see his homeworld and knowing that he saved Yoda.
Fan service is Palpatine returning. Never planned. Last minute.
I just got done watching Beastmaster for the first time in close to 30 years and holy crap what an awesome blast from the past, lol.
It even reminded me of SW at the end because the whole movie he's prophesied from birth to one day kill the bad guy and while he does stab the bad guy with a little knife it's actually one of his pet ferrets that jumps on the guy's neck, bites him, and makes him fall into the fire pit. I literally lol'd thinking "so the ferret fulfilled the prophecy??"
Anakin = The Beastmaster
Rey = the ferret
JAWS is bang-on correct in these posts.
TLJ Luke is a problem for me. But it's a problem that originated in TFA which in turn copied what became one of the most questionable aspects of the OT - the issue regarding Obi-wan and Yoda sitting on their arses - which in turn really became a problem only after the PT was made and we saw how badass they both could be.
When Yoda is picked up by Bail Organa in that speeder in ROTS and he says ''into exile I must go'' it was jarring as **** to me in light of everything I'd just seen. If I was a character in the movie and I'd witnessed that battle (hypothetical - I know Bail did not witness the fight) I'd be saying to Yoda ''Errrr....you must go into exile after that one evenly matched fight beeecaussse...reasons? You're clearly the best hope for defeating the Emperor'' And if I later found out that Obi-wan had defeated Anakin I'd be even more encouraged. Why the **** have you both decided to cut and run?
Anyone who has a problem with Luke in the ST should equally have a problem with Obi-wan and Yoda of the PT deciding to take themselves out of the fight.
You can't say it was so they could train Luke because they weren't even training him. They waited till Obi-wan became elderly and till Yoda became even more elderly. They waited till Luke was 20 - which was too late by PT rules - and only certain happenstance events even seemed to bring Luke to Obi-wan in any case. I don't get the impression from ANH that Luke was in regular contact with the guy he knew as Old Ben. Meanwhile the situation had gotten much worse because the Emperor had strengthened his armies, fleets and hold over the galaxy and developed the Death Star. We're supposed to believe they thought Luke was going to fare better against all of that than they could have against the early Empire? As far as they knew at the time Vader was out of the picture and there wasn't yet any planet-destroying superweapon. Seems to me they had much better odds than Luke.
And remember they were expecting Luke to kill Vader and the Emperor - if they weren't confident that they could do it - 2 jedi masters/accomplished war generals - what possible hope did they think a single farmboy-turned jedi trainee had?
And there's no indication in the OT that they were anticipating what actually happened - Luke turning Vader back to the light and Anakin killing the Emperor. Obi-wan is dismissive when Luke says there is good left in Vader and he practically blackmails him when Luke says he can't kill his father - ''then the Emperor has already won''.
Either both PT and ST are at fault or neither of them are and you just roll with it. I choose to ditch both myself. The OT standing on its own has less problems. There are still questions - but I'll take the questions over the movies that not only failed to answer those questions in a satisfying way but compounded the problems and made them glaringly worse.
I love how everyone can more eloquently put my thoughts down on this thread
Saying that Obi Wan and Yoda being public enemy #1 is not a good excuse either.. By sending Luke into the thick of things they make him public enemy number one.. They had time to lay low and then get back into the battle.
Seems the only one they cared about was themselves and Leia... But they really only cared about her in Jedi because Ben and Yoda just found out that she was the other hope by Master George.
Thank goodness "SW is all fake" and I can just roll with the punches and choose to accept it all.
JAWS is bang-on correct in these posts.
TLJ Luke is a problem for me. But it's a problem that originated in TFA which in turn copied what became one of the most questionable aspects of the OT - the issue regarding Obi-wan and Yoda sitting on their arses - which in turn really became a problem only after the PT was made and we saw how badass they both could be.
