The Mandalorian (Star Wars Live Action Series)

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[...] But honestly, if I am truthful about it, (and I love the show so far) it it pretty much jam packed with cliches, and well worn action scenes and plots.

Which is what I suppose most SW fans want, just repetitive same as the OT and most older action flicks.

At this point , I cannot tell whats an actual tribute or nod to an older show, or just lazy writing.

I know of one person so far that thinks this show is crap. He charges that it's composed entirely of tired cliches.

So from a certain point of view...he's not wrong. Where genre fiction is concerned I've often held that no one need re-invent the wheel so long as they make a really good wheel.

But it does beg the question: what *would* be original at this point? I mean...rock music uses 3 chords. Stories use what...3 acts? Is it about how these things are composed and combined (like DNA) or do we really need something totally new, and if so what the hell would that even be?

Star Wars has Force users, Militaries, Scum & Villainy. What else is there? Alien cultures? I imagine a xeno-anthropological study would be about as entertaining as a trade dispute... :dunno
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JAWAS criminal empire > Crimson Dawn and Black Sun


Yes especially since I had to google Black Sun, lol.

KK now deserve praise for Mandalorian as she does criticism for TlJ?

Still under her watch, no?

Or is it?

I'm sure KK deserves credit for whatever part she played in allowing the series to be greenlit but creatively there's no way in hell a single person in this photo had one shred of input on Mando, lol:

Great job to Katherine Kennedy and her put of this world hit with the Mandalorian!!!

Just for all those who like to bash Disney and KK.

But honestly, if I am truthful about it, (and I love the show so far) it it pretty much jam packed with cliches, and well worn action scenes and plots.

Which is what I suppose most SW fans want, just repetitive same as the OT and most older action flicks.

At this point , I cannot tell whats an actual tribute or nod to an older show, or just lazy writing.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....

Who is Katherine...?

I do agree with what you've said about the repetition and cliche. I do love it though, it's entertaining to me, that's all that counts.
I know of one person so far that thinks this show is crap. He charges that it's composed entirely of tired cliches.

So from a certain point of view...he's not wrong. Where genre fiction is concerned I've often held that no one need re-invent the wheel so long as they make a really good wheel.

But it does beg the question: what *would* be original at this point? I mean...rock music uses 3 chords. Stories use what...3 acts? Is it about how these things are composed and combined (like DNA) or do we really need something totally new, and if so what the hell would that even be?

Star Wars has Force users, Militaries, Scum & Villainy. What else is there? Alien cultures? I imagine a xeno-anthropological study would be about as entertaining as a trade dispute... :dunno

Spot on!

Hence the Rocky like music in the show lol

New but certainly weird.

Yes especially since I had to google Black Sun, lol.

I'm sure KK deserves credit for whatever part she played in allowing the series to be greenlit but creatively there's no way in hell a single person in this photo had one shred of input on Mando, lol:


I think the conversation went something like this...

Favreau: Rian and Pablo are coming lock the door quick.

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Holy crap! :lol :rotfl

Dude if Hong Kong protesters start appearing on the news dressed as jawas I'm going to freaking lose it, lol.

I just can?t

Now you made me turn on the news and cross my fingers lol

JAWA gang > Joker gang

Always will be.

sorry Clown/ironwez

Dude I bet a JAWA in the background said to Mando I Have Spoken in their tongue then giggled like a mad man lol

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I just can?t

Now you made me turn on the news and cross my fingers lol

JAWA gang > Joker gang

Always will be.

sorry Clown/ironwez

Dude I bet a JAWA in the background said to Mando I Have Spoken in their tongue then giggled like a mad man lol

When I come out could you introduce me as Jawa, lol.
Great job to Katherine Kennedy and her put of this world hit with the Mandalorian!!!

Just for all those who like to bash Disney and KK.

But honestly, if I am truthful about it, (and I love the show so far) it it pretty much jam packed with cliches, and well worn action scenes and plots.

Which is what I suppose most SW fans want, just repetitive same as the OT and most older action flicks.

At this point , I cannot tell whats an actual tribute or nod to an older show, or just lazy writing.

Sure there might be a bit of that, but it's in world. Of course there is going to be a lot of familiarity.