When Yoda is picked up by Bail Organa in that speeder in ROTS and he says ''into exile I must go'' it was jarring as **** to me in light of everything I'd just seen. If I was a character in the movie and I'd witnessed that battle (hypothetical - I know Bail did not witness the fight) I'd be saying to Yoda ''Errrr....you must go into exile after that one evenly matched fight beeecaussse...reasons? You're clearly the best hope for defeating the Emperor'' And if I later found out that Obi-wan had defeated Anakin I'd be even more encouraged. Why the **** have you both decided to cut and run?
Anyone who has a problem with Luke in the ST should equally have a problem with Obi-wan and Yoda of the PT deciding to take themselves out of the fight.
You can't say it was so they could train Luke because they weren't even training him. They waited till Obi-wan became elderly and till Yoda became even more elderly. They waited till Luke was 20 - which was too late by PT rules - and only certain happenstance events even seemed to bring Luke to Obi-wan in any case. I don't get the impression from ANH that Luke was in regular contact with the guy he knew as Old Ben. Meanwhile the situation had gotten much worse because the Emperor had strengthened his armies, fleets and hold over the galaxy and developed the Death Star. We're supposed to believe they thought Luke was going to fare better against all of that than they could have against the early Empire? As far as they knew at the time Vader was out of the picture and there wasn't yet any planet-destroying superweapon. Seems to me they had much better odds than Luke.
And remember they were expecting Luke to kill Vader and the Emperor - if they weren't confident that they could do it - 2 jedi masters/accomplished war generals - what possible hope did they think a single farmboy-turned jedi trainee had?
And there's no indication in the OT that they were anticipating what actually happened - Luke turning Vader back to the light and Anakin killing the Emperor. Obi-wan is dismissive when Luke says there is good left in Vader and he practically blackmails him when Luke says he can't kill his father - ''then the Emperor has already won''.
Either both PT and ST are at fault or neither of them are and you just roll with it. I choose to ditch both myself. The OT standing on its own has less problems. There are still questions - but I'll take the questions over the movies that not only failed to answer those questions in a satisfying way but compounded the problems and made them glaringly worse.
I love how everyone can more eloquently put my thoughts down on this thread
Saying that Obi Wan and Yoda being public enemy #1 is not a good excuse either.. By sending Luke into the thick of things they make him public enemy number one. They had time to lay low and then get back into the battle.
Seems the only one they cared about was themselves and Leia... But they really only cared about her in Jedi because Ben and Yoda just found out that she was the other hope by Master George.
Thank goodness "SW is all fake" and I can just roll with the punches and choose to accept it all.
True, that's one of the flaws in the OT as a result of George's own retcon - ''that boy is our last hope'' ''no, there is another'' ''Oh yes, the one we were just trying to discourage him from rescuing''
I can actually buy their going into exile in the immediate aftermath of the Jedi purge; with the exception of a select few like Bail Organa and Palpatine's collaborators, no one left in the Republic was clued into his being anything but the Supreme Chancellor. When the war is fought between a droid army and a now mind-controlled clone army, it was pretty easy for Palpatine to control the narrative and continue duping the people going forward. What I don't buy is Yoda and Obi-Wan staying in exile for so long. Based on how Lucas fleshed out their characters in the PT, any reasonable person would expect them to develop an underground network to identify & recruit kids with potential Force gifts before the Empire either killed them or snatched them up to be stormtroopers.
I can actually buy their going into exile in the immediate aftermath of the Jedi purge; with the exception of a select few like Bail Organa and Palpatine's collaborators, no one left in the Republic was clued into his being anything but the Supreme Chancellor. When the war is fought between a droid army and a now mind-controlled clone army, it was pretty easy for Palpatine to control the narrative and continue duping the people going forward. What I don't buy is Yoda and Obi-Wan staying in exile for so long. Based on how Lucas fleshed out their characters in the PT, any reasonable person would expect them to develop an underground network to identify & recruit kids with potential Force gifts before the Empire either killed them or snatched them up to be stormtroopers.
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