If people don't like familiarity and OT grittiness then go watch TLJ.
If people don't like familiarity and OT grittiness then go watch TLJ.

Damn, lol.

So what if there are cliches (or more accurately "tropes" since by definition cliches imply overruse of a specific literary device) as long as they are done well with likable characters.

These types of criticisms are themselves cliches, take a look 32 years back to 1987 when Gene Siskel wrote off Predator as just Rambo meets ALIENS, "a tired approach that we've already seen before." And Ebert is all "yeah but they filmed the entire thing in the jungle, Arnold was charismatic and the creature looked cool so what's the problem", lol.

And now here we are decades later with Predator hailed as a masterpiece of the genre. That's why I didn't pay any mind to Scorsese's comments, we've heard it all before. The comments will fade but great storytelling endures.
:lol :lol

Rose and Mando in Canto Bight:

Rose: "Look closer."

Mando (zooms in on fathiers): "Ah yes, I bet I could kill all the mothers and trade their young for parts."


:lol perfect :lol

And more importantly accurate to the source good job lol

When I come out could you introduce me as Jawa, lol.

Yup that?s my post of the day right there lol

I see my nemesis Jannah is KK's right hand woman.

Could Star Wars have been handed to a worse foursome? *waits for the jokes to fly*

Well I guess when you put it that way yikes lol

Where is your episode 2 review.

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Thought I was crazy hearing that theme after seeing Carl on screen....thats when I couldn?t tell if it was tribute or joke....

Of course the Indiana jones/mad max ?smush him on a wall? scene was totally the definition of cliche.


There is just enough interesting tidbits in this to keep you hooked.

The whole thing reminds me of Firefly. Which is a good thing to me. It will be interesting to see certain fans crawl out the woodwork again to bash this the second it has a bad episode. Or introduces a strong female character they deem unbelievable.

In the end its proof most SW fans want recycled tropes and pew pew.

Should be easy for Disney from here on.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Of course the Indiana jones/mad max ?smush him on a wall? scene was totally the definition of cliche....

But...that's a thing you would do if trying to get someone off the side of your vehicle. If that's a cliche then him hanging on the side of the Sandcrawler was a cliche in the first place. A car ramming another car in a car chase is a cliche. A car chase is a cliche.
But...that's a thing you would do if trying to get someone off the side of your vehicle. If that's a cliche then him hanging on the side of the Sandcrawler was a cliche in the first place. A car ramming another car in a car chase is a cliche. A car chase is a cliche.

Well , yea thats my point.

If I were a disgruntled TLJ fan I would be complaining about that. Why didnt he just climb it from the back?

Or just follow it , like he did later?
Or this or that....

Or the fact he got crushed by a 10 ton animal and walked away.

Or somehow the actually repaired that ship at all.

There are answers of course, but unlike with TLJ , people do not seem to need them..

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Well , yea thats my point.

If I were a disgruntled TLJ fan I would be complaining about that. Why didnt he just climb it from the back?

Or just follow it , like he did later?
Or this or that....

Or the fact he got crushed by a 10 ton animal and walked away.

Or somehow the actually repaired that ship at all.

There are answers of course, but unlike with TLJ , people do not seem to need them..

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....

Ah, I understand. Well, it's true that when people like what they've been presented overall they excuse the little stuff. But if there's something major or something otherwise fundamental that ruined their enjoyment of said thing then they will rip apart every aspect. I'd be no exception to that.

Obviously it's too soon for that to have happened with Mandalorian.
Great job to Katherine Kennedy and her put of this world hit with the Mandalorian!!!

Just for all those who like to bash Disney and KK.

But honestly, if I am truthful about it, (and I love the show so far) it it pretty much jam packed with cliches, and well worn action scenes and plots.

Which is what I suppose most SW fans want, just repetitive same as the OT and most older action flicks.

At this point , I cannot tell whats an actual tribute or nod to an older show, or just lazy writing.

It will be interesting to see certain fans crawl out the woodwork again to bash this the second it has a bad episode. Or introduces a strong female character they deem unbelievable.

In the end its proof most SW fans want recycled tropes and pew pew.

Should be easy for Disney from here on.

If I were a disgruntled TLJ fan I would be complaining about that.

There are answers of course, but unlike with TLJ , people do not seem to need them..